No, I am not an FA. I would suck at it to be honest and I know that the pay is terrible. I am ACS.
I don't hear the outrage over the poor pay at McDonald's or Walmart.
Well anyone on the forum that read any of your posts - knows that your are not employed as a flight attendant.
What was your quote? "because you would suck at it", I dare say you are correct - and probably do in your current job - hopefully it's not on the front lines.
Notice I didn't say CAREER. It's now a job - thats because the company doesn't owe you anything.
There must be a reason you are so content with paying more and still working for the worst airline in the industry:
1.) Lack a college education, life experience , and don't know any better,
2.) Truly believes ignorance is bliss, and everything on FOX news
3.) Independently wealthy
4.) "Would do anything to work for an airline"
5.) Too old to start over - too young to retire
Point #1:
"I don't hear the outrage over poor pay an McDonad's or Walmart". Thats because people either needed A JOB - or they were looking FOR EMPLOYMENT in a chosen profession.
1.) Needing a job: ( and are looking for an entry level position) You go to work for ANY outfit regardless if it reputation and pay the worst in the industry because after all - you just needed a job
2.) Looking for employment in a chosen profession: (with a college education and competitive resume) You take a position with an outfit that's compensation and benefits that were competitive and relative to your experience and qualifications. Company that was in par with others in the same industry and peers. Management team. Will defer employment until you find the right company.
Which category are you?
Point #2
Do you really want to compare employee satisfaction at McDonalds and Walmart to US Airways?
If you chose number #2 above then you found yourself being merged with a company that was barely holding their own - views their employees as a liability, has a long contemptuousness history with labor relations, and who's business model could best be described as: CHEAP.
Now imagine yourself with 20-30-40 years happily invested into your once former "CAREER", pension looted, watching the bankruptcy court render "wealth redistribution" with your retirement, pay and work rules, and your seniority nullified or violated. To make matters worse, the AIRLINE you used to work has now morphed into the low rent version of a commuter airline managed by the clones of the likes of Bill Franke and Frank Lorenzo.
Would you be happy?
Now after all the concessions and givebacks management tells you "Thanks for your sacrifice but we need more" ..... Really?
Now some might say:
"Gee - I am just lucky to have a job - I ll be OK I can apply for food stamps and my son can go to community college"
others might say:
"I am lucky to be employed - and yes the economy is bad, BUT I don't trust a word you say, you have no credibility. No - no more!!!
other might say:
Now I don't agree with the sentiment of the latter, but I certainly understand.
I ask this: How does SWA, DAL, UAL, and JBLU do it?
The economy is bad right now - but it won't alway be. History proves that this management team can pretty much find a "one time accounting charge" or Crisis to stoke the rhetoric during negotiations.
This company is holding it's own - For two reasons: Employees and Bags. They seem to be the industry's new golden goose. Parker says we are only making money on bag fees and on the backs of it's employees. Still don't agree? Try availing yourself to any of the monthly propaganda meetings in CLT or PHX the past 4 months and listen to Parker's comments on compensation and profitability (while your slurping down a nice cold Kool-Aid). Hey Kid's were the airline's ATM. Ohhh Yeahhh!!!!
What really chaps me is this: Say for a moment that I had made the DECISION to take a employment at AWA instead of USAir 23 years ago, I wouldn't have any room to complain because I knew what kind of outfit it was. Chances are I would have already left.
If that had been
MY CHOICE and would have no one to blame but myself for staying, but I DIDN'T and it WASN'T.
If your content at an airline that's compensation, work rules, and benefits for 26+ years have always been the worst in the industry (except management) - then I am truly happy for you that you require so little to be happy.
I on the other hand - I am not content. With the majority on the East with more than 20 years + committed to this company, an annuity instead of our negotiated pension and retirement, most on the East are stuck. Don't expect me and others to share your same euphoria about benefits and working here. I honestly don't believe a word Parker says. He has no creditability and is dismal leader.
Point #3
The fact that we are still referring to ourselves as EAST and WEST 5 years after this train wreck of a merger says it all. It wasn't even this bad after the PI / PSA mergers combined and we really screwed those up - but nowhere near the level at which this current one has been botched. All the employees / labor groups are fighting and blaming one another for
whatever are missing what is truly going on around here.
Divide and Conquer. How does it feel to be a puppet? Remember "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu? We are all in this together folks. "United we Stand - Divided we Fall." It's not just a 9-11 commemorative plate - It's really true.
It's time to educate, participate, and change the problems facing this airline and for start questioning the decisions being made operationally that affect us all.
To top of everything else we got the West LEC VP making derogatory comments publicly about USAPA and East Pilot's. Really? - this is an individual that is negotiating a JOINT labor contract? REMEMBER the Labor Alliance Coalition? You know the labor united front - what happened to that? Does the West MEC have a problem with the pilot's union? Conflict of interest? Who cares right????? Never in history has one labor group benefited by throwing another under the bus. For the simple fact: chances are that same bus runs every fifteen minutes and paybacks are stiff.
Where is the contract? West or East? 5 years later and we still are pointing fingers and still NO CBA. Now we head to Section Six with the same players involved? We going to waste another 5 years and be in the same position 2016?
"You are only worth what you negotiate." Wolf said that and he was right.
If you don't think your worth anything - you may be right. This place is a race to the bottom - don't help management achieve their goal.
Do you think you would ever hear Doug Parker or Scott Kirby say " Wow - I am really lucky to have my job"?
In reality - truer words have never been spoken, but NO you would never hear that.
Get caught up in the rhetoric, believe the propaganda, allow your self to pushed and harassed......or you can educate yourself and know your contract , question management when they are wrong or violating your contract, or FARS, or simply say "I am not able to comply with your request due to safety."
This is an airline - not an alfalfa farm in AZ.
Final Reply:
The reason people don't complain that take jobs at Walmart because they don't know any better and they just need a job, ANY JOB.
If Walmart employees are happy (a big if) - maybe their employer treats them well and makes for a pleasant place to work. Or maybe they don't know any better? But if Walmart can pull that one off, more power to them. Although these days the CLT airport does resemble Walmart on Saturday morning. Does that count?
Finally, I don't consider myself one of the
"Drama Queens" you refer to in your post. Seriously before you lecture me or the forum on
"quit or buy the stock", YOU need to put your money where your mouth is - I for one have already done so several times over.
I have been a shareholder since the late eighties and that decision (among many others) has cost me dearly. I am still a shareholder only $200K lighter in my portfolio thanks to U bankruptcy. It's got nowhere to go but up? I own the stock now to be recognized as a shareholder rather than an employee. Big difference between angry shareholder and a less than jubilant employee.
So as a shareholder do me a favor:
Keep your investment advice to yourself, whether or not you quit is up to you.