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Another Republican and Lewd Bahavior in a Men's Restroom

The author of that drivel you posted would not know a fact if it bit them in the ass and said hello.

Why Gar...I'm shocked.....he is a renowned Islamic Scholar and author. He could be your neighbor.

Recent Studies on
Homosexuality and Mental Health
By Dale O'Leary

In its October 1999 issue, Archives of General Psychiatry published some very intriguing research on the relationship between homosexuality and mental-health problems, reopening a very controversial subject.

Suicide Attempts. In a twin study, Herrell et al found that men with same-sex partners were 6.5 times as likely as their co-twins to have attempted suicide. The higher rate was not explained, however, by the subjects' mental-health or substance-abuse disorders.

Mental-Health Problems. The second article reported on a New Zealand study which followed 1007 individuals since birth. At age 21, the 28 subjects classified as gay, lesbian or bisexual were significantly more likely to have had mental-health problems than the 979 classed as heterosexual.

Do you have a point?

It is their life. The should be allowed to conduct it as they see fit with out you our anyone else telling them what they may or may not do.

Also, did you or the half wits who conducted the study stop to consider that the suicide rate might be higher because they are forced by society to hide who they are and feel compelled to try and change who they are to fit into some mold that society expects? Hell, if I were treated the way our society treats gays, I'd be more inclined to commit suicide as well.

By the way, if you do a search on Dale, she is a real piece of work.

I don't care if he is islamic, christian or Harie Carie (sp?). The content is BS and has no bearing on a country that is supposedly based on the rule of law.
I guess if you cannot make a significant contribution to a argument, go ahead and toss out an lame insult.
Do you have a point?

It is their life. The should be allowed to conduct it as they see fit with out you our anyone else telling them what they may or may not do.

Also, did you or the half wits who conducted the study stop to consider that the suicide rate might be higher because they are forced by society to hide who they are and feel compelled to try and change who they are to fit into some mold that society expects? Hell, if I were treated the way our society treats gays, I'd be more inclined to commit suicide as well.

By the way, if you do a search on Dale, she is a real piece of work.

I don't care if he is islamic, christian or Harie Carie (sp?). The content is BS and has no bearing on a country that is supposedly based on the rule of law.

It is their life. The should be allowed to conduct it as they see fit with out you our anyone else telling them what they may or may not do.

With that said...if it feels good do it mentality then..if someone wants to stalk children or rape torture and kill people,then WTF ,they should be able do as they see fit then... <_<

Its a country which formed due to various reasons one of which was freedom to practice religion freely.Which also based tenets of their laws on past societal practices and religious teachings which down through the centuries looked poorly upon 'unnatural acts' between homosexuals.Blame God for nuking Sodom and Gomorrah ...that started the anti-homosexual movement and society's intolerance of the practice.

From what i'm reading,its those damn European monks and their introduction of Christianity around the globe that has brought this scourge of retribute amongst the LGBT crowd.

Homosexuality has been tolerated off and on in history usually being restricted after some time where I bet the populace got tired of public displays of open lewdness.

So what your friends need is someone like Barney Frank to introduce an amendment to the Constitution making it ok for grown men to hang out in seedy,slimy bathrooms and tap their toes and give each other blowjobs and screw each other in the can...then it will be an accepted practice.

What we need is a right to perform fellatio and anal intercourse between same sex persons.We have a right to keep and bear arms...why not a right give head in public restrooms?Just think of all the Vice squad cops who will lose their jobs.

The right to give head and do booga booga shall not be infringed"

Gar......how the world views this subject

How you get from point A to point B is beyond me. I have never advocated that anyone pass any law allowing anyone to have sex in a public place. I have never advocated that anyone pass any law to allow anyone to solicited sex in a public place.

What I have advocated is that someone pass laws to allow all members of society to be treated the same.

What society as a whole has done or what thier view on a certain issue is not relavent in terms of the law and whether or not it is just. If that were the case, the Jim Crow laws would be alive and well, witches would be burned at the stake, non-property holders would have no say in society, women would still be second class citizens with out the right to vote or own property, slavery would still be allowed, Native Americans would still be treated poorly and viewed as third class citizens (OH sorry, that one still happens), we would still have segregation and the list goes on.

Alas, we are a growing society and we have learned that the above views were wrong and we grew up. Societies prejudice against gays will go the way of all the other forms of bigotry and hatred. Gays are already more accepted in some societies than they were 10 or 20 years ago and eventually, they will be treated as full member of society just as women and blacks are. The religious zealots can fight it all they want but this battle, like the others they will also loose.
The religious zealots can fight it all they want but this battle, like the others they will also loose.

Looks like over time immortal,they keep on coming out on top....and when they don't,the civilization usually disappears into history.
Looks like over time immortal,they keep on coming out on top....and when they don't,the civilization usually disappears into history.


DELL, If I'm understanding your quote correctly....I'll offer this "agree to disagree"

Islam certainly appears to treat women as 2nd class citizens, therefore.....I'm against it !!!
Islam so far has done very very little, to set the record straight that they're NOT about violence, therefore....I'm against them until they do !!(If they're being law abiding while there here, I would not discriminate against them)
Islam has virtually done nothing to halt the Madrassa's(SP?), so until they do....I'm against them !

(Now to the good ol' USA)

Just because the USA is "peopled" by a large majority of christians....THAT does not mean that "their's" is the law of the land, or "the only way"(in this country)

Christian religion should have "zero standing" as it pertains to US law !!!!! (problem is, with Morons like EL-CHIMPO, who allows christianity to influence the laws of the USA.

Don't you find it "somewhat" interesting that US(citizen) Jews/Buddahists/Hindu's and Native Americans, don't go around tryind to jam their belief system(s) down the throats of the general public, AND politicians ??

Though I'm not a HUGE fan of Jefferson, one thing I'm totally behind him on, was his beliefs that religion and politics should not mix, and...that no religion is superior to any other.

Though MANIFEST DESTINY started out only as a phrase, it has (sadly) been virtually made into US law.
A brief glance at the US supreme court will show you where certain politicians, and certain religious leaders want the court and the country to become.

Brother, if thats not Manifest Destiny, I don't know what is !!

Com'on Gar, wheres you sense of humor.....good grief your dry! <_<

I've made my stance well known, no need to argue. 😀

When it comes to bigotry and bias unsubstantiated by US law, I do not have a sense of humor and I will fight it till my last breath. If you want to hold those beliefs that's fine. Just please don't be under some misguided illusion that your beliefs are supported by anything other than your religious beliefs because they are certainly not supported by the US Constitution.

the pledge says 'freedom and justice for ALL' not just the people you chose.
When it comes to bigotry and bias unsubstantiated by US law, I do not have a sense of humor and I will fight it till my last breath.
Say it Brother

Just please don't be under some misguided illusion that your beliefs are supported by anything other than your religious beliefs because they are certainly not supported by the US Constitution.

Now now...yes religious beliefs are supported by the constitution....

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

Christian religion should have "zero standing" as it pertains to US law !!!!! (problem is, with Morons like EL-CHIMPO, who allows christianity to influence the laws of the USA.

Like I said...from back in the early days of Europe and the Mideast,foundation of law was and still is based on religous tenets.Those tenets came here as immigration prospered.Thats why we have these laws based on what was imported from across the pond.I guess you about have a bird when all those famous athletes give thanks to their respective God in the end zone or homeplate or the Olympics now.Is that ramming it down our throats?Does opening the new session of congress with a prayer qualify as ramming it down our throats?(Oh my God)
Where has/is Christianity influenced the Law? I am lacking an example.

Don't you find it "somewhat" interesting that US(citizen) Jews/Buddahists/Hindu's and Native Americans, don't go around tryind to jam their belief system(s) down the throats of the general public, AND politicians ??

Funny...other than the Jehovah's Witness's who come to the door on Wednesdays and the Hari Krishna who pounce at the mall.....got any examples? Better be better than the chimp making some offhand reference to his faith too.I don't remember when the last time someone tried ramming Jesus down my throat...but then again some of you may be sensitive to your eternal obligation.
700IAM would qualify for one.... :lol:
Say it Brother
Now now...yes religious beliefs are supported by the constitution....

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."
Like I said...from back in the early days of Europe and the Mideast,foundation of law was and still is based on religous tenets.Those tenets came here as immigration prospered.Thats why we have these laws based on what was imported from across the pond.I guess you about have a bird when all those famous athletes give thanks to their respective God in the end zone or homeplate or the Olympics now.Is that ramming it down our throats?Does opening the new session of congress with a prayer qualify as ramming it down our throats?(Oh my God)
Where has/is Christianity influenced the Law? I am lacking an example.
Funny...other than the Jehovah's Witness's who come to the door on Wednesdays and the Hari Krishna who pounce at the mall.....got any examples? Better be better than the chimp making some offhand reference to his faith too.I don't remember when the last time someone tried ramming Jesus down my throat...but then again some of you may be sensitive to your eternal obligation.
700IAM would qualify for one.... :lol:


Well for starters, the Conservative christian Right, is given WAY TOO MUCH influence by the GOP, to "1600" !!
Good lord Dell, I know your reading comprehension does not suck that bad. I did not say that religious freedoms are not supported by the US Constitution, I said his bigotry and bias is not supported by the Constitution. Big difference.

Dell, this is very little to support the idea that religion is the foundation of the Constitution. As I documented above, several of the framers had definite beliefs against the involvement of religion in government.

What some over paid jock wants to do in the end zone is his problem, I could care less. As for Congress, yes it does offend me, but considering the quality of people in the building, I am not surprised.

Abortion, stem cell research, prayer in school, faith based initiative, ban on same sex marriage, prayer in Congress, intelligent design (if that is not an oxymoron I don't know what is). You can start with this list, I'm sure I can come up with more.
So then its ok for gays to loiter in bathrooms in search of cheap thrills while young innocents may unwittingly view? Or is it a recruiting drive?
I have no fish on my bumper either,Bear.
Cost to Society?


Scientifically speaking, sex is a means to an end. The end being the propagation of the human race. This end can never be fulfilled by sex between males (in the case of gays) or between females (in the case of lesbians). Therefore, the general conclusion is that homosexuality is irrational and illogical.


It was clearly recognized by experts who were objective and unprejudiced, that psychologically speaking homosexuality is an abnormal behavior.


There is absolutely no doubt that Christianity, Judaism and Islam, the three most widely embraced religions in America condemn homosexual behavior in the strongest terms.


i) Aids: Among the groups that have directly and indirectly contributed to the wide scale spread of Aids to even innocent patients like children are homosexuals and their practice of anal sex.

According to common sense, science, logic, psychology and religion - i.e all those aspects of present society, that have contributed to its civilization, homosexuality is irrational, illogical, abnormal and an immoral behavior. Those who practice is should not be personally condemned but their behavior should and solutions to their ills be found, and the free practice of homosexual behavior be stopped, so that our society prospers. If clear and concrete evidence were indeed found in the other direction, I would gladly change my above conclusions. Therefore let our end be towards the truth!
1--If sex is truly a means to an end, then it is also illogical for heterosexuals to engage in sex when there is no chance of conception. So, it's illogical for a woman to have sex beyond her child bearing years. To expand on this, many people oppose gay marriage on the belief that marriage is meant to produce a family. If they use this reasoning, then marriage should also be illegal for those that can't have children, or for those that don't intend to have children.

2--Psychological experts now realize that homosexuality is NOT a choice. It was removed from the APA's list of "disorders" decades ago.

3--The religious argument still amazes me. Why do these religions condemn homosexuality based on what's said in the bible, yet dont' condemn other things in the bible? For example, the bible states that if a woman gets divorced, and remarries, she is committing adultery. The bible condones slavery. The bible (and the 5th commandment) says "thou shalt not kill", yet so many conservatives say capital punishment is OK jut because the bible also says "an eye for an eye". Eating shellfish is also called an abomination in the bible. Why do conservatives think all these things are OK?????

4--AIDS is a disease that affects many people. It is now faster growing among heterosexuals than homosexuals.

Your "conclusion" that homosexuality is immoral is ridiculous. Religion is the only aspect that says it's immoral. Yet, the bible mentions other "immoral" things that are condoned by those who condemn homosexualty.

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