Was Sherlock Holmes real or fiction?
The libs are desperate for quotes are they? 🙄
The libs are desperate for quotes are they? 🙄
Was Sherlock Holmes real or fiction?
The libs are desperate for quotes are they? 🙄
I used to work with a guy who father was in demolition. The idea that a building of that size much less either of the towers could be rigged for demo with out the occupants knowing about it is at the very least laughable. Watch any show where they demo a building or structure and you can see the charges going off clear as day. Then there is the fact that you have det cord all over the place with blasting caps, shaped charges all linked up to a computer that detonates the charges in a precise order so the the building comes down exactly as designed. It takes demolition people weeks to set these demolitions up. They have to come in with torches to weaken critical points in the structure, make holes in the walls to set the charges .... and on and on and on...
There is no reasonable explanation to suspect that anything other than what happened happened. Two planes full of JP crashed into the towers, the inferno weakened the structure sufficiently that the structure gave way and set off a cascading event that collapsed the building.
The only way it could have been planed is if they siet it up as a demo ahead if time and then you have to be willing to take 4 planes full of people and run them in tio buildings.... OH jeez. My head hurts just thinking of this stupidity. OH yea, and no one out of the hundreds it would have required to pull this off is going to squeal about this.
700UW,Next you're going to tell me we can fly in the air like a bird and we have ships that can go under water huh? Landed on the moon my a$$. I say a guy sail out on the ocean and he fell right off the edge. Saw it with my own eyes. I know what I saw.
Whoa, I said WHOOOAAA! honey, reread my posts with sarcasm. I know what happened. I have no doubts.
I grew up watching those towers being built with my father, I was one of the first to the top when the opened on opening day, I watched them come down with my brother calling me to give me live info. faster and more detailed than the media until phone service was lost . i was the first to lose my job when my airline folded. get off your high horse.
MY COMMENTs are in regard to bldg 7 and tHe earth shaking and it coming down. that is all. I am notnamconspiracy theorist
Whoa, I said WHOOOAAA! honey, reread my posts with sarcasm. I know what happened. I have no doubts.
I grew up watching those towers being built with my father, I was one of the first to the top when the opened on opening day, I watched them come down with my brother calling me to give me live info. faster and more detailed than the media until phone service was lost . i was the first to lose my job when my airline folded. get off your high horse.
MY COMMENTs are in regard to bldg 7 and tHe earth shaking and it coming down. that is all. I am notnamconspiracy theorist
lol. I sometimes forget to write things as those someone else is reading it instead of my self. Sometimes posts can have a different meaning when not face to face.
No apology needed. I saw where you were coming from and I had it coming.
There are so many holes with all the conspiracy BS. Never landed on the moon? How do you convince scientists to all lie about the moon rocks? How do observatories bounce signals off the sensors left on the moon and they are all lying about to?
Unmarked planes flying into the towers? Where the hell are the airliners that are then missing and on radar? Planes with missiles? Seriously? See previous. Towers were brought down with controlled blasts? And no one saw anyone setting charges on any building.
There seems to plenty of real crap to worry about day to day. Not sure why people have to make crap up on top of all the real stuff going on.
I always thought contrails were kind of pretty. Little did I know they were killing me.
Looking like this may go to a group shower late into the night.
Im sorry I was short with you, Tree. I had a little too much to drink earlier. I appreciate your tolerance and understanding.
The WTC was near and dear to me. So was working in aviation and both were gone in minutes
Most of the time, things are what they appear to be and people have a hard time accepting it.
lol. I sometimes forget to write things as those someone else is reading it instead of my self. Sometimes posts can have a different meaning when not face to face.
No apology needed. I saw where you were coming from and I had it coming.
There are so many holes with all the conspiracy BS. Never landed on the moon? How do you convince scientists to all lie about the moon rocks? How do observatories bounce signals off the sensors left on the moon and they are all lying about to?
Unmarked planes flying into the towers? Where the hell are the airliners that are then missing and on radar? Planes with missiles? Seriously? See previous. Towers were brought down with controlled blasts? And no one saw anyone setting charges on any building.
There seems to plenty of real crap to worry about day to day. Not sure why people have to make crap up on top of all the real stuff going on.
The quote is usually associated with Holmes but has been around far longer. As usual from the right, you take issue with the source rather than the content. Had you considered the content and done a bit of looking you may have stumbled upon this.
Perhaps you can add this to your list as well.
Better to Remain Silent and Be Thought a Fool than to Speak and Remove All Doubt