LOL, keep dreaming "Fresshell" ... You should worry about someone cherry picking AMR, remember all the talking smack by AA employees about UAL selling the farm, and then AMR puts Eagle up for sale??? Lets not lose touch with reality here.. umm kkk.. Oh, and is it true that the wonderful APA has petitioned the NMB?? ummm hmmm, it is gonna get interesting, but I bet those rough and tough AMRers turn to moosh in negotiations... I think it was Britney Spears who coined it, saying, Gimme more GIMME GIMME more... and the world laughed, Look at yourself as Britney Spears freshhell, with the initials being B.S.
Beauty, (My poor disillusioned beauty),
As a wise man(eolesen) just pointed out to us, on the AA board(and I never even thought of it this way), is the fact THAT, the DEAL will be DL/NW, for 2(just for starters) reasons
1. DL/NW are both on the same IT system.
2. Both ARE members of SKY TEAM(a HUGE biggie)
3. IF UAL grabs CO, "royalties" (probably in CHOICE ROUTES) will be paid to NW, to release CO from their OBLIGATION to BIG RED.
But, a UAL/CO deal, isn't the "end of the world" for you guys.
1. you pick up a great needed NE hub(EWR), and a money maker in IAH, PLUS air "mike"(beauty, that means Air Micronesia), plus MORE SA/Carib, and CO has a big order in for 787's.
Not BAD, huh ?
So what do you think beauty ???