Zom JFK said:
So for six years in the plan his benefit is $540.43 a month? I had 20 years in my AA pension when it was frozen. I only accrued $750 a month if I start taking it at 55. It is $850 at 60.
Exactly, not enough to live off of and you cant collect and work another job, so the deal is you have to work until you are unable to work. So for 6 years $4000 of his income is diverted into the plan, $24000. He will likely work until he cant work anymore. When people do that they usually dont live very long maybe a year or so, so they get back $6500 and their medical bills leave their estate in debt, or to prevent that they simply stay working till near death so it at least they can keep medical, their heirs get nothing and people like 700 basically have another $18,000 left over to fund their pensions. At least with the 401K over the same 6 years you would sock away at least $10,000 per year between the match and the minimum to get the full match, for a total of $60k plus interest that you could pass on to your hears, but 700 may see his multiemployer IAM pension cut because they didn't get the extra $18 k from the dead guy. No doubt 700 wins if we all get sucked into that abyss.
The premise of the plan is that more people die off before they can collect much, and the extra funds are used to pay those who are fortunate to live longer. 10,000 more people paying into the fund will be great for those who are collecting now, but with a declining membership most likely there wont be much left for us when we retire. And make no mistake, the IAM is in decline, with contracts like the one they just got with the mega profitable AA thats a good thing for the rest of labor.
The A&P workforce is old, so even old guys will get hired. So lets say SWA started hiring, at 55 you could retire from AA, start collecting your $750/month, and within a few years be at the much higher SWA rate of pay. You could also resign earler then retire and start collecting at 55. Under the IAM plan you cant do that, you cant collect and go work at another carrier. IIRC 5 years of perfect attendance at SWA would buy you around 5 years of retiree medical. Continetal also has a similar sick bank funded retiree medical, we have nothing.