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And so it begins..

You're right, it would have TWO hubs in the Southeast, Houston and that other one, in Virginia (IAD).
If IAD works for UA as a SouthEast hub, why would they be in search of another one? And Houston?? Come on.. :lol:
You know if Delta and NW merge, there might be huge problems with labor as well...

I see BIG issues ahead that will make US/AWA look like a beach trip. NWA AFA is strictly DATE OF HIRE...(fyi for all of DAL that jumped ahead of PAA...look out!)

I don't think there would be enough DL f/a's voting along with NW f/a's to get rid of AFA. Would that mean that those PAA flight attendants seniority would be restored if there were a merger? Hmmmmm. Weren't Empire folks brought from the bottom and given their seniority that Piedmont took away when Piedmont was aquired by US?
My oh my... You are a twisted and angry individual.
Hey, 700UW thinks the same thing. He's our other world expert on everything under the sun. Nice to know you two great minds think alike. :up:

Now if you'd like to debate how this consolidation will actually unfold, I'd be happy to engage in some intelligent conversation.
Let's see. You've been coming on here for years posting nonsense about how every development in the aviation world will somehow lead to ever greater success for yourself. (How's it working out so far? :lol: ) This is known as idiocy, not "intelligent conversation."

Consolidation is a process that will play out just as it has up until now. That is, in ways that no one on this board can predict, especially you. Sorry, but I haven't seen much in your posts that is a worthy subject of "debate." Your predictions are pure cyberspace drivel, and that is undebatable.
Also, just as there are many "out there who want to get their hands on UA", there are probably more who would like to see US fail. It is obvious from the posts, particulary from other airlines, that this is the case. What I think we can all agree on is that this industry is far from fixed and that industry consolidation may be the answer for a prosperous and secure future. I don't know about you but I would love to get back what we've all lost since 911. I'm just glad that Delta has decided to get the ball rolling.

Well I agree on several of your points. I for one am sick and tired of all the talking about consolidation. If it's going to happen... GET IT DONE ALREADY! Good for Delta!

I think everyone is ready to recover what's been lost in the last 6+ years. One thing that consolidation will bring is an opening of section 6 negotiations, allowing unions to regain what they deserve before their current amendable date.

I for one don't want USAirways to fail. I just have no desire to see my company have any part of yours. No offense intended. Just my preference. I also think it's ironic that after MANY YEARS of posters like USA320pilot and others from USAir predicting the demise of UA and the dominance of US, the endless speculation of United selling off assets with USAir being the primary beneficiary, the US pilots lusting over a chance to fly UA's Heavy metal... after all this, it is USAirways who will probably be sitting this round of consolidation out mostly due to a civil war created by the same people.

I do not think that a NW/CO and DL/UA merger will mean the end of USAirways. But it will leave US without the opportunities it could have otherwise had.
Hey, 700UW thinks the same thing. He's our other world expert on everything under the sun. Nice to know you two great minds think alike. :up:

Let's see. You've been coming on here for years posting nonsense about how every development in the aviation world will somehow lead to ever greater success for yourself. (How's it working out so far? :lol: ) This is known as idiocy, not "intelligent conversation."

Consolidation is a process that will play out just as it has up until now. That is, in ways that no one on this board can predict, especially you. Sorry, but I haven't seen much in your posts that is a worthy subject of "debate." Your predictions are pure cyberspace drivel, and that is undebatable.

Final warning to stay on topic & not make this about another poster. Time off awaits if you do not heed the warning.
If IAD works for UA as a SouthEast hub, why would they be in search of another one? And Houston?? Come on.. :lol:
As I recall - and I don't claim to have seen every one of Tilton's quotes - he talked of a desire for a southern or southern tier hub, not specifically a southeast hub. If the fuzzy memory is right, either ATL or IAH would fit those descriptions as well as CLT.

Looks like this debate will be solved in a matter of weeks.

The WSJ is reporting "Delta Air Lines Inc. has opened merger negotiations with both UAL Corp.'s United Airlines and Northwest Airlines Corp., and hopes to negotiate a merger agreement with one of the airlines over the next two weeks, according to people familiar with the situation."

WSJ article
Well I agree on several of your points. I for one am sick and tired of all the talking about consolidation. If it's going to happen... GET IT DONE ALREADY! Good for Delta!

I think everyone is ready to recover what's been lost in the last 6+ years. One thing that consolidation will bring is an opening of section 6 negotiations, allowing unions to regain what they deserve before their current amendable date.

I for one don't want USAirways to fail. I just have no desire to see my company have any part of yours. No offense intended. Just my preference. I also think it's ironic that after MANY YEARS of posters like USA320pilot and others from USAir predicting the demise of UA and the dominance of US, the endless speculation of United selling off assets with USAir being the primary beneficiary, the US pilots lusting over a chance to fly UA's Heavy metal... after all this, it is USAirways who will probably be sitting this round of consolidation out mostly due to a civil war created by the same people.

I do not think that a NW/CO and DL/UA merger will mean the end of USAirways. But it will leave US without the opportunities it could have otherwise had.
[/quote No offense taken. I hear you and I respect your opinion. I believe most of us, no matter who u work for, are professional and just want to see this industry fixed. We all know that consolidation is coming and most of us over here have learned to go with the flow. Personally, I'd love to see everyone go it alone. Mergers are extremely challenging but I think the end result will get our careers back on track. It's going to get very intersting this year. Has UA ever had a merger?
Some people think if they write something over and over it will come true. What is actually going to happen is far more interesting that the "I love Northwest so thats who it will be" or "I hate US Airways and our forum is boring" opinions.
Didnt they also merge with Presidential?
Didnt they also merge with Presidential?

No. Presidential Airlines did contract work for United as a feeder in the late Eighties. The also did feeder work for Continental as well.

Presidential met it's demise shortly afterwards in December 1989 when it shut down in bankruptcy and liquidated their assets.
No big deal, but I think you meant to quote FlyUs.

Has UA ever had a merger?
FlyUs, other than Capital Airlines in '61 I don't know of another UA merger. However when Pan Am went out of business, UA bought their Pacific operation. Pilots were integrated into the seniority list. Since it was before my time, there are certainly others who know more details than me.

Interestingly enough, Delta bought PA's European operation. So a UA/DL merger would actually be a resurrection of the old Pan Am. Maybe they could buy the rights to the name and rename the merged airline. Now there's some food for speculation. :up:

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