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AMT Teamsters Drive

How's this for back on topic......

Are you freakin' kidding me?? :shock: :shock: :shock: The Teamsters are not going to authorize a raid on the TWU. The two organizations get along and respect each other. But, prove me wrong. Show me a letter (a ligitimate letter that is) from any official from the IBT International saying they have authorized an organizing drive at AA among mechanic and related, or will file the cards with the NMB if they receive them. That link Amfaman put up is as generic as all get out. Anyone could have come up with that crap. It's a card. Big deal!! Hackman, Princess, Informer, Amfaman, anyone...anyone???? The burden of proof falls on you.

As for SWA, I agree the reason those rates lead the passenger industry are the Teamster negotiated agreements. But, almost every work group at SWA, including the TWU represented FAs and fleet clerks leads the industry, probably because SWA makes more money than anyone else. It ain't rocket science folks. In the case of mechanic and related, though, as everyone knows, SWA outsources 80 percent of its heavy maintenance. :angry:
<_< Back on topic!--- Simple fact! You get enough cards signed, and I'll guarantee you'll get that letter!! Weather it exists to date matters Little! (Not meant to be a pun!) 😛
You're probably right that TULE would never suggest farming it out on their own, but that's not to say that Boston, Accenture, Bain, Deloitte, or Mercer (all major consulting firms who have at one time or another been involved with making recommendations to senior management) won't eventually sell Gerard, Bob Reding and Tom Horton on the idea.

As much as I detest consultants, self-preservation doesn't usually enter into their recommendations, which is why corporations tend to put more weight into what they suggest than what the internal staff would propose or even use to counter their arguments.

Any particular experince that led you to detest consultant?
Oh nothing in particular, aside from the fact that I've seen too many examples of consultants taking credit for coming up with ideas, but washing their hands of it whenever they don't work in practice.

Bill, I think there's a slight difference between organizing a raid on another union, and responding to a grass-roots effort.

If the IBT were to receive 10,000 cards, whatever respect they have for the TWU probably won't sway their decision to act.

Plus, the IBT has walked out on the AFL-CIO, so that isn't a concern.


Bill has never heard of acting as a group and getting action.

He simply waits for management or the TWU to tell him what he believes and what he should do next.

He would be the last to understand grass roots.

A true leader of the sheep heard, and loudest to BAHHHHHH when one starts to think for himself.
How's this for back on topic......

Are you freakin' kidding me?? The Teamsters are not going to authorize a raid on the TWU. The two organizations get along and respect each other.

Billy, Billy, Billy.... how can it be a "raid" if twu members are signing IBT (who withdrew from the afl-cio BTW 😉 ) cards and asking for a representational vote? Is the twu again going to enlist AA management to help stop another vote? I detect an extensive amount of stress in your post BillyBob. Don't tell us your scared of a twu/IBT representational vote too? Surely a twu bubba-believer like yourself is fully confident of a twu win if a vote occured...right? :lol: 🙄

I don't think the IBT respects the twu, in fact I don't know of any labor organization that does given the twu's company union status, unequaled weakness, and decades of concessionary history. The IBT doesn't have to authorize any drive Billy. When they get a few thousand cards and a sufficient show of intrest, those who desire change will authorize the IBT to conduct a drive. Now, the former twu believers that are quietly passing out cards might be able to help you with an IBT letter, but you might have to sign a IBT card to read it. :lol: 😛 :lol: The burden of proof is signed cards Billy, but good luck in your search for something you can take back to your twu masters. :unsure: 😛h34r: :unsure:
Are you freakin' kidding me?? :shock: :shock: :shock: The Teamsters are not going to authorize a raid on the TWU. The two organizations get along and respect each other. But, prove me wrong. Show me a letter (a ligitimate letter that is) from any official from the IBT International saying they have authorized an organizing drive at AA among mechanic and related, or will file the cards with the NMB if they receive them. That link Amfaman put up is as generic as all get out. Anyone could have come up with that crap. It's a card. Big deal!! Hackman, Princess, Informer, Amfaman, anyone...anyone???? The burden of proof falls on you.
What are we proving?

Just in case you can't read, here is the original post. Since this time I have signed a card but refuse to assist in any drive myself without assurance that the cards will be filed. My station organizer claims he has this assurance, but has yet to provide it to me.

I got an e-mail about some old twu faithful passing out Teamsters cards at AFW but didn't believe it until the cards showed up at DFW over the weekend. Looks like a couple hundred cards were signed here with ease. I have no interest in being represented by the Teamsters and didn't think they would take us, but those passing out the cards claim they have been given the okay from the higher levels of the Teamsters. So expect to see Teamsters cards at a station near you.

Here is the link that came with the e-mail and address:


Teamsters Airline Division
6242 Westchester Parkway, Suite 250
Los Angeles, CA 90045-9914
Blah, blah, blah. I simply asked for proof. And by your post Hackman , it shows how little you think you know. Noone's stressed but you wannabes. First it's amfa, now IBT. Hell, I saw one post that said they'd prefer the corruption of the IBT. HMMM??? Your ways of change will likely end us up with no union at all. Wouldn't that be irony???

You go ahead and fill out all the cards you want but it will be to no avail. The IBT has to agree to act on them (by your reasoning) and that ain't gonna happen. Go ahead, inquire to the IBT Internat'l. They'll tell you the same thing I did. Oops, did someone forget to do that????? It's very simple...you can't give guaranties for the IBT. I repeat (and it should be easy if your "guaranty" is something besides hot air) show us a legitimate (non forged) letter from an IBT international official authorizing this drive. In fact, just give us the name of the official who gave you this guaranty. The rules of the NMB are clear, don't you know them??? Representation applications must be signed by the chief executive officer of the international or national organization or other specifically designated and authorized officer. Give us the name of the "specifically designated and authorized officer" who has given you this guaranty. Shouldn't be too difficult.

And Informer.....is that all you got?????? I expected more from you instead of a bunch of insults about a person you know nothing about. I support thre TWU so that makes me a target to your put-downs. We all know your MO so it doesn't bother me too much.
Blah, blah, blah. I simply asked for proof. And by your post Hackman , it shows how little you think you know. Noone's stressed but you wannabes. First it's amfa, now IBT. Hell, I saw one post that said they'd prefer the corruption of the IBT. HMMM??? Your ways of change will likely end us up with no union at all. Wouldn't that be irony???

You go ahead and fill out all the cards you want but it will be to no avail. The IBT has to agree to act on them and that ain't gonna happen. Go ahead, inquire to the IBT Internat'l. They'll tell you the same thing I did. Oops, did someone forget to do that?????
And Informer.....is that all you got?????? I expected more from you instead of a bunch of insults about a person you know nothing about. I support thre TWU so that makes me a target to your put-downs. We all know your MO so it doesn't bother me too much.

Proof of what Billy? A card drive? Like I said, ask the ones with the cards, not me. The corruption in the IBT can't be any worse than having a bootlicking twu company union in the man's back pocket, can it Billy? The IBT might even put up a fight instead of laying down like a cheap whore. Are you saying the twu isn't corrupt Billy? You can't be lying like that, or you'll go to hadies with Jimmy Dolittle. :huh: At this point, having no union at all is about the same as having the twu, except it would be a lot cheaper.

I think when a representational vote does come, and it will sooner or later, enough twu members will vote the twu out. The twu bubba-believers are dwindling by the day, and it is only a matter of time. This is the reason the twu and its brain dead bubba-beleivers will do anything to stop a representational vote, including getting the compAAny to lie for them. I just don't understand a union that preaches how democratic they are would try to constantly stop its members from seeking change? What is the twu scared of?
What would be the difference between NO UNION and the TWU?

You would have two hours pay per month to buy some gasoline.

Working Together is alot like NO UNION at all, expect for the two hours pay per month.
All talk and nothing to show for it. God forbid you ever get in a governing postion Hackman. You're a class act. Hey aren't you the one who can't hold a sign right side up???? :lol: 😉

Gotten a hold of those IBT officials yet?????? How about you Informer???? Hooked up with any of your "connections" yet???
All talk and nothing to show for it. God forbid you ever get in a governing postion Hackman. You're a class act. Hey aren't you the one who can't hold a sign right side up???? :lol: 😉

Gotten a hold of those IBT officials yet?????? How about you Informer???? Hooked up with any of your "connections" yet???

Sounds as if someone is concerned about losing their cushy lovefest position. 🙄
All talk and nothing to show for it. God forbid you ever get in a governing postion Hackman. You're a class act. Hey aren't you the one who can't hold a sign right side up???? :lol: 😉

Gotten a hold of those IBT officials yet?????? How about you Informer???? Hooked up with any of your "connections" yet???

I am not attempting to "hook-up" with any officials.

Just like everyone else, I mailed my card in.

Even if I had confirmation of the desire to file from an IBT Official when there are enough cards. Why would I expose that to your sorry ass to run and attempt to mess things up? NO, I am fine with the way things are for now. I'll get back with you if I need your help though.

This is no longer the forum for stooges like you to get information to derail the movement to leave TWU. The desire will be exposed on its own and in due time.
Gotten a hold of those IBT officials yet?????? How about you Informer???? Hooked up with any of your "connections" yet???
BTW...I see nothing in writing from you saying there is no drive by the IBT. It's obvious that you are in a panic mode, as if the Teamsters weren't organizing AA, you'd be the first to post something to that effect. So who are your sources Bill, put up or shut up and sign a card.
These are the same idle threats during the amfa drive. Keep talking..........
Bill asked a simple question and all he has gotten is the same nonsense and insults that is the stock and trade of this Board. Bill asked which official of the IBT authorized an organizing drive for AA mechanics. He also asked which IBT official has stated that a properly designated official from the International would even file the cards gathered as part of an application on behalf of the IBT, something which is a legal requirement under the RLA in order for there to be a representation election. The answer, near as I can make out, is no-one.
The fact that the IBT is no longer in the AFL-CIO is, with all due respect, Mr former Moderator, completely irrelevant. The IBT is part of numerous state and central labor bodies with the TWU and works closely with us on legislation, regulation, and politics. Their own internal rules require the international to approve any organizing drive. They have approved such a drive among AMFA represented UAL mechanics. They have not and will not authorize a drive at AA, both because of the mutual respect between the organizations and because they realize what is obvious from reading this string--that the chief pushers of this "drive" are the same AMFA kool aid drinkers who supported raids on them at SWA and CAL, but now can't directly sell their wares due to the fiascos at NWA, UAL, Mesaba, and Independence.

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