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AMT Teamsters Drive

Dave, I've never disagreed with your right to vote on representation, or with your right to hold your leadership accountable to the membership. Ever.

I don't, however, agree with the conspiracy theory that management interfered as much as I do the theory that AMFA didn't perform enough due dilligence when it came to who was in class and craft (and no, that's not an invitation for you or anyone else to convince me otherwise -- just move on already....).

Come on...over 3,000 people were removed from the list the company submitted to the NMB. Included in this list were over 1,000 retirees, a couple dozen dead people, people who never worked a day for AA-just did the interview, etc, etc, etc. This was just a typo, if so, the people running this place are more screwed up then originally thought to be.
Come on...over 3,000 people were removed from the list the company submitted to the NMB. Included in this list were over 1,000 retirees, a couple dozen dead people, people who never worked a day for AA-just did the interview, etc, etc, etc. This was just a typo, if so, the people running this place are more screwed up then originally thought to be.

I agree that the Company worked with the TWU to protect them.This is past history and water under the bridge.
Please apply all our energy to the IBT card drive and just maybe we can overcome the AA/TWU alliance and get a real union once and for all at AA.Fighting past battles just uses up valuable energy and time that is needed to fight the war ahead of us.
Please look to the future which is the IBT.Thank you very much.
I do not dislike AMFA but I think that the IBT is a better horse to bet on at this stage.
I don't care if we overthrow the TWU with the UNITED HOG FARMERS of AMERICA. As long as the TWU is removed from the property.
Ok lets take it easy, although i like the saying i would rather have the "credit union " for representation than the twu, i really do not want that to happen. (although the results would be the same) My issue would be to go from one un democratic union to the other. Accomplish what? Do we have a say on who is in office with the Teamsters? and if we are unhappy can we vote them out ?
Do the members have any power????
Please post links or info...
When is the info meeting with the leaders with questions?
Ok lets take it easy, although i like the saying i would rather have the "credit union " for representation than the twu, i really do not want that to happen. (although the results would be the same) My issue would be to go from one un democratic union to the other. Accomplish what? Do we have a say on who is in office with the Teamsters? and if we are unhappy can we vote them out ?
Do the members have any power????
Please post links or info...
When is the info meeting with the leaders with questions?

That sounds more like a fishing expedition post than a sincere post of concern.
At least if the teamsters get in I won't have to pay the initation fee. I still have my Teamsters withdrawal card from my Braniff/Dalfort days. Where do I sign? Hackman,767 mechanic do you guys have some Teamster cards?

I don't believe that the NMB allows stock clerks to vote,but you can always sign a card and hope for the best.When I get my hands on some I will come by and see you. We might be able to work out some sort of a trade!!!!!
I don't care if we overthrow the TWU with the UNITED HOG FARMERS of AMERICA. As long as the TWU is removed from the property.
Good luck with the IBT drive. :blink:

Do not be surprised if the Teamsters are even worse than the TWU.

Talk to the SWA M&R and hear their stories.

[quote name='Nor'Easta' post='409495' date='Aug 24 2006, 07:08 PM']Can the AA Flight Attendants jump on the Teamsters drive too? I would love to see the APFA gone and Tommie too! :up:[/quote]
Sure you can. Why dont we all go Teamsters, they do alright by UPS workers despite the fact that UPS is competing with a lot of non-union companies like Fed-Ex and DHL.

I had been bugging the Teamsters for weeks for cards but they never responded. If they put a little effort into it they could eaisly get the whole package, over 30,000 members from the TWU. We know what we have doesnt work. I'm ready and willing to go Teamsters, what could the TWU say about them?

UAL_TECH, no matter what the reasons are that SWA left the Teamsters the fact remains that they achieved the best pay in the Industry as a Teamster and as far as the profession goes Teamster mechs at UPS are the best paid. Working under undemocratic conditions at the top end of the industry is a lot better than working under undemocratic conditions at the low end.
It took you all more than three years, but I'm glad to see that you have finally decided to take my advice:

in this thread:


Whatever you guys do, get far more than 50% + 1 this time so you aren't vulnerable to the company and the TWU tilting the results with the dead, the fired, the resigned, etc. Get 75% or more so you can finally vote in a real union instead of the lapdog TWU that has enslaved you for so long. Good luck! B)

The best way is to simply get everyone to go Teamsters. This way shuffling the numbers wont help. Being in an industrial union hasnt harmed the mechs at UPS. They have seperate contracts and workrules and are the best paid A&Ps out there.
Ok lets take it easy, although i like the saying i would rather have the "credit union " for representation than the twu, i really do not want that to happen. (although the results would be the same) My issue would be to go from one un democratic union to the other. Accomplish what? Do we have a say on who is in office with the Teamsters? and if we are unhappy can we vote them out ?
Do the members have any power????
Please post links or info...
When is the info meeting with the leaders with questions?

At least we would have an "un-democratic" union who has a good reputation for kicking butt and taking names.
I told the guys/gals today at JFK about the Teamsters drive. They said send the cards their way. One told me if DFW is signing the it will be a shoe in with the JFK signatures.
At least we would have an "un-democratic" union who has a good reputation for kicking butt and taking names.

Actually the Teamsters allow direct election of National Officers.

This election process was the subject of a huge corruption scandal involving Ron Carey (Candidate For President of Teamsters) and Richard Trumka (AFL-CIO Sec. Treasurer).

Corrupt might be a better word to describe the TEAMSTERS rather than un-democratic.
The twu has been screwing us for so long I say we give someone else a try.

No matter who it is they can’t be any worse than the twu.

I would sign anything Just to get these bums off the property.
Actually the Teamsters allow direct election of National Officers.

This election process was the subject of a huge corruption scandal involving Ron Carey (Candidate For President of Teamsters) and Richard Trumka (AFL-CIO Sec. Treasurer).

Corrupt might be a better word to describe the TEAMSTERS rather than un-democratic.


"CORRUPT"......Who gives a #### if they ARE corrupt" ??

When Jimmy Hoffa Sr. was loaning the pension fund money to the "wise guys", the Teamsters became STRONGER and STRONGER !!!

JUST AS LONG AS THE IBT "AIMS" IT's BIGGEST GUNS, at the BIGGEST PROBLEM..............MANAGEMENT !!, then I would'nt "give a CRAP" what the International does on the side !!

See, this is(corruption/Mafia etc.) something that AA ers in BOS/BDL/JFK/LGA/EWR/PHL/BWI/DCA/DTW/ORD deal with on a daily basis. (For better or worse) It's been going on in these places, since the pilgrims !

Ah, but NOT so in places like DFW/TUL(where the MAJORITY of AA ers are located.)

I'm NOT promoting organized crime here !! Just "pointing out" the VAST differences(A G A I N )between the 2 "cultures"(North vs SOUTH)
Mabey one day.............."MABEY", our southern brothers and sisters will REALIZE that they are being USED/BRAINWASHED by the Company, and understand, that this is "E X A C T L Y....W H Y ", AA moved it's HDQ's from NY to DFW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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