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Another Republican and Lewd Bahavior in a Men's Restroom

I applaud someone trying to 'walk the path'. I do have issues when, in the course of their walk, they try to push their beliefs on a nation.

I think you both have some good points. I do believe, as Dell put it, that those trying to "walk the path" are held to a different level of accountability than those who do not pronounce their faith and use it as a basis of their politics. Do you think it should be different Dell? I would hope that those who are using their faith as a basis of their political beliefs would be more than willing to be held to a higher standard. Isn't that what 2 Peter 2 is all about?

Its one of those "see the speck in your brother’s eye, but fail to see the beam of wood in your own" type of deals.

I have found that people's personal faiths are more accepted when those people simply say this is what faith has done in my life... rather than my faith is what compels me to tell you to always change YOUR life. And there is no better way to show how faith has changed a person's life than to show it by their own actions. Hypocritical behavior in a bathroom is not one of those actions.

It is not a bad thing to have politicians' political views shaped by their religious beliefs; our forefathers' political beliefs were shaped, in part, by religion.

It is high-time, however, for these types of politicians to be known for what they are for, rather than being always known for what they are against!!
"12", your a master at name calling(me), but I won't do it to you !!

DELL, you and "12" are very smart people ! (NO, I'm NOT blowing smoke....)

Both of you must figure that within the privacy of your own thoughts , that the GOP, with it's religious right component, is partially to blame for the ABYSS, that your party is tumbling into.

I know many Christians, who vote REP. that say that unlike the way GHWB/REAGAN handled the "RR", EL -CHIMPO is single handedly RUINING the party that they've belonged to, for so many years !!
Personally to me,for quite sometime,the Republicans have made their own bed and it doesn't have anything to do with the Christian right,at least as far as I see it.You all can pounce on occasions like some we've seen with men/women in high places we've all elected at one time or another.What I refer to with the Republicans is for some time they talked the talk but didn't walk the walk.Time and time again they get slammed by the left and idly sat by and then whine when payback time comes around.I figure all the times you've stood up and fought an 'enemy' so to speak ,that at sometime you should be able to ace them more often than not.Time and time again it goes the other way.
When they got control for the first time the Dems cried and cried.....so they came up with this stupid power sharing thing that the Dems stuck in their behind.....when the Dems got back was there any 'historic' power sharing agreement? Hell no...they took the gavel and told the GOP to kiss their respective butts.GOP should have let the Dems have a taste of their own medicene...but 'we're the nice guys'....fools I sometimes think....it goes on and on with the many tactics i've seen pulled in the house and Senate...you all know the games with filibusters and such.....Dems favoorite weapon and you know it....Frist threatened it and I thought there was going to be mass suicide on the left side of the aisle.Pussy's should have done it but like I said....'we're the nice guys'.... :lol: Show me some balls GOP.......Dem's do it all the time. :rant:
Thats the tip of the iceberg with me..... Hath I Blasphemed my Party? :wacko:

If W wants to tout his beliefs...thats his prerogative...but i'm missing the part where he's ramming it down others throats.....or is it a perception issue?

What constitutional or legal reason can you give for prohibiting gay marriage? Personal aversion or biblical aversion does not count as the US is supposed to be a land based on th rules of law and that the rules of law is to apply to everyone equally.

My beliefs is that the push toward an amendment is based on religion. Can yu provide another explanation and justification?
THis guy is a hypocrite for saying that homosexuality is evil & morally wrong, yet he goes and does something that most homosexuals would NOT do.

So he's a closet 'pole smoker' does'nt shock me in the least bit in todays world, but I think plenty of gays choose picking up in mens rooms especially since their aids infected bath houses have been targeted.

Here's a perfect spokesmen for 'smokin in the boys room' :lol:


Hope I did'nt offend you ladies!
How would you know anything about the gay community? I have several gay friends and no mention has ever been made of going down to the local toilet to look for a date.

I realize that you may find this difficult to believe but gays look for companionship/partners the same way that heteros do. They go to bars, get set up by friends, internet dating, work place relationships ... etc.

I'm not sure where you get your info but you really need to get some better sources.
Funny...there's a couple places in and around Pittsburgh that are in local parks and it just happened that certain 'gays' liked to smoke weiners there.So bad in fact that several were closed....I do realize all gays are not like this but these types make the others stereotyped.

Lets see....there was Moraine State park picnic area called of all things "windy knob",,,i'm not kidding either....Pa state police had to go in undercover.....
Then there were several rest stops on I-79.
Theres an area in Schenley Park,known as 'wedding park'....and on and on....
There were these nice little overlooks on the Allegheny River and they had to put up guardrails to keep them out...been closed now for 20-30 years.

All I mention has been in the local papers over the years...

My beliefs is that the push toward an amendment is based on religion. Can yu provide another explanation and justification?


Say what you wish but its not what the Lord intended.
How would you know anything about the gay community?

Never said I did, but I can attest to the same kind of stories dell gave as examples happening right here in my own home town. We have a Mounted Police force that frequently rides horseback into those 'getaway' spots that seem's to be a favorite for homo's to engage in their debauchery.

I have several gay friends and no mention has ever been made of going down to the local toilet to look for a date.

Im sure they don't mention it, Its rather disgusting to say the least!

I realize that you may find this difficult to believe but gays look for companionship/partners the same way that heteros do.

Thats probably true, we all have free will.

They go to bars, get set up by friends, internet dating, work place relationships ... etc.

...And toilets, truck stops, rest areas, peep shows...etc.

I'm not sure where you get your info but you really need to get some better sources.

Well I admit I have no 'Gay' friends' but I know several truckers, a state trooper, and several avid mountain bikers who have all gave some pretty graphic detailed observations they have all stumbled upon.

BTW...This was one rest room in one airport :shock:

Funny...there's a couple places in and around Pittsburgh that are in local parks and it just happened that certain 'gays' liked to smoke weiners there.So bad in fact that several were closed....I do realize all gays are not like this but these types make the others stereotyped.

Lets see....there was Moraine State park picnic area called of all things "windy knob",,,i'm not kidding either....Pa state police had to go in undercover.....
Then there were several rest stops on I-79.
Theres an area in Schenley Park,known as 'wedding park'....and on and on....
There were these nice little overlooks on the Allegheny River and they had to put up guardrails to keep them out...been closed now for 20-30 years.

All I mention has been in the local papers over the years...

Say what you wish but its not what the Lord intended.

We have Harry Hindes Blvd here in Dallas just to name one. Does that mean most Heteros go down to a seedy street to find a hooker?

In god we trust was added to paper currency as a response to the paranoia of the cold war during the McCarthy era. Not one of our more shining moments. I really do not care what the lord intended and neither should you as far as how this country is run. You may be in the majority right now, but that may not always be the case. The rue of law should be based on what is just and fair. It should have nothing to do with religious beliefs. When two human beings who are both citizens of the same nation do not have the same rights, there is something wrong with the system.

Freedom and justice for all. Does that quote mean nothing to this country?
When two human beings who are both citizens of the same nation do not have the same rights, there is something wrong with the system.

Not quite catching your drift here...whom do you infer?

The rue of law should be based on what is just and fair. It should have nothing to do with religious beliefs.

The rule of law in this land is and was based on the principles laid out in the Ten Commandments if you didn't know that.God made the rule of law and gave it to Moses.Its the backbone of the courts in this land...of course many such as you have no faith and for some strange reason find it uncomfortable for these words to appear in public places... maybe its you inner self screaming out ?

I really do not care what the lord intended and neither should you as far as how this country is run.

This country was founded on religious principles.....this country strays from a faith in God and it will waver....seems like its happening doesn't it?

Look on your US Supreme Court building...little statue of Moses carrying the Ten Commandments.

Equal justice for all,one nation,under God...
Not quite catching your drift here...whom do you infer?
The rule of law in this land is and was based on the principles laid out in the Ten Commandments if you didn't know that.God made the rule of law and gave it to Moses.Its the backbone of the courts in this land...of course many such as you have no faith and for some strange reason find it uncomfortable for these words to appear in public places... maybe its you inner self screaming out ?
This country was founded on religious principles.....this country strays from a faith in God and it will waver....seems like its happening doesn't it?

Look on your US Supreme Court building...liitle statue of Moses carrying the Ten Commandments.

Equal justice for all,one nation,under God...

The 10 Commandments are basic tenants that are also covered in all major religions (i.e. adultery, murder, etc). Despite the added importance that many want to assign to the Christian faith (of which I belong to but see this objectively) for driving the most basic outline of law, in fact ALL major religions have these same beliefs therefore drive the same laws.

I think what was being referred to was treatment of gays? Not in my Ten Commandments. In fact it was added by mortal people of the church long after biblical days. Surely a person of faith knows that hatred towards gays does not come from the teachings of the Ten Commandments therefore is questionable to have as one of the basic tenants of our legal system.
The rule of law in this land is and was based on the principles laid out in the Ten Commandments if you didn't know that.God made the rule of law and gave it to Moses.Its the backbone of the courts in this land

They sure were. Which commandment mentions gay marriage? The one about "thou shalt not covet thy neighbors ass"? That one I think got converted to mean "goods".

Equal justice for all,one nation,under God...
I didn't realize that Christianity had cornered the market on God.
So then...we are talking about treatment of gays.....now this thread is about a guy who broke the law....so how is this 'gay' Senator being unequally treated?
Or is it an OK practice for gays to loiter around public bathrooms in search of 'sex'?
Garfield mentioned that gays he knows are looking for relationships which I suppose one would classify as normal sexual encounters...but to cruise the toilets and those areas everyone has around their cities for the sole purpose of a 'rush' doesn't seem to fit Gar's response.....public bathrooms where your grandson or little boy might have the unpleasant mental image of another man 'engaged' in some type of act...You going to argue that this is right? And this type of behavior is normal and should be accepted by the public as an everyday thing?
If gays want consentual sex,then I think they should do as they wish in their own confines as others do.....but this other thing borders on or maybe it actually is a sickness.
I've seen gay couples and seen the bathroom crowd and I don't quite think they're the same...although as it is my right,I don't approve of either and I don't have to.

Legally,how are gays discriminated?

Gay marriage?? Based on the Bible and its teachings and I suppose other religions,homosexuality is looked down upon....and society has laws and rules....so how do gays expect some type of condoned behavior from a society that has its laws and teachings based on their respective religion and beliefs?If the majority ,which has been proven BTW does not want this type of behavior,then its put to a vote.......hows that gone?

As for having to have a specific commandment so some of you can associate this behavior in some kind of legal context....the teachings of all these religions form the basis for our laws in many different societies...not just the Ten Commandments......and these teachings say its not normal or acceptable.So the laws now reflect this as a statement of these particular society's views.Gays have difficulty seeing it this way....society says different.So now what?
Why if this country was founded on religion is there no mention of god in the US Constitution which is the basis for all laws in this country? While the principles that this country is guided by are similar to those of various religions (it stands to reason due to the fact that most people do have faith of one type or another) I prefer to believe that this country was founded on common sense and the Golden Rule. Again, since there is no mention of god in the US Constitution an the US Constitution is the only document that the US Supreme court bases it's decisions on (supposedly) I fail to see how you make that connection. I am relatively certain that American Airlines was founded mby a christian and I know all my bosses are christian, does that mean AA is a christian company? Just because some of the founding fathers were christian, does not automatically mean this is a christian nation.

I found some of thee quotes from some of the framers of our Constitution. It would seem that they wee not all that religious and might indicate why no mention of god was ever placed in the US Constitution.

Treaty of Tripoli (drafted under Washington in 1796, signed by Adams in 1797)

"As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility, of Musselmen; and as the said States never have entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mehomitan nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries."

Or, go straight to the author of most of our formative documents, Thomas Jefferson:

"Shake off all the fears of servile prejudices, under which weak minds are servilely crouched. Fix reason firmly in her seat, and call on her tribunal for every fact, every opinion. Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason than that of blindfolded fear."


"If it ends in a belief that there is no God, you will find incitements in virtue in the comfort and pleasantness you will feel in this exercise, and the love of others which it will procure you."

Or, more directly (with a decidedly agnostic tone) Jefferson again,

"To talk of immaterial existences is to talk of nothings. To say that the human soul, angels, god, are immaterial, is to say that they are nothings, or that there is no god, no angels, no soul. I cannot reason otherwise... without plunging into the fathomless abyss of dreams and phantasms. I am not satisfied, and sufficiently occupied with the things which are, without tormenting or troubling myself about those which may indeed be, but of which I have no evidence."


"Christianity is the most perverted system that ever shone on man"

What of John Adams?

"This would be the best of all possible worlds, if there were no religion in it"


"As I understand the Christian religion, it was, and is, a revelation. But how has it happened that millions of fables, tales, legends, have been blended with both Jewish and Christian revelation that have made them the most bloody religion that ever existed?

or, in a letter to Jefferson,

"I almost shudder at the thought of alluding to the most fatal example of the abuses of grief which the history of mankind has preserved -- the Cross. Consider what calamities that engine of grief has produced!"

James Madison?

"During almost fifteen centuries has the legal establishment of Christianity been on trial. What has been its fruits? More or less, in all places, pride an dindolence in the clergy; ignorance and servility in the laity; in both, superstition, bigotry and persecution."

Benjamin Franklin?

"Lighthouses are more useful than churches"

I have not verified all the quotes but those that I have seemed to be all legitimate.

As far as the 10 commandments are concerned, they are simply a set of principals that most civilized societies would want to live by. To imply that the commandments were not in existence prior to the birth of christianity or that they would not have been 'invented' with out christianity in my opinion is simple arrogance.

The US Supreme Court building was built in 1935, a few years after the founding of the nation.

God on the paper currency is a gift of McCarthy and his bogey men. Not one of our finer hours.

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