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Another US red flag?

you said that a long time ago... yet you are still here.

The DL, WN, and UA forums have virtually no activity because there is very little activity WRT labor which is 99% of what these boards consist of.

The other 1% are people who have been pushing the AA/US merger for two weeks shy of 1 year since AA went into BK.....

It is precisely some of those same people who don't want to hear that AA/US aren't doing as well as the corporate heads say...

It is for those who actually want to have some semblence of connection with the real environment in the airline industry that I write what I do.....

if that is being a lonely bully, then perhaps those who have pushed the AA/US merger for so long should be taking a real long hard look in the mirror.

I have no problem w/ anyone being deeply committed to a cause... but pushing that cause while running from very obvious realities is not exactly what you would call a well-adjusted person. Calling someone else problematic because they won't line up w/ your distorted view of the world is way over the top.

It's not like anything that is said on these forums really will change the world... but the information might change some people's perception of it.

I like your posts.....

Just saying.
What you post is occasionally of academic interest. The problem I suspect many have with them is your increasingly boorish delivery. The good stuff is drowned out by your hubris.

That's right- labor issues are a huge portion of this website's traffic. Instead of constantly bulldozing your way through threads, you oughta consider that one of the main purposes this board serves is for employees to vent/commiserate/whatever. That may not be what you want to discuss, but that's just how it is. You don't get to dictate the direction topics take anymore than anyone else.

Stop being so hell bent on being right, and recognize that maybe this isn't the website for you. I'm not saying leave or to quit posting; only that there's likely a site out there with a membership more into discussing the things you're interested in than here.
or perhaps I have a purpose in posting here precisely because this board has lost most of the participants who don't have an axe to grind with AA or US mgmt or to push a labor agenda. and, as you have found out, the number of people who are interested in hearing about the perceptions of a handful of PMNW people who don't like the way DL is run is growing smaller by the day -and the vocal majority are saying "enough already"

Hell bent on being right is not the point or goal. being willing to discuss the reality of the world IS.

Perhaps the board is best served by NOT caving into the fleeting thin subject interests of the vocal majority at the expense of other topics.
The AA/US merger will sort itself out in a fairly short period of time... as it has w/ the DL/NW, UA/CO, and WN/FL mergers.
There will always be a constant interest for airline people who want to know what really goes on behind the scenes WRT to finances and strategic decisions that mgmt teams won't put in press releases and SEC filings. Given that you like others have acknowledged that the heart of what makes a good airline work is network/mgmt planning and execution, it is worth noting how that works for some of the biggest players in the industry. People's jobs and salaries are closely related to how that area works.

I'm not planning on going anywhere or changing the topics I post, BTW.

thanks..... I receive messages from other people saying they appreciate what I do as well.... like you, many of them don't enter into the discussion but want to read what I write.
or perhaps I have a purpose in posting here precisely because this board has lost most of the participants who don't have an axe to grind with AA or US mgmt or to push a labor agenda. and, as you have found out, the number of people who are interested in hearing about the perceptions of a handful of PMNW people who don't like the way DL is run is growing smaller by the day -and the vocal majority are saying "enough already"

That's nice... except you're on the AA board. Attempt to marginalize me all you want; it doesn't change the truth in what I wrote.

But hey, what do I know. After all I'm just someone who's made a "career out of being an internet whiner," right?

Hell bent on being right is not the point or goal. being willing to discuss the reality of the world IS.

How you come across to others says otherwise. Like it or not, the substance that may in exist in what you write is getting lost in how you write it.

The AA/US merger will sort itself out in a fairly short period of time... as it has w/ the DL/NW, UA/CO, and WN/FL mergers.
There will always be a constant interest for airline people who want to know what really goes on behind the scenes WRT to finances and strategic decisions that mgmt teams won't put in press releases and SEC filings. Given that you like others have acknowledged that the heart of what makes a good airline work is network/mgmt planning and execution, it is worth noting how that works for some of the biggest players in the industry. People's jobs and salaries are closely related to how that area works.

Nobody's arguing that. My point is only that the majority of interest in this page caters to something else.

I'm not planning on going anywhere or changing the topics I post, BTW.

Great. Good for you. Keep on keepin' on, then.
Hell bent on being right is not the point or goal. being willing to discuss the reality of the world IS.

How you come across to others says otherwise. Like it or not, the substance that may in exist in what you write is getting lost in how you write it.

WT is an ordained minister. It's in his nature to preach to others. 😀
I wonder if his house has extra wide doorways to fit his huge head and ego.

I guess he doesnt realize that DL stuff should be posted on the DL board, but he has to post Delta is good, everyone else is bad on every other airline board and hijack the topic. And he is never wrong, we all are according to his world.
He had to expand away from there due to the lack of response he gets. As I have said before, negative attention is better than none at all.
While many tend to focus on the negative side of this possible merger, those that have lost jobs at stations common with US would get back to work at some point.
Not all of the jobs lost at AA would be saved in either situation, but the numbers would be somewhat reduced.
It amazes me that so many of the people that think I am just trying to draw attention to myself end up being part of the probably 1/3 of the 159 posts on this thread that are about me and have absolutely nothing to do with the subject at hand.

Why is it so difficult for some people to grasp the concept that not everyone in the world is going to agree with you and, at that point, you can either choose to participate in the conversation in a constructive manner or walk away?

Has there been one lumen worth of light added to the conversation by those people who want to storm out of the conversation by telling us all they are going to block my posts - and does it stop anyone else from particpating? In fact, all their moves have done is to keep the thread going. Talk about a strategy that has backfired.

Is what I have to say on this thread so threatening to some people that can't walk away and just let it go w/o a response?

And, yes, the posts I have made in this thread are absolutely related to the topic - because I have shown that the notion that AA/US will be the US' largest airline is nothing more than the same media hype that has been part of every merger... with reality 2-3 years later showing a completely different situation?
Add in that there are real facts that AA and US alone continue to face significant competitive erosion of their markets and the notion that AA/US will be as large as they are now, even after the so-call "optimization of the network" (read reduction in capacity/dropping of routes/shutting of hubs) that of course is not factored into the "we'll be the biggest" claims. The whole reason Wall Street will support a merger is because it will remove excess capacity and push up revenue generating capabilities for both AA and US - which has trailed other players in the industry.

For those who can't discuss those facts, just walk away... or find some of your own facts to counter what is posted. The delivery - whether liked or not - doesn't change the facts.

no one is marginalizing you but I have noted that there are plenty of people on multiple airline chat forums that aren't interested in discussing the labor aspects of DL/NW any longer You are free to continue your posts if you wish, regardless of what anyone else thinks, including me. There are people who support what you post and want to see you keep posting... in the very same way that I have people who want to see me continue posting what I post along side others who would be happy to never see another post from me. I've obviously chosen to keep doing what I have been doing for nine years, torpedoes or not.

The world is big enough for you and I both to continue doing what we do...whether you and I are fans of what each other writes.

The best job and salary protection is in growing the company larger than what it was before the two airlines merged. Taking two airlines and merging them w/o growing revenues while reducing the duplicate parts of the network is a guaranteed formula for job reductions.
Everyone is sick of your Delta propaganda, and chest pounding of world supremacy. So they are the biggest, the best, the most profitable, the overall winners of the industry. Now take your ball, and go home. I have stated numerous times just how bizzare your fascination with Delta is, especially since you don't even work for them any longer. They either brainwashed the hell out of you, or your secretly doing PR work for them. Boasting about all of this BS on the boards of an airline going thru BK is in very poor taste to say the least. The sheer excitement of LGA alone arouses you to no end. Like I said before, if you were such a tower of airline knowledge, you would be working for one in their HDQ. As far as we know, that isn't the case, is it?
I'll say it again, just ignore the pest and he will go away. I can't state strong enough how much better this forum is without WT! Now if people wouldn't quote her, then I really would be able to ignore her all the time. Either way, best decision I ever made on here!
Everyone is sick of your Delta propaganda, and chest pounding of world supremacy. So they are the biggest, the best, the most profitable, the overall winners of the industry. Now take your ball, and go home. I have stated numerous times just how bizzare your fascination with Delta is, especially since you don't even work for them any longer. They either brainwashed the hell out of you, or your secretly doing PR work for them. Boasting about all of this BS on the boards of an airline going thru BK is in very poor taste to say the least. The sheer excitement of LGA alone arouses you to no end. Like I said before, if you were such a tower of airline knowledge, you would be working for one in their HDQ. As far as we know, that isn't the case, is it?
IOW you can't keep up with the conversation so you resort to personal attacks.
May I invite you to have a look at the historical pages of this forum.... you of all people have no place touting moral supremacy unless of course you would like to ask that pages and pages of your posts be removed or at least you deny what you previously said.
This is an open aviation chat forum. My posts have highlighted the strategic failures of AA and US individually as well as the continued competitive assaults they have unsuccessfully endured.
The reason why DL's gains in NYC are so significant is because NYC to practically any city is the largest market for any carrier. The LGA slot deal is about DL gaining the ability to compete directly with every carrier in their top revenue markets.
US told its employees -and you parrotted it - that those 125 slot pairs had no value. DL is proving otherwise.... and now operates larger aircraft in PIT-LGA, a former US hub, than US is.
AA has said their strategy in the JFK transcon markets is to reduce the seating capacity of their aircraft in order to skim off the best revenue. Problem is with that theory is that DL is already carrying very similar amounts of total onboard revenue per flight as AA is so it is a given if AA goes to an all A321 transcon fleet w/ less than 120 passengers per flight that DL will become the largest carrier in the transcon markets.
DL just persisted - because it said being a major player in the transcon markets matters - and could very well be within the next couple years - the largest carrier in the transcon markets.
If you don't underestand the role of the transcon markets in making AA and UA what they were in US aviation and why it is so significant as more and more markets from NYC become markets where DL is the dominant carrier, then the conversation is meaningless. If you do, then it is no surprise that you not only don't want to talk about them but want to shut down anyone who tells the truth.
The US airline industry is moving from consolidation to a restructuring of market power. An AA/US merger won't change that reality.

Based on the number of negative responses I’ve received on this thread compared to what I received on the threads about WN’s impact on DL after the FL merger and the DL acquisition of the refinery, you have every reason to be very afraid of the future. I took an approach decidedly different than all of the professional analysts and it was I, not them or the vast majority of the members of this forum who was right.
All of your posts have to be read through the lens of your own bias of your loyalty to US which has not achieved anywhere close to what it said it would achieve in the past and it is equally doubtful they will achieve what they say they will achieve in the future.
BTW, US isn't in BK no matter what you and your little fan club think.
The American Airlines forum generally isn't going to appreciate the Pro Delta flavor of your amateur analyst proselytizeing.

Yes, Delta is doing well at the moment.Congratulations, savor it,but don't come here preaching the gospel of Anderson and wonder why the natives are boiling you alive.

We simply don't care and no, we don't want or need you to "Be the messenger" of our employers shortcomings.Trust us, we work here, we know.We certainly don't need you to come in and highlight it for us.

I know sports fans who aren't as rabid about their teams as you are about Delta.

Come on, tell us...you've got a Widget tattoo somewhere on your body don't you? :afro:

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