Everyone is sick of your Delta propaganda, and chest pounding of world supremacy. So they are the biggest, the best, the most profitable, the overall winners of the industry. Now take your ball, and go home. I have stated numerous times just how bizzare your fascination with Delta is, especially since you don't even work for them any longer. They either brainwashed the hell out of you, or your secretly doing PR work for them. Boasting about all of this BS on the boards of an airline going thru BK is in very poor taste to say the least. The sheer excitement of LGA alone arouses you to no end. Like I said before, if you were such a tower of airline knowledge, you would be working for one in their HDQ. As far as we know, that isn't the case, is it?
IOW you can't keep up with the conversation so you resort to personal attacks.
May I invite you to have a look at the historical pages of this forum.... you of all people have no place touting moral supremacy unless of course you would like to ask that pages and pages of your posts be removed or at least you deny what you previously said.
This is an open aviation chat forum. My posts have highlighted the strategic failures of AA and US individually as well as the continued competitive assaults they have unsuccessfully endured.
The reason why DL's gains in NYC are so significant is because NYC to practically any city is the largest market for any carrier. The LGA slot deal is about DL gaining the ability to compete directly with every carrier in their top revenue markets.
US told its employees -and you parrotted it - that those 125 slot pairs had no value. DL is proving otherwise.... and now operates larger aircraft in PIT-LGA, a former US hub, than US is.
AA has said their strategy in the JFK transcon markets is to reduce the seating capacity of their aircraft in order to skim off the best revenue. Problem is with that theory is that DL is already carrying very similar amounts of total onboard revenue per flight as AA is so it is a given if AA goes to an all A321 transcon fleet w/ less than 120 passengers per flight that DL will become the largest carrier in the transcon markets.
DL just persisted - because it said being a major player in the transcon markets matters - and could very well be within the next couple years - the largest carrier in the transcon markets.
If you don't underestand the role of the transcon markets in making AA and UA what they were in US aviation and why it is so significant as more and more markets from NYC become markets where DL is the dominant carrier, then the conversation is meaningless. If you do, then it is no surprise that you not only don't want to talk about them but want to shut down anyone who tells the truth.
The US airline industry is moving from consolidation to a restructuring of market power. An AA/US merger won't change that reality.
Based on the number of negative responses I’ve received on this thread compared to what I received on the threads about WN’s impact on DL after the FL merger and the DL acquisition of the refinery, you have every reason to be very afraid of the future. I took an approach decidedly different than all of the professional analysts and it was I, not them or the vast majority of the members of this forum who was right.
All of your posts have to be read through the lens of your own bias of your loyalty to US which has not achieved anywhere close to what it said it would achieve in the past and it is equally doubtful they will achieve what they say they will achieve in the future.
BTW, US isn't in BK no matter what you and your little fan club think.