Another Republican and Lewd Bahavior in a Men's Restroom

So your saying only republicans are Religious? :lol:

Your a fool and an idiot bears, you libs seriously miscalculate the pulse of main stream America, but hey you keep on thinking your the majority, you and your ilk make for some gooood laughs at my work place! :up:

BTW....your party is renowned for 'Meat Gazing' :up:
Local...who headed up the "ban Gay marriage" initiatives in your state...the Repugs or Dems? In my area it was the "holier than thou" Repubs. Who sponsored that bill about internet predators? Mark Foley? Hmmm...fine example of "family values" there. As Bear said. ...Barney Frank admitted he was gay from the get-go. I don't think he sponsored anti "gay marriage" amendments...and I haven't seen him endorse any "suck your neighbors diiick" legislation either. He is what he is. Unlike our good "God Fearing" (and judging from their behaviours, they oughta fear God) republicans. I could care less if a guy is gay or straight...but when they run on "family values" to get elected, and hang out in mens rooms for entertainment - sorry - but the only word that comes to mind is "hypocrite".
Local...who headed up the "ban Gay marriage" initiatives in your state...the Repugs or Dems? In my area it was the "holier than thou" Repubs. Who sponsored that bill about internet predators? Mark Foley? Hmmm...fine example of "family values" there. As Bear said. ...Barney Frank admitted he was gay from the get-go. I don't think he sponsored anti "gay marriage" amendments...and I haven't seen him endorse any "suck your neighbors diiick" legislation either. He is what he is. Unlike our good "God Fearing" (and judging from their behaviours, they oughta fear God) republicans. I could care less if a guy is gay or straight...but when they run on "family values" to get elected, and hang out in mens rooms for entertainment - sorry - but the only word that comes to mind is "hypocrite".

Sen Craig blames a newspaper for his problems:

"I overreacted in Minneapolis, because of the stress of the Idaho Statesman‚s investigation and the rumors it has fueled around Idaho."

Full statement is here.
So your saying only republicans are Religious? :lol:

Your a fool and an idiot bears, you libs seriously miscalculate the pulse of main stream America, but hey you keep on thinking your the majority, you and your ilk make for some gooood laughs at my work place! :up:

BTW....your party is renowned for 'Meat Gazing' :up:

As far as Politics is concerned hell yes the republicans are the only ones who are 'religious'. Your party is the one advocating, prayer in school, gay marriage ban, faith based initiatives and the like. Your party is the one courting such upstanding people as Falwell, Roberts et al.

I am not sure how you think the current iteration of Republicans is what the US is looking for. Your part took a pretty decent stomping last election. Most pundits and polls indicate that barring some huge screw up by the Dem nominee, that the Republicans are going to loose the White House. There is a very big likely hood that your will loose even more seats in Congress. An overwhelming majority of this country is few up with the current administration and they will get kicked out on their butts. The Dems will have COngress and the White house, the Republicans will not have the ability to block any vote.

While the Dems may not have know exactly what the pulse of america is doing, the Repubs have flat lined. Until the republican party kicks out the religious fanatics and gets back to the basics of governing, you guys are going to make the Dems look smart, and that is no small feat.
As far as Politics is concerned hell yes the republicans are the only ones who are 'religious'. Your party is the one advocating, prayer in school, gay marriage ban, faith based initiatives and the like. Your party is the one courting such upstanding people as Falwell, Roberts et al.


I've been thinking about Barack Obama's speech on religion in Hartford on Saturday and also the recent forum where the three leading Democrats discussed their own theologies -- Obama belongs to the United Church of Christ, Hillary Clinton is a strict Methodist and John Edwards was raised as a Southern Baptist but joined the Methodist Church while in college.

This is the first time in recent memory that Democratic candidates on the campaign trail have been so candid about their religious affiliations and beliefs; religion and the sanctity of belief are subjects that have been "hijacked" -- to borrow Obama's word -- by the far-right in the past few decades and used to transform the Supreme Court and reject legislation that was deemed in conflict with the beliefs of conservative Christians.

Come on. A blind man can see the difference.

First off, yes the Dems are trying to court the religious vote and I think that will come back to bite them in the ass but that's just my opinion.

Second. As for discussing their religious beliefs, that is a far cry from ramming their beliefs down people throats. No dem's as a hole have never advocated a ban on gay marriages, prayer in school, banning abortion...etc I believe the last part of the quote is quite accurate. W has turned the USSC into a religious support group. Your party is trying to convert the world. If you cannot see the difference between what the two parties are doing in terms of religion, then that is a perfect example of why your party is in so much trouble.

Again, it's discussion verses what ever it is that the Republicans are doing.

As for Mr (son to be unemployeed) Craig, "wide stance"? You have got to be kidding me. That's as dumb as "it depends on what sex is" or what ever he said.
I agree....the dems are pandering to the religious America and they will see through the veil.

You are right about the Dems never 'ramming' things down our throats....what the hell, they cater to the gay crowd(anything for votes) they are against for abortion...I don't want to go there....funny,I don't see any mass conversion of the world to any religion other than Democracy....but then again,you are rather biased toward religion and religious isssues and thats your right.....

Hey...Mike Vick found Jesus......real quick he a Dem?
I agree....the dems are pandering to the religious America and they will see through the veil.

You are right about the Dems never 'ramming' things down our throats....what the hell, they cater to the gay crowd(anything for votes) they are against for abortion...I don't want to go there....funny,I don't see any mass conversion of the world to any religion other than Democracy....but then again,you are rather biased toward religion and religious isssues and thats your right.....

Hey...Mike Vick found Jesus......real quick he a Dem?
Remember 1960? Remember how some folks were convinced that if JFK were elected, the Pope would become our defacto president? As I recall, JFK had said something to the effect that he would not let his faith become part of our laws. Compare that to the "religious right"...a group largely responsible for the election of W. The bible says a man shall not lay down with another man...therefore we need to enact laws that enforce this dictate. The bible says "thou shalt not kill"...therefore we should outlaw abortions (but not the death penalty because, well...that's different). We need "prayer in schools"...just make sure it's a good Christian prayer and not one of those heathen "Hail Mary's". And the Republican party has been the one to embrace these "Christian values"...telling the party faithful that a vote for them is a vote for all that is good in Christ. Then...they turn out to be pretty much what they campaigned against. And there is only one word to describe that - hypocrite.
Yeah,just like the Catholic church and little boys......

Hypocrite is a big word...the Dem's quite frequently fall prey to its definition you know.

Last I saw ,we have laws about killing.....abortion,now like I said...I ain't going there.

Do you remember all the hand ringing over the possibilities of JFK being the first Catholic elected and all the possible ramifications that could/might bring? Kinda funny for the "in God we trust" crowd.....

Just remember....Christians are no more or less perfect than anyone else...they try a little harder and oft find the road littered with difficulty.
Dem's over looked mud for three months

"You would think in the 24-hour news cycle, something like this would slip through," said McArdle, a four-year veteran of the Capitol Hill daily. "He wanted to keep it quiet, and he almost got away with it."

McArdle said the latest incident, in which Craig was arrested June 11 for allegedly making advances to a police officer in a Minnesota airport bathroom, only came to his attention through a tip he received last week.

Pssst....I got something hot.....
Do you remember all the hand ringing over the possibilities of JFK being the first Catholic elected and all the possible ramifications that could/might bring? Kinda funny for the "in God we trust" crowd.....
Rather funny indeed, considering that they were quite vocal in their concerns that "his" religion would become the official religion of the United States, but today they are quite vocal in urging that "their" religion become a major part of US law. Also, many of those vocal ones do not recognize Catholics as being "Christian".

Just remember....Christians are no more or less perfect than anyone else...

It'd be nice if many of them understood this themselves.

they try a little harder and oft find the road littered with difficulty.

If by difficulty, you mean folks who don't want to see a certain religions views on homosexuality, abortion, stem cell research enacted into law, and what "prayer" should or shouldn't be allowed in schools, then yes, they'll encounter a lot of that on their quest to make the US a "Christian" nation.
I agree....the dems are pandering to the religious America and they will see through the veil.

You are right about the Dems never 'ramming' things down our throats....what the hell, they cater to the gay crowd(anything for votes) they are against for abortion...I don't want to go there....funny,I don't see any mass conversion of the world to any religion other than Democracy....but then again,you are rather biased toward religion and religious isssues and thats your right.....

Hey...Mike Vick found Jesus......real quick he a Dem?

How is giving people equal rights ramming something down someone throat? How is asking that religion be kept private and out of public space ramming something down your throat.
How is giving people equal rights ramming something down someone throat? How is asking that religion be kept private and out of public space ramming something down your throat.

Statement was regarding the religious right ramming.....

If by difficulty, you mean folks who don't want to see a certain religions views on homosexuality, abortion, stem cell research enacted into law, and what "prayer" should or shouldn't be allowed in schools, then yes, they'll encounter a lot of that on their quest to make the US a "Christian" nation.

Was in regard to personally trying to 'walk the path'....seems ones who give an effort to try are held to a different level of accountability....regardless of whether they stay on the path or fall many times have you heard people saying things like 'he's a big Christian' or such...
Was in regard to personally trying to 'walk the path'....seems ones who give an effort to try are held to a different level of accountability

I applaud someone trying to 'walk the path'. I do have issues when, in the course of their walk, they try to push their beliefs on a nation.

....regardless of whether they stay on the path or fall many times have you heard people saying things like 'he's a big Christian' or such...
My dad said "Never trust a man with a fish on his truck...he'll screw you over quicker than the heathens". There's a LOT of people (our president included) who put their faith out there as though they are some special breed. But those same people will screw another man's wife, lie about it, and maintain his "good Christian" poster in the community. Trust me on this...a "good Christian man" that unfortunately made his way into my life broke 6 of the 10 commandments...but it's all okay...he's very active in his church. If those are the ones trying to push their "morals" on my government, I'd just as soon let the heathens run the country.

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