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AMFA Organizing Drive to Replace Association

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Any word when there will be a vote?
Duke, thought I would throw this out at ya from AMFA National Directors Dec 2020 update. He did mention the NMB process and where it is currently.

Also please remember that both sides will be given a chance to challenges concerning the eligibility list involved:

"An NMB Investigation is underway in response to AMFA’s filing for a representation dispute for the American Airlines Mechanic and Related workgroups. The investigation process includes validating the authenticity of your overwhelming number of signed authorization cards compared to the 13,213 potential eligible voters and signature samples provided by the American Airlines. The Investigator will also assess the eligibility of voters based on determination of the Mechanics and Related Employees Craft or Class to ensure that a majority sought an election for union representation. And finally, the investigator will schedule the distribution of voting instructions for a Representation Dispute Election, which will be conducted by telephone and internet.

As anticipated, the IAM/TWU Association will make every attempt to prevent this election by any means necessary, including inflating the eligibility list submitted by the Company with other workgroups. Understand, AMFA has filed more than enough signed Authorization for Representation cards with the NMB to cover the Company’s submitted number of 13,213 potential eligible voters. For further updates and info please visit AMFA at American Airlines page of the AMFA National website."

I only posted the part discussing the AA/AMFA filing, the rest of the update was other airlines, if interested can be found on AMFA's National website.

FYI: Just so ya know in the update he also said the NMB was also still working on validating the Horizon MX controllers who also asked AMFA to represent them as well. The NMB is backlogged a bit with being short handed and of course due to this pandemic. I wouldn't expect a vote until after the 1st quarter.
You can read the entire update here:

Been pretty quiet lately. Curious if anyone is hearing any rumblings from the asso. or discussions on the floors? Any more doom and gloom from the asso. side on the possible vote coming?? I am a bit surprised by the quietness, unless you guys are hearing it all in the workplaces. Anyone spoke with Gene or Brett on any kind of verbal updates from the NMB? As we now are looking at the second month after the cards were delivered.
I assume the organizing cmte is still working on getting cmte's and possible officers lined up to be the new and improved representational officers. Gotta have all new officers sign up for representing. Don't want ANY of the existing officers to be a representative if AMFA wins the election. It would be too easy for them to try and destroy from within the inside. Be aware of traders trying to get in and tare down AMFA from within. We had our share of old teamster officers trying to do the exact same thing here. They will try, so be aware folks. AMFA@AA 2021!!!
Been pretty quiet lately. Curious if anyone is hearing any rumblings from the asso. or discussions on the floors? Any more doom and gloom from the asso. side on the possible vote coming?? I am a bit surprised by the quietness, unless you guys are hearing it all in the workplaces. Anyone spoke with Gene or Brett on any kind of verbal updates from the NMB? As we now are looking at the second month after the cards were delivered.
I assume the organizing cmte is still working on getting cmte's and possible officers lined up to be the new and improved representational officers. Gotta have all new officers sign up for representing. Don't want ANY of the existing officers to be a representative if AMFA wins the election. It would be too easy for them to try and destroy from within the inside. Be aware of traders trying to get in and tare down AMFA from within. We had our share of old teamster officers trying to do the exact same thing here. They will try, so be aware folks. AMFA@AA 2021!!!

Just used this search phrases to check in Googles no new news "site:nmb.gov amfa"

Don't want ANY of the existing officers to be a representative if AMFA wins the election. It would be too easy for them to try and destroy from within the inside. Be aware of traders trying to get in and tare down AMFA from within. We had our share of old teamster officers trying to do the exact same thing here. They will try, so be aware folks. AMFA@AA 2021!!!

First of all with all do respect you are not AA. I understand your point. We at AA have many good union people at the ground level who are mainly focused on representing the membership and enforcing the contractual language. These hard working individuals have no say or input to the clowns running the Association. Yes there are some are not worthy of being shop stewards and hold other local positions. The ones that care stand out. The others stand out as well. We all know who they are.
First of all with all do respect you are not AA. I understand your point. We at AA have many good union people at the ground level who are mainly focused on representing the membership and enforcing the contractual language. These hard working individuals have no say or input to the clowns running the Association. Yes there are some are not worthy of being shop stewards and hold other local positions. The ones that care stand out. The others stand out as well. We all know who they are.
swamt just showed the true colors of amfa. I guess he is going to be real butt hurt when WE the majority will take over once we get in. All officers of AMFA will be ALL AA people. Majority whens. LMFAO
swamt just showed the true colors of amfa. I guess he is going to be real butt hurt when WE the majority will take over once we get in. All officers of AMFA will be ALL AA people. Majority whens. LMFAO
Going to take over with your super duper special k power?
First of all with all do respect you are not AA. I understand your point. We at AA have many good union people at the ground level who are mainly focused on representing the membership and enforcing the contractual language. These hard working individuals have no say or input to the clowns running the Association. Yes there are some are not worthy of being shop stewards and hold other local positions. The ones that care stand out. The others stand out as well. We all know who they are.

Actually SWAMT is correct. We had that happen at NWA. We had die hard IAM supporters try everything to take AMFA down. Just watch your 6 that's all
Just used this search phrases to check in Googles no new news "site:nmb.gov amfa"


chellow, if ya wanna follow the NMB investigation and filing for AMFA vote go to NMB.gov type in R-7557 in the search bar and you can follow the NMB's postings about the filing. Below is where they are at currently and have been since the cards were dropped off...

First of all with all do respect you are not AA. I understand your point. We at AA have many good union people at the ground level who are mainly focused on representing the membership and enforcing the contractual language. These hard working individuals have no say or input to the clowns running the Association. Yes there are some are not worthy of being shop stewards and hold other local positions. The ones that care stand out. The others stand out as well. We all know who they are.
I think you may have mistaken my post a little. Meant no disrespect at all. The industrial unions will in fact work as hard as they can to try and make AMFA fail at getting all the way in if they can. They tried at NWA as well as here at SWA and Alaska and as we all know at United. Just to be clear, I am aware of the AMFA supporters that do stand out and wasn't talking about them at all. Just warning of the ones that will work hard at trying to bring down AMFA (from the inside) should they win an election is all.

And BTW; I was also referring to the local officers that will have to get voted in if an election goes AMFA's favor.
Actually SWAMT is correct. We had that happen at NWA. We had die hard IAM supporters try everything to take AMFA down. Just watch your 6 that's all

I remember that. I also remember how it happened at United as well. They tried here too as expected but got sent packing all 3 times. I hope they realize they will still have to defend AMFA for a period of time if AMFA prevails the election vote. The haters will constantly watch every single move they make and try and turn it all around as a massive negative and try using their methods as way to get them back in, until finally they will just give up and go away. So even after, say AMFA gets in, you still got to stay strong and alert.
Good hearing from you again lineguy.
swamt just showed the true colors of amfa. I guess he is going to be real butt hurt when WE the majority will take over once we get in. All officers of AMFA will be ALL AA people. Majority whens. LMFAO
Hopefully the majority can write a coherent sentence and spell better than a 2nd grader. It truly concerns me they allow you to work on aircraft. Your written communication skills are crap.
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