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AMT Teamsters Drive

Ok. Let me get this straight. A bunch of Amfa pushers
start playing up an alleged Teamster drive and someone
has the gumption to inquire if anyone bothered to ask
the Teamsters. The answer is obviously no, but just
asking the question is enough to start the rain of
insults. These are the same people who called the
Teamsters the Reamsters and the gangsters when they
were supporting the AMFA raid at SWA and the PFAA raid
at NWA. No, I dont think the Teamsters have forgotten,
and no I dont think they have any intention of playing
ball with you.
As for as the man behind the door, I know who he is.
Hes the Director who lost 10,000 jobs at NWA, at least
6,000 before there was even a strike. Hes the man who
said that the way to deal with a bankruptcy is to
force the Company into Court and make them prove their
case... and a year later told the UAL mechanics to
agree to termination of their pension plan and
outsourcing of their work overseas because the
Bankruptcy judge had a gun to their heads. Hes the one
who allowed ASA and Mesaba to outsource all heavy
maintenance and plant maintenance and waved goodby to
the Independence mechanics without so much as a
meeting to discuss job opportunities. Believe me, I
dont intend to pay any attention to that man.

Did you compose this all by yourself Icecube, no 'Nuts BB regurgitation? How refreshing. A bunch of AMFA pushers? I guess it shows how you twu bubbas don't know who is doing the IBT pushing, comical. :lol: Rain of insults? You twu bubba-believers are the ones who are doing the whining and the wailing and asking all the IBT legitimacy questions. You team twu boyz are looking very desparate and unsettled at the thought of more cards coming down the pipe and stopping another representational vote. Kinda funny to think what happens when the drive really gets going. :shock: :lol:

The drive is just starting, and early twu crying has already started. Again, what are the twu bubbas so worried about? Why not have a vote and get it over and done with? No answer from any twu believer for that one. Instead, your going off topic and deriding what AMFA has done or not done. We are talking about the IBT vs the twu, not AMFA. Please go over to the 'Nuts BB if you want to dredge up your old AMFA lies.
Kinda like posting pictures of people from behind your alias, the level of twu cowardice never fails to amaze. 😛h34r: :blink: 😛h34r:
Refer to my previous answer to your questions.
AMFAMAN, your previous answer was a bunch of gibberish riff-raff with no meaning what so ever. Here is some meaning for you. You can vote any damn union in you want but the fact remains that you belong to an unskilled craft. You guys are making it worse by pursuing this AMT issue. I work with your pathetic AMT's and as long as they are allowed to work on your aircraft there is nothing your damned unions can do for you. The AMT is an unskilled laborer and will forever keep the A&P in the gutter with them as long as they are allowed to work on aircraft. What is it about this that you do not understand?

I hear your new Teamster union steward calling you AMFAMAN. He says its bedtime and he has some Kool Aid for you. Go drink up now.
What part of I do not answer SCABs do you not get? Even the bubba-believers won't talk to you, that should tell you something.
Dodge the issue any which way you wish AMFAMAN the fact still remains that your unions have done nothing to promote the craft to a skilled level. The fact remains that you guys continually degrade the craft. AMT my arse. Anyone wishing to get into aviation maintenance is a fool to spend two years in school. All you have to do is work for any MRO and you can join the fine and proud ranks of the AMT profession. Then you can join a union and beg for scraps from both of your masters. You will always be stuck with one master but you can always vote for a new master on the union side. WELCOME TO THE PROUD RANKS OF THE AMT PROFESSION AND UNIONISM. go teamsters.
Bill asked a simple question and all he has gotten is the same nonsense and insults that is the stock and trade of this Board. Bill asked which official of the IBT authorized an organizing drive for AA mechanics. He also asked which IBT official has stated that a properly designated official from the International would even file the cards gathered as part of an application on behalf of the IBT, something which is a legal requirement under the RLA in order for there to be a representation election. The answer, near as I can make out, is no-one.
The fact that the IBT is no longer in the AFL-CIO is, with all due respect, Mr former Moderator, completely irrelevant. The IBT is part of numerous state and central labor bodies with the TWU and works closely with us on legislation, regulation, and politics. Their own internal rules require the international to approve any organizing drive. They have approved such a drive among AMFA represented UAL mechanics. They have not and will not
authorize a drive at AA, both because of the mutual respect between the organizations and because they realize what is obvious from reading this string--that the chief pushers of this "drive" are the same AMFA kool aid drinkers who supported raids on them at SWA and CAL, but now can't directly sell their wares due to the fiascos at NWA, UAL, Mesaba, and Independence.

So called "mutual" respect does not even exists as the IBT exited the AFL-CIO and there is no love lost between the two.
Money talks and B.S. walks.The union dues potential alone at AA will have the IBT officials licking their chops.
Unions are a business and money talks.
So called "mutual" respect does not even exists as the IBT exited the AFL-CIO and there is no love lost between the two.
Money talks and B.S. walks.The union dues potential alone at AA will have the IBT officials licking their chops.
Unions are a business and money talks.
This is could be very much the case. There is no respect for the twu at any union level, they have led the industry in concessions for over twenty years. I don't think the IBT will give a second thought if the required cards are submitted by a grassroots drive. Then you add in the dues factor, and its a slam dunk. 😀 😛h34r:
There is no respect for the twu at any union level, they have led the industry in concessions for over twenty years. I don't think the IBT will give a second thought if the required cards are submitted by a grassroots drive.
Hell even the company doesn't respect them, they just slap them around and tell them they love em.

I do believe the bubba-believers are in a panic because they know the Teamsters will file the cards and this was the only way they can fight back. The funny part is that most of us could care less about the Teamsters, and that it's their guys who are organizing this but they feel the need to blame the AMFA crowd. This drive is obviously much bigger than even I originally thought as even MCI is signing, and has been prior to my posting or knowledge of the drive.
To put this into perspective, this is a clear indicator of how "VILE" the twu is, and how it is thought of.

I mean, if the IBT is successful, it will be because, among "other things", that they came to power, with the support of (the) BUBBA's and "OKIE'S"

Just the image of a bunch of republican "OKIE's,and BUBBA"S, "throwing in" with a crooked, "I"...talian, Mafia Yankee Union, is enough to make me shake my head in (JOYFULL) disbelief !!!!!!!!

Think about it .

THAT'S how much the tw u(seless) is HATED !!

"By JESUS, I NEVER thought I'd live to see the day"

<_< ----- Call the Exterminator! This line has been SCAB infested!!!! :shock: Easy Bear!---- It's just the start of the Football season!!! 😛 Anything can happen! Including the IBT!!!!
If the teamsters can increase their membership by 12000
dues paying members I would say loyalty goes out the window
its all about the money.

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