How's this for back on topic......
Are you freakin' kidding me??

The Teamsters are not going to authorize a raid on the TWU. The two organizations get along and respect each other. But,
prove me wrong. Show me a letter (a ligitimate letter that is) from any official from the IBT International saying they have authorized an organizing drive at AA among mechanic and related, or will file the cards with the NMB if they receive them. That link Amfaman put up is as generic as all get out. Anyone could have come up with that crap. It's a card. Big deal!! Hackman, Princess, Informer, Amfaman, anyone...anyone???? The burden of proof falls on you.
As for SWA, I agree the reason those rates lead the passenger industry are the Teamster negotiated agreements. But, almost every work group at SWA, including the TWU represented FAs and fleet clerks leads the industry, probably because SWA makes more money than anyone else. It ain't rocket science folks. In the case of mechanic and related, though, as everyone knows, SWA outsources
80 percent of its heavy maintenance. :angry: