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Another Republican and Lewd Bahavior in a Men's Restroom

I got NEWS for you. If it was a Democrat that "had a wide stance" while running on a platform of "defending and strengthening the traditional values of the American family," I sure as hell would have posted the same topic.

C'mon lotus, you know damn well that its widely accepted when dems take 'a wide stance', its only being brought to the forefront because of the religious right, and guess what? the homo is stepping down from all the pressure unlike the barney'Pole smokin frank' dems! :up:
C'mon lotus, you know damn well that its widely accepted when dems take 'a wide stance', its only being brought to the forefront because of the religious right, and guess what? the homo is stepping down from all the pressure unlike the barney'Pole smokin frank' dems! :up:

Lotus... I kind of like that.

Agreed. And I am glad that a penance is being paid for the imprudent behavior. I think it also looks favorable to the other Republicans who took a stand against their colleague and sought a resignation letter from him. Let's hope that if a similar incident happens to the Dems (and it likely will), that those Dems who called for Craig's resignation will take such a stand against those in their own party.
Thought this thread was about some dumb legislator performing some type of dirty,perverted deeds in a men's room that some on here think should be covered by a constitutional right to sodomy.Of course its big news because the idiot was/is a Republican.....found some interesting information regarding party affiliation and perverted acts....enjoy:

Republicans are forced to resign.......No bias here :lol:

Dude, you left out Jefferson, (D) Louisiana, and Marion Barry...I'm sure I left out a few other losers.

Just what is your point? Are you trying to defend this idiot with the actions of other morons?
Did you ever stop to consider why the items you just posted are not news??? Could it be because none of those items are NEW???

Let's hope that if a similar incident happens to the Dems (and it likely will), that those Dems who called for Craig's resignation will take such a stand against those in their own party.

Just what is your point? Are you trying to defend this idiot with the actions of other morons?

It never was news because the Dem's like they always do,swept it aside then as they do now.Different standard you know for Republicans.
QUOTE(delldude @ Aug 31 2007, 08:17 PM) *
blah blah blah blah blah democrat and perversion and blah blah blah

Hey Lily...you post a quote again that you created,with my name on it...and you and I will have problems.
I think the part that Dell and Local are missing is that the Dems do not run on the stupid family values crap that the Repubs do. The issue with the likes of Craig and Oral Roberts and the like are the fact they are voting or preaching against the acts that they are committing. Barny Franks is openly gay and dems don't care about his life style because it is none of our business. I could care less about the fact that Craig was soliciting sex in a airport bathroom. What I do care about is the fact that he is voting for legislation which is discriminatory against gays when he him self is gay. The double standard is held by the republicans. If they would not be so worried about what people do in their sex lives and be more inclusive of different life styles, they would not have these problems.

As for sweeping things under the rug, is that not what Craig tried to do when he plead guilty to a crime which he claims he did not commit? One of the main reasons that the Republicans are kicking him to the curb is that they have had so many candles involving sex both from politicians and religious leaders that they would have taken more of a beating had they not taken action.

And for the record, there are plenty of Dems who should be serving time, why they are not is the same reason that Scooter and North and Kennedy and ..... are not. They have powerful friends or they have connections. There is a double standard when it come to justice in this country. The law that applies to us, and the law that applies to those who have power, money, fame or all of the above. Had I shot someone accidentally in the face and not reported the action immediately, what do you think would have happened to me? Had I been driving drunk, crashed my car and killed someone, what do you think would have happened to me? Had I solicited employees via text message for sex, what do you think would have happened to me? Had I lied to grand jury, with held evidence and been convicted of a the above crimes, what do you think would have happened to me?
Thought this thread was about some dumb legislator performing some type of dirty,perverted deeds in a men's room that some on here think should be covered by a constitutional right to sodomy.Of course its big news because the idiot was/is a Republican.....found some interesting information regarding party affiliation and perverted acts....enjoy:

Sen. Daniel Inouye. The 82-year-old Hawaii Democrat was accused in the 1990s by numerous women of sexual harassment. Democrats cast doubt on the allegations and the Senate Ethics Committee dropped its investigation.

Former Rep. Gus Savage. The Illinois Democrat was accused of fondling a Peace Corps volunteer in 1989 while on a trip to Africa. The House Ethics Committee decided against disciplinary action in 1990.

Rep. Barney Frank. The outspoken Massachusetts Democrat hired a male prostitute who ran a prostitution service from Frank’s residence in the 1980s. Only two Democrats in the House of Representatives voted to censure him in 1990.

Former Sen. Brock Adams. The late Washington Democrat was forced to stop campaigning after numerous accusations of drugging, assault and rape, the first surfacing in 1988.

Former Rep. Fred Richmond. This New York Democrat was arrested in 1978 for soliciting sex from a 16-year-old. He remained in Congress and won re-election—before eventually resigning in 1982 after pleading guilty to tax evasion and drug possession.

Former Rep. John Young. The late Texas Democrat increased the salary of a staffer after she gave in to his sexual advances. The congressman won re-election in 1976 but lost two years later.

Former Rep. Wayne Hays. The late Ohio Democrat hired an unqualified secretary reportedly for sexual acts. Although he resigned from Congress, the Democratic House leadership stalled in removing him from the Administration Committee in 1976.

Former Rep. Gerry Studds. He was censured for sexual relationship with underage male page in 1983. Massachusetts voters returned him to office for six more terms.

Former Rep. Mel Reynolds. The Illinois Democrat was convicted of 12 counts of sexual assault with a 16-year-old. President Bill Clinton pardoned him before leaving office.

Sen. Teddy Kennedy. The liberal Massachusetts senator testified in defense of nephew accused of rape, invoking his family history to win over the jury in 1991.

Republicans are forced to resign.......No bias here :lol:
when it comes to these type of situations, ALL politicians are hypocrites. I fully believe that if a Republican president had done what Clinton did ..the Democrats would have fought for impeachment, and the Republican would have stood beside him
when it comes to these type of situations, ALL politicians are hypocrites. I fully believe that if a Republican president had done what Clinton did ..the Democrats would have fought for impeachment, and the Republican would have stood beside him

Perhaps, but that is not the situation here. Why play what ifs? Lets just look at the situation at hand: We have a Senator who did plead guilty to a crime that, by all the signs, entailed an attempted sexual act in a public bathroom. Here, the repubs are not "standing beside him;" instead they have hung him out to dry and called for his resignation. He is getting what he deserves. It is refreshing to see his republican colleagues step-up to the plate and stand firm.

It would be nice if political parties would start holding their own members responsible for their actions. This is a great start... let's keep it going.

DellDude: my apologies; it was a crude way of attempting to make a point.
Yes, it is nice that the republicans are doing the right thing. But let’s get something clear, they are not doing the right thing because it is the right thing to do. They are doing the same thing that the Dems would do if they were in the same position. The republicans did a cost/benefit analysis and determined that to let him stay in office till the 2008 elections would give the Dems that much more kindling to toss on an already huge fire. It was more beneficial to kick him to the curb now and be able to say that see... we don't tolerate that kind of BS in out party. The Repub. and the Dems are alike in the respect that they will do what ever they have to do to protect their power base. If it means eating one of their own, so be it.

Their action may have been 'right' but lets not put a halo on a politician. They are after all one of the lowest forms of life on the earth. When they actually start doing the right thing for the right reason, then we can start worrying about the end of the world and hell freezing over.
So then...we are talking about treatment of gays.....now this thread is about a guy who broke the law....so how is this 'gay' Senator being unequally treated?
Or is it an OK practice for gays to loiter around public bathrooms in search of 'sex'?
Garfield mentioned that gays he knows are looking for relationships which I suppose one would classify as normal sexual encounters...but to cruise the toilets and those areas everyone has around their cities for the sole purpose of a 'rush' doesn't seem to fit Gar's response.....public bathrooms where your grandson or little boy might have the unpleasant mental image of another man 'engaged' in some type of act...You going to argue that this is right? And this type of behavior is normal and should be accepted by the public as an everyday thing?
If gays want consentual sex,then I think they should do as they wish in their own confines as others do.....but this other thing borders on or maybe it actually is a sickness.
I've seen gay couples and seen the bathroom crowd and I don't quite think they're the same...although as it is my right,I don't approve of either and I don't have to.

Legally,how are gays discriminated?

Gay marriage?? Based on the Bible and its teachings and I suppose other religions,homosexuality is looked down upon....and society has laws and rules....so how do gays expect some type of condoned behavior from a society that has its laws and teachings based on their respective religion and beliefs?If the majority ,which has been proven BTW does not want this type of behavior,then its put to a vote.......hows that gone?

As for having to have a specific commandment so some of you can associate this behavior in some kind of legal context....the teachings of all these religions form the basis for our laws in many different societies...not just the Ten Commandments......and these teachings say its not normal or acceptable.So the laws now reflect this as a statement of these particular society's views.Gays have difficulty seeing it this way....society says different.So now what?



This post(yours), and all the quotes from Jefferson/Franklin/Adams(that go with it), is, in my opinion........Your Greatest post EVER, on this site !!

For years, you and I have gone "back and forth"..........., but on THIS issue....we are DEFINITELY on the same page !!

To quote a "wise old sage"(who posts here), ALWAYS remember what KC Flyer has told us, as he quotes his late Father..........................."BEWARE".....the guy, with the FISH on his truck !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Poor ol' Larry Craig. He should have paid attention to 2 very old "sayings"

"Be careful, or you'll wind up being....the "BUTT" of all the jokes" :shock: :shock: :shock:


"SHET", or get off the pot" :wub: :wub: :wub: !!!!!!

I'd love to hear a cross section of tommorows SERMONS that flow from the pulpits of the Red State Bible Belt. (That is, IF It's mentioned at all)

Through out all of this Craig stuff, THE MOST hypocratic award of all, goes to Shawn Hannity.

Hannity, (who correctly) has made a TON of $$$$$$$, bashing Bill Clinton over Bills famous...."it all depends what the definition of IS, IS) , has taken to the airways, splitting hairs defending LC,...over as to how many times Larry(the POLE SMOKER) "tapped" his foot, and what angle LC's hand was pointing !!!

Hannity....What a FUUKING hypocrit !!!!!!!!!!


Sen. John Warner "R"/Va. has had enough "fun", and is taking a "dixie" in 08'

I have to "Pinch" myself everyday, to make sure ALL this SHET is really happening to EL-CHIMPO, and his party !

I COULD NOT have written a better SCRIPT, if I tried :up: :up: :up: :up:
So then its ok for gays to loiter in bathrooms in search of cheap thrills while young innocents may unwittingly view? Or is it a recruiting drive?
I have no fish on my bumper either,Bear.

Cost to Society?


Scientifically speaking, sex is a means to an end. The end being the propagation of the human race. This end can never be fulfilled by sex between males (in the case of gays) or between females (in the case of lesbians). Therefore, the general conclusion is that homosexuality is irrational and illogical.


It was clearly recognized by experts who were objective and unprejudiced, that psychologically speaking homosexuality is an abnormal behavior.


There is absolutely no doubt that Christianity, Judaism and Islam, the three most widely embraced religions in America condemn homosexual behavior in the strongest terms.


i) Aids: Among the groups that have directly and indirectly contributed to the wide scale spread of Aids to even innocent patients like children are homosexuals and their practice of anal sex.

According to common sense, science, logic, psychology and religion - i.e all those aspects of present society, that have contributed to its civilization, homosexuality is irrational, illogical, abnormal and an immoral behavior. Those who practice is should not be personally condemned but their behavior should and solutions to their ills be found, and the free practice of homosexual behavior be stopped, so that our society prospers. If clear and concrete evidence were indeed found in the other direction, I would gladly change my above conclusions. Therefore let our end be towards the truth!
Good lord, where do you come up with this crap.

1. The world is not loosing people the population is growing exponentially. I believe I posted the population growth somewhere else on this site but suffice to say the population has more than doubled in the last 100 yrs

2. I don’t know what scientific study that came from but that seems to be assuming that homosexuality is choice. Did you make a conscious choice to like women? I did not. All I remember is seeing a pic of a naked woman when I was a kid and junior came to attention. There was no choice involved. So to call something that is an unconscious behavior "abnormal’ in my opinion is bad science.

3. Don’t really care as this country is run on the rule of law not the bible.

4. Smoking causes lung cancer, alcohol abuse can cause liver failure. Where is the out rage? Where are the laws to ban it?

General conclusion:

It does not matter one iota what the ‘general population’ thinks about the issue. The US Constitution is in place to protect the minorities in this country from the majorities. My gay friends are perfectly happy with their lot in life. They would be far happier if the like of you would just let them live in peace and enjoy the same rights that the rest of the people in this country are entitled too. They are not in search of any cure. They do not have a disease. They live productive happy lives. They are productive members of society and do not ask for or deserve our pity or help. Those who condom others for something that does not affect them and is none of their business are the ones who are in desperate need of help. It is these same people who thought the Jim Crow laws were a good idea. It is these same people who prevented women’s suffrage until women finally stood up for their rights.

The author of that drivel you posted would not know a fact if it bit them in the ass and said hello.

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