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MERGERS: Delta, US Airways, AMR, Continental buyers

Worldspan was the computer res system owned by TWA, Delta, and Northwest.

PARS was the TWA reservation system they had used since the early 70s. When the systems of the 3 airlines were all merged together to become WORLDSPAN in 1990, most at TWA continued to just call our res system PARS, since nothing had really changed in terms of commands.

I haven't worked as an agent in years, but still remember many of those PARS/Worldspan commands... It worked, and finding the information you needed was fairly simple. And yes, it was possible to reroute a pax around the globe in seconds. A possible merger with NWA better include Worldspan for the sanity of all involved!


4T$CCIK4012999299323232N0909*IE015332328832023-315 anyone?

Ah the memories...... !!
NWA and US/HP. Negative plus a negative equals a positive. We'll all be winners.

LOL...Where did you go to school?

A postive and a positve ALWAYS equal a postive!

A negative and a negative ALWAYS equal a negative!

A negative and a postive takes the sign of the greater!!! :up:

So, does that mean if we merger with a larger "good" company we will be instantly a "good" company? hmmmm Let's ponder that!!
So, does that mean if we merger with a larger "good" company we will be instantly a "good" company? hmmmm Let's ponder that!!

don't hold your breath. HP merged with US and look where you are today.
It just cracks me up...a REPORTER and two bit "consultant", deciding which airline is going to buy and which is going to sell.

Well, I think a complete review of Labor at NWA will remind Stealin, and anyone else that NW employees will have a major say in what NW does. NW is where it is because of our cash, and sweat. NW Unions will hardly sit meekly by and watch it disappear...that is wishful thinking of a two bit "consultant". NW doesn't need to do anything but operate it's present system and grow as opportunities arise. A path most NW employees prefer.

NW is well positioned to protect itself right now. (even with Stealin's planned merger with Delta)

NW holds the ace of merger protection...CAL golden share.
NW has the highest operating margin of all legacy.
It is producing the highest after tax profit.
NW is preparing a massive expansion of non stops through out it's Pacific /Atlantic Division upon arrival of the 68 787 Dreamliners (with a new international product)
Anti trust immunity with AF will allow it to build Paris even bigger than AMS.

It's only major negative is it's severely damaged labor relations.

NW will buy, or enter into a merger of equals, and it will most likely be with a carrier that brings continental coverage internationally where we are lacking. That would be S.America, Eastern Europe, Africa, Middle East. (and we (labor) are highly experienced at protecting ourselves since the wonderful LBO/RAPE/ROBBERY/Enslavement, leading to Stealin's only alternative... forced BK)

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