Dear Mach:
It makes me sorry to hear that you feel somewhat abused or unappreciated by a portion, probably a small percentage, of the AA flight attendants.
Having said that, I'm going to make just such a statement regarding the AA flight attendants in general, given my contact with them after we were so unceremoniously brought into your culture.
Laura Gladding used the word "hubris" in her last message ...she used that expression in regard to American management and their unwillingness to "bargain" with the Union.
I had a really good chuckle at that statement, because the word hubris (entitlement and arrogance) cannot begin to describe the behavior of the Flight Attendants at American in regards to us. The apologists here and on other websites will excuse their behavior by telling us that we were a defunct carrier (not true, but urban legend is easier to use when justifying nasty behavior)....that we asked for it (also not true, but what the heck)...that we lost in court and so deserve what we got (there's never been a court appearance, but oh well. it's been repeated often enough that I'd rather just say it than check the facts), that we deserved can fill in the blanks.
Our strike was long and ugly. We stood out there on those picket lines in 20 degree weather with no backup from the Mechanics and Related (they had a clause in their contract that didn't allow their support ) and with our Pilots who did just what you all did...they supported us when they could, and encouraged us when the going got rougher by the day and with few exceptions I think most of us more than appreciated that from them. And, in the long run, they went to work, and the buses with the cross-overs rolled over our lines and into the terminal. It was hard work, hard emotionally and I wouldn't wish it on anyone again.
However, it made us tough and resilient....I was out for 15 months and many were out for four or more years. That hones someone, that sort of hardship. If you can survive that you discover that you can survive many things more and that is the crux of the mistake that APFA has made about us. They do not want to understand who we are. Each time they (think) they have a win...each time they think they've beaten us at one more disenfranchisement .....loss of seniority, loss of the domiciles we were promised ON PAPER, loss of voting rights without payment, skewed elections that have to be investigated.....all that and they high-five each other down in Euless and out on the line and congratulate themselves all over again at ridding themselves of the very people who remind them on a daily basis of their lies, their unethical behavior and ultimately at what will happen to them.
Those few flight attendants who are thankless for the support given by your membership, are unfortunately, representative of almost all of those we've been forced to deal with. And you know what, five days does not make a work stoppage and as arrogant as some of these posters have been here regarding their strike and how they've shown the Company, and us, and their passengers, and the flying public ......they are going to find out how every dog has his day, and that the fat lady hasn't even begun clearing her throat much less singing her song.