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Another School Massacre

Do you think there is something other than banning weapons that might work or do the gun rights people like to only work in absolutes? Perhaps something like regulating the sales and transfer of weapons. Something like regulating the storage of weapons when not in use. Perhaps something like stronger penalties for violations of those laws.

Honestly I think we need to enforce the laws we have now and there are plenty of them. School security needs to be addressed. Even when I was in High School it amazed me that someone could just walk in off the street and enter ubchallenged
Some staes have stickter laws than others. In Texas there are basically no laws restricting the sales of weapons. So long as I do not "know" you are tending to do somethign bad with the gun, I can sell it to you. Since there is no paperwork filed anywhere, I do not even need to ask your name or look at your ID to make sure you are even old enough to own a gun.

Why do we only care about the kids when they are in school? Are they fair game out side of the class room? What about the people watching a movie, ot shoping at a mall? DO we not all deserve to be able to walk the streets in safety?
How about a 911 style coordinated action on a bunch of schools at one time?
Bet our gun free zones aren't noticed only by the crazed?
Some staes have stickter laws than others. In Texas there are basically no laws restricting the sales of weapons. So long as I do not "know" you are tending to do somethign bad with the gun, I can sell it to you. Since there is no paperwork filed anywhere, I do not even need to ask your name or look at your ID to make sure you are even old enough to own a gun.

Why do we only care about the kids when they are in school? Are they fair game out side of the class room? What about the people watching a movie, ot shoping at a mall? DO we not all deserve to be able to walk the streets in safety?

You're asking me a question I can't answer because I think the preservation of Liberty for society outweighs the gun deaths.
Should people be allowed to own any weapon they can pay for with no limitations? RPG's, shoulder launched missles, land mines .....?
Perhaps reading the COTUS and taking a civics course or two migh benifit you. That might explain the video you posted.
Should people be allowed to own any weapon they can pay for with no limitations? RPG's, shoulder launched missles, land mines .....?

Personally I'm OK with it, YES

However I think reason and common sense need to prevail. Owning an RPG really isn't a dig deal except it would scare the bejesus out of most people and fear is not good.
Personally I'm OK with it, YES

However I think reason and common sense need to prevail. Owning an RPG really isn't a dig deal except it would scare the bejesus out of most people and fear is not good.

Are you living in the US? Common sense should prevail? Seriously? Most people here in the US can balance a check book.
Are you living in the US? Common sense should prevail? Seriously? Most people here in the US can balance a check book.

I can dream can't I?

Besides which the COTUS guarantees us the right to be stupid.
It also provides with ways (legislation) to mitigate how stupid affects us.
You should talk to the Senator about that I'd think.

Fienstein is a Senator. There are 100 of them in the US Congress. She alone cannot do squat. She needs at least 50 more Senators to agree with her. The fact that none of her gun ban legislation has passed in the Senate indicates that she does not have the support.

Even if it were to pass the Senate, the House has to pass it as well. The House has 435 members. In order to pass legislation they have to have at least the support of half the members.

Then if both chambers of Congress approve a measure it has to go to the WH for a signature. What this all means is it does not matter that Fienstien wants to ban a gun or all guns because her will is not the will of the nation any more than Paul Ryans will is the will of the nation.She told you why her legislation did not pass and you just don't seem to get it.

Besides, the right seems to be OK with legislating away certain rights, why are you not OK with legislating gun rights also? Sucks when the shoe is on the other foot huh?

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