With NWA, yes, they won and AMFA, ALPA, AFA, TWU and the IAM lost, in fact workers across the industry lost, "an injury to one really ends up being an injury to all" . None of them work for NWA anymore and everyone in the industry in real terms is making much less. The sacrifice of an airline means nothing to these people, they reassign the assets, paint them a different color and move on. The objective is to lower labor costs, to take money away from workers and put more money in their pockets. You can agree or disagree with Karl Marx but as an economist he was right when he said;
AA workers work under the worst terms in the industry, even worse than non-union, and their profits are the highest in the industry.
Granted Marx's perspective here ignores long term implications but in this example its spot on.
No I don't agree with Marx's assessment especially not long term as you say. If wages fall all it becomes is a race to the bottom for retailers to try and sell there goods and services. We see it right now in retailers like Sears, JC Penny's and even Macy's. There not performing well and every time I walk into one of those stores it's like a Ghost town. Go into Ross though and the line is out the store.
Unions are the only group that can fight back against that. But they need to fight together and coordinated.
So yes, they won. In 1989 when the workers stood together and said NO, EAL was not able to gain the concessions they wanted, concessions that would have repeated themselves across the industry. The EAL guys who came to JFK and LGA were well above what they would have been making had they given in to Lorenzo within two years. They sacrificed the Airline and didn't get what they wanted, after 9-11 NWA was the sacrificial carrier, but this time the Unions did not stick together and we all lost and they won. So AMFA may have lost, but in reality we all did. You seem proud of that?
Not in the slightest. I have nothing against AMFA. Just the people who come on here and paint a picture of all the other Unions out there being crap in comparison. As you said in your first paragraph (good) EVERY Union took their lumps and still continue to do so. (because they don't want to work together enough yet)
Nobody ran around saying "you don't want to end up like EAL" in the 90s because the EAL guys still say they won. At NWA they don't say they won, the other side won, but their real victory is when people like you, who claim to be pro-union run around and say "You don't want to end up like NWA-Amfa"
Still trying to paint your own personal portrait of me huh Bob? I've said before that ALL of the industries Unions should have supported AMFA. It should have been a European style walk out with the National Guard being called in, tear gas and rubber bullets. And that's even if AMFA really did say "Well take it from the IAM" (Before anyone hit's me, no I never have seen that in writing)
But it's always about all those leather chairs that people put there asses into. You have one too Bob and I'm sure you like it very much.