The author of that drivel you posted would not know a fact if it bit them in the ass and said hello.
Why Gar...I'm shocked.....he is a renowned Islamic Scholar and author. He could be your neighbor.
Recent Studies on
Homosexuality and Mental Health
By Dale O'Leary
In its October 1999 issue, Archives of General Psychiatry published some very intriguing research on the relationship between homosexuality and mental-health problems, reopening a very controversial subject.
Suicide Attempts. In a twin study, Herrell et al found that men with same-sex partners were 6.5 times as likely as their co-twins to have attempted suicide. The higher rate was not explained, however, by the subjects' mental-health or substance-abuse disorders.
Mental-Health Problems. The second article reported on a New Zealand study which followed 1007 individuals since birth. At age 21, the 28 subjects classified as gay, lesbian or bisexual were significantly more likely to have had mental-health problems than the 979 classed as heterosexual.