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And so it begins..

By all appearances in this upcoming merger frenzy US Airways may be left standing out in the cold.

We are like the ugly girl at the dance that everyone tries to avoid.

Not just ugly. US is the fat girl with herpes. The kind who will give anyone a handy, but you'd never take her seriously for anything else. She'll be smoking a Marlboro in the girl's room while the dance partners line up in the gym. She'll be left alone in her ugly swoosh dress.
Not just ugly. US is the fat girl with herpes. The kind who will give anyone a handy, but you'd never take her seriously for anything else. She'll be smoking a Marlboro in the girl's room while the dance partners line up in the gym. She'll be left alone in her ugly swoosh dress.

Malboro's eh? I'm surprised USAir would even spring for those. Gold Coast is more their price bracket... :up:

At the last company meeting I was at in which company executives spoke, they said that the two airlines that UA would be the most interested in combining with is Continental and Delta, primarily for two reasons: A strong New York market concentration and a stronger presence in Latin America than what United currently has. US is not part of that equation...
A merger with Continental still leaves United with a gaping hole in it's route network.
A hub in the South East
CO may not offer a southeast hub for UA, but they bring Houston to the table (close enough) and a large South America presence. Plus their Indonesia operation. This more than makes up for the lack of a southeast hub. With their Europe operation from EWR nicely fitting into UA's reduced presence in JFK, CO is easily a close second choice as a merger partner for UA.

Either way, US is a non-player. The only option for US if this recent merger hoopla actually goes somewhere this time, is to pick up a few gates and routes dropped by the 4 real players.
CO may not offer a southeast hub for UA, but they bring Houston to the table (close enough) and a large South America presence. Plus their Indonesia operation.
A real industry expert you are. CO has an Indonesia operation? Where did you come up with that?
I assume that you once read something about their Micronesia routes and, EDITED BY MODERATOR got confused. :shock:

Either way, US is a non-player. The only option for US if this recent merger hoopla actually goes somewhere this time, is to pick up a few gates and routes dropped by the 4 real players.
Thanks for your probing analysis, oh industry maven. COMMENT DELETED BY MODERATOR
Better hope someone bites on one of your scenarios, because your "franchise" is in deep trouble on its own.

MOD NOTE: Keep it on topic--you may comment on the message but NOT the messenger. NO MORE INSULTS.
CO may not offer a southeast hub for UA, but they bring Houston to the table (close enough) and a large South America presence. Plus their Indonesia operation. This more than makes up for the lack of a southeast hub. With their Europe operation from EWR nicely fitting into UA's reduced presence in JFK, CO is easily a close second choice as a merger partner for UA.

Either way, US is a non-player. The only option for US if this recent merger hoopla actually goes somewhere this time, is to pick up a few gates and routes dropped by the 4 real players.
Houston doesn't even come close to being a hub in the south east. A completely different demographic.
A real industry expert you are. CO has an Indonesia operation? Where did you come up with that?
I assume that you once read something about their Micronesia routes and, EDITED BY MODERATOR got confused. :shock:
Excuse me oh perfect one... I did mean Micronesia. And FYI, Indonesia is not that far south of Micronesia. So forgive my extreme ignorance in referring to a general geographical area instead of being as specific as you would have liked. 🙄 Perhaps I should have said the South Pacific. Would that have been more acceptable? :bleh:

PS. You should consider switching to decaf before you end up in the corn field.

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