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Or maybe people dont want to bother debating with a drunk.

Not only drunk. C'mon guys, it's obvious as hell. This guy was placed here to fight the AMFA drive by the teamsters/TWU. Check his number of low post. He's probably one of the other posters we have seen previously and signed in as yet another alias. But he is definately a teamster with UPS in a union position promising the world. Ignore him guys. His postings make no sence anyway. Typical teamster, he'll help the AMFA card drive, as usual. LOL...
don't get it owens we agree. so that means your theory is stupid? i agree and as far as school goes, left me assure you i have a higher education than you ever will. true

So, you're highly edjumakated huh? Why are you even over on the AA BBs anyway? You don't have a dog in this fight! Point is, the majority on line AMTs along with a vocal group from overhaul at AA have been trying for over 20 years - to replace the TWU at AA with AMFA. The IBT doesn't stand a snowballs chance in he(( of getting any support on the line. Witness the IBTs latest flyer with pictures and quotes from current AA M&R employees. The majority were from Tulsa - not gonna do anything to convince a line AMT. Oh and the guy from LAX - heard he went to work for Quantas in Australia for a year - was laid off - came back to AA - and didn't lose any seniority - PFM? The Teamsters can't & won't find any real support at AA.
Guys, guys, guys. Ignore brownmech. He is only here to deflect the issues at hand. His postings are a regular bamble from the bottle. He has no new info or revelant info. He is posting as fast as he can to get his posting numbers raised. Let him go. Leave him be. Ignore him. It will drive his crazy, lol. I like the post that said it might be anomaly, lol, that was a good one, it more than likely is...
Guys, guys, guys. Ignore brownmech. He is only here to deflect the issues at hand. His postings are a regular bamble from the bottle. He has no new info or revelant info. He is posting as fast as he can to get his posting numbers raised. Let him go. Leave him be. Ignore him. It will drive his crazy, lol. I like the post that said it might be anomaly, lol, that was a good one, it more than likely is...

But it is fun pointing out the facts to ole brownstain... :lol:
Another reason why we need to get rid of the TWU and get a real union. A class and craft union.
Read the article and see what the pilots get if a merger happens.
What do we get? Still do not know what the TWU agreed too. Can not be that good since they never did anything worth while in the past.


Among the improvements: in 2014, American pilots would get a pay raise of 8%, rather than the previously negotiated 2%, and the merged carrier’s ongoing 401K contribution would be 16% instead of 14%. In 2015, pilots would get a 3% raise instead of a 1% raise.

We get 5.5% contribution with a match. They get 14% WITHOUT a match and it will go up to 16% if a merger occurs. Thank you TWU!!
US/AA merger? If so what about the IAM and the US contract? Any AA thoughts on that? Does the IAM have a horse in this race?
US/AA merger? If so what about the IAM and the US contract? Any AA thoughts on that? Does the IAM have a horse in this race?

Thats another possibility, The TWU may trade the M&R class to the IAM in exchange for not mounting a challenge for representation anywhere else.
January 28, 2013
For Immediate Release
Contact: Jamie Horwitz

TWU President Announces New Merger Transition
Agreement 􀁲

Ground Workers Represented by TWU at
American Airlines to Get an Immediate 4.3 Percent Raise if
American Merges with US Airways

TULSA --Ground workers employed at American Airlines, represented by the Transport Workers
Union of America, will receive an across the board 4.3 percent raise -- if American Airlines and US
Airways merge. The increase in pay represents significant new money to TWU members. The wage
increase and other items related to transition issues in the event of a merger with US Airways are
spelled out in an agreement shared with TWU leaders on a conference call this morning. TWU
International President James C. Little, will discuss the new agreement with aircraft mechanics and
other TWU members employed at American Airlines􀁠 Tulsa, Oklahoma Maintenance and Engineering
Center later today.
The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was hammered out over the past month with
representatives of senior management at US Airways and American Airlines. TWU represents more
workers at American Airlines than any other union.
"Our members have made incredible sacrifices to keep American Airlines afloat. If􀀁there is a merger,

TWU President Announces Merger Transition Agreement Members Get 4.3% Raise 2 their critical role must be recognized,􀁺 said Little. 􀁬This agreement is a step in that direction,􀁺 he added.
If there is a merger, according to the MOU, the TWU work groups will continue to operate under the American Airlines collective bargaining agreements. Additionally, the parties to the MOU affirmed that until a possible merger takes place, the "me too" provisions regarding APA and APFA continue in full force and effect. The MOU goes on to guarantee that the equity grant and other contract settlement terms as approved by the bankruptcy court will be honored.
The MOU outlines the process to develop a combined seniority list in the event of a merger. Seniority integration between US Airways employees and American Airlines workers represented by TWU will be in accordance with federal law under the McCaskill-Bond procedures. The document also makes clear that the National Mediation Board determines whether the two carriers would become a single carrier under federal labor laws.

The MOU itself requires court approval. Further, the terms of the MOU only become effective in the event that the court approves a merger and plan of reorganization.
American Airlines and US Airways have signed non-disclosure agreements that permit the companies
to exchange confidential financial information, and allow senior executives to negotiate the transitional
terms of employment and integration processes that will apply in the event of a potential merger with
TWU (along with American􀁠s pilots􀁠 and flight attendants􀁠 unions.)
In the event a merger has been approved by the courts and federal regulators and after determination by
the National Mediation Board (the federal labor agency that enforces airline and railroad labor agreements) that the two airlines had indeed become a􀀁"single carrier," the parties have agreed to sit
down and negotiate harmonized labor provisions, addressing any differences that remain between the
American Airlines and US Airways work groups. 􀀁􀀁
Wow, Jim Little was successful at screwing us again. Lets preserve the 5 holidays at time and a half clause - while our counter parts at US Air enjoy 10 holidays at double time. How about half pay for the first sk day - along with accruing only 5 sk days per year deal. Never mind about the TWU agreeing to giving up two weeks of vacation from AA AMTs in the last 10 years. This doesn't even get us near to what Delta and UAL get.
Seniority integration is the one thing we should all be concerned about.
What is the McCaskill Bond and how will it take place in this seniority integration?
Will it void out the Kaster decision?

Do we even have a say in this?

Not only you give up your vacation but heard the twi had secret metting with Ian and your seniority Intergration is 4 us air mech to 1 aa mech no matter what seniority he or she or it has believe it your screwed and if I had a chance I would go amp
Another reason why we need to get rid of the TWU and get a real union. A class and craft union.
Read the article and see what the pilots get if a merger happens.
What do we get? Still do not know what the TWU agreed too. Can not be that good since they never did anything worth while in the past.


Among the improvements: in 2014, American pilots would get a pay raise of 8%, rather than the previously negotiated 2%, and the merged carrier’s ongoing 401K contribution would be 16% instead of 14%. In 2015, pilots would get a 3% raise instead of a 1% raise.

We get 5.5% contribution with a match. They get 14% WITHOUT a match and it will go up to 16% if a merger occurs. Thank you TWU!!

You forgot to add years 2016 and 17. They will get increases in these years as well. Notice how the pilots get % raises increased each and every year, not to mention the 2% increase to 16% (without contribution from pilots). Not sure if their % of equity goes up as well, but I would not put it past them.
The wonderfull TWU is going to get their members a single "across the board" 4.3% raise. WOW!!! What is this? About 1.00ph. (not sure of base rate X's 4.3%). For the mechanics it's about 800K to 1mil. For pilots, all comp thru entire MOU is 1.6 billion, yes billion.
It is very obvious that the TWU came out "once again" nego in the companies favor. The TWU should have gotten it's members a % raise on each and every year of the 6 year contract, with the % difference being the same as pilots differences. They should have also nego increases, by 2% min, to the 401K match or, had the mechanic contrabution removed. I cannot believe that the TWU only got it's members a single 4.3% raise after reading what the pilots and F/A's are getting... Time to fire the TWU guys. What more will it take??
The IAM has always done dovetail, so stop making up lies.
Not only you give up your vacation but heard the twi had secret metting with Ian and your seniority Intergration is 4 us air mech to 1 aa mech no matter what seniority he or she or it has believe it your screwed and if I had a chance I would go amp

Little early to be hitting the sauce Brownie. Oh well, it's happy hour somewhere right......
Not only you give up your vacation but heard the twi had secret metting with Ian and your seniority Intergration is 4 us air mech to 1 aa mech no matter what seniority he or she or it has believe it your screwed and if I had a chance I would go amp

How do you expect to be taken seriously with drivel like that?

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