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Another School Massacre

Fine...want me to call them out...how about this....let's respect the dead by waiting until 6 p.m. tomorrow to post about gun control, MSM and Obama. Deal?

KC, you seem like a nice enough guy and I respect your feelings on this... how every I vehemently disagree. We have been waiting and waiting to discuss this topic but it never really gets addressed. Waiting till 6p tonight, tomorrow, next week, next month ....decade ...century ... will not do anything to bring the kids back. All it does is delay the conversation that will never happen in this country yet one more day. The kids are dead. It sucks. Us keeping quite will not do any thing. I'm pissed and I am pissed now.

There is no damn reason the kids should be dead other than the gun nuts in this country want no regulations on their weapons what so ever and they also want absolutely no blame when the chit hits the fan. They come up with some BS crap that people kill people not guns, the criminal would have got the gun any way ..... add you own BS excuse here. There are ways to avoid these tragedies but we choose not to take advantage of them. Kids get killed and we get all teary eyed as if that will solve anything. People need to get pissed off and do something. Until that happens, more people die and nothing will change.
well said and it is a tribute to the dead to ask the very question the parents are asking right now, "how did this happen and what responsibility do we have to ensure no one has to face this again?"
Politics don't have a role in this discussion at this point but the heat of the moment is exactly what has to be the catalyst to effect change. it is too easy to deal w/ the emotions today and not fix the problem - we wouldn't be having this discussion if we had sought solutions to the problems that became apparent w/ an increase in mass shootings that has been seen in recent years.

no one is saying more laws will fix the problem and no one is denying how the system failed... but it is precisely because the results of failures have been so widespread that we can't continue to say that "the system failed" which is too bad so we just throw a few more spades of dirt on the problem.

The problem is that the wrong people had access to deadly weapons. The answer may or may not have anything to do with gun control and alot more to do with warning signs for mental health and family problems that were not heeded in this and other cases.

The bottom line is that we it to these children and educators to make sure they are not just another set of deaths in a long and endless cycle.
It is a disgrace to modern civilization that we can't figure out how to address these problems.

And, BTW, news reports say the guns came from the shooter's mother - who was herself killed.

Hold on there Sparky. I am asking for just that. The laws we have now are not worth a bucket of warm piss. We need laws that hold people responsible for their weapons and their actions. We need laws that will prevent kids like this from getting the gun in the first place. Having laws that deal with the criminal after the fact is like having a law that out laws dying. Serves no purpose other than to give the gun nuts a way to say ... we have laws.... just enforce them. Why bother enforcing laws that do not work?
[background=rgb(250, 250, 250)]America doesn't have a gun problem, what America has is a NERD problem!! You never see the highschool qb opening fire on society, these shootings it's always some outcast thats on the computer all day playing dungeons and dragons or some other bs. [/background]

[background=rgb(250, 250, 250)]I've had a theory for awhile that nature hasn't taken its course in society for awhile and that the general population is breeding more stupid, weak, and mentally ill people as the years go on. These shootings happening so often recently make me wonder...[/background]

2 shot in Philly following train argument between Bulls, 76ers fans
FFS guys; even Southwind & I agree for once. That should tell you something.

Give it a day out of respect for the victims, and we can all have at it tomorrow.

KCF-'DOG-southwind and Kev are right !
TAKE a F'n "TIME OUT" (for christ sake). Have at it tomorror.

This thing 'shook me as much as 911, (and it was only a mere 120 miles from me.)
Un..F'n..BELIEVABLE !!!!!!!!!!!!
KC, you seem like a nice enough guy and I respect your feelings on this... how every I vehemently disagree. We have been waiting and waiting to discuss this topic but it never really gets addressed. Waiting till 6p tonight, tomorrow, next week, next month ....decade ...century ... will not do anything to bring the kids back. All it does is delay the conversation that will never happen in this country yet one more day. The kids are dead. It sucks. Us keeping quite will not do any thing. I'm pissed and I am pissed now.

There is no damn reason the kids should be dead other than the gun nuts in this country want no regulations on their weapons what so ever and they also want absolutely no blame when the chit hits the fan. They come up with some BS crap that people kill people not guns, the criminal would have got the gun any way ..... add you own BS excuse here. There are ways to avoid these tragedies but we choose not to take advantage of them. Kids get killed and we get all teary eyed as if that will solve anything. People need to get pissed off and do something. Until that happens, more people die and nothing will change.

It's called RESPECT !
Who said it was.

It is a time to mourn, not argue.
The true mourning that is going on is: "What a terrible tragedy, I'm glad though that it happened to them and not me and my family" and
"they better not start this gun control thing again"
[background=rgb(250, 250, 250)]America doesn't have a gun problem, what America has is a NERD problem!! You never see the highschool qb opening fire on society, these shootings it's always some outcast thats on the computer all day playing dungeons and dragons or some other bs. [/background]

[background=rgb(250, 250, 250)]I've had a theory for awhile that nature hasn't taken its course in society for awhile and that the general population is breeding more stupid, weak, and mentally ill people as the years go on. These shootings happening so often recently make me wonder...[/background]

NOTE TO SELF: Wipe out all nerds and people that spend too much time in front of the computer playing dungeons and dragons. Invent a sort of radar device to detect nerds and people who play dungeons and dragons to catch them. Invent a device that you can point at people to detect the stupid, weak and mentally ill people so we can do away with them.

Got it....
I think your plan could work
He's not far off the mark. It is a mental health issue, a dysfunctional family issue that needs to be adressed. The kid could have tosed a pipe bomb through the window if guns werent avalable.

Mental health care is too expensive and involves taking freedoms away. Cant legislate families. Their wll always be single parent homes and latch key kids. Im tired of the gun control argument.

May as well argue for higher pay, one working parent and several siblings to look after each other.
The problem is that probably pipe bombs are illegal and not a constitutional right.

I have an idea:
"Legalize pipe bombs please." It should be US citizens second amendment right to own pipe-bombs to protect their property.

You'll see how quickly we will resort to using those..... Please, allow anything that will make a fed-up persons' exit from this world a more spectacular one as the one that just happened in Conn.

I hope you get the point.
Israeli teacher..........

The problem is that probably pipe bombs are illegal and not a constitutional right.

I have an idea:
"Legalize pipe bombs please." It should be US citizens second amendment right to own pipe-bombs to protect their property.

You'll see how quickly we will resort to using those..... Please, allow anything that will make a fed-up persons' exit from this world a more spectacular one as the one that just happened in Conn.

I hope you get the point.

I dont. What are you ranting about?
[background=rgb(250, 250, 250)]America doesn't have a gun problem, what America has is a NERD problem!! You never see the highschool qb opening fire on society, these shootings it's always some outcast thats on the computer all day playing dungeons and dragons or some other bs. [/background]

[background=rgb(250, 250, 250)]I've had a theory for awhile that nature hasn't taken its course in society for awhile and that the general population is breeding more stupid, weak, and mentally ill people as the years go on. These shootings happening so often recently make me wonder...[/background]
