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AMFA Organizing Drive to Replace Association

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As a ramp agent i feel you mtr should have your own craft union. What i dont know is if its fleet or mtr holding the other up. I dont like hearing that but ive heard it. My response to that is its mgmt n union talking. Not talking. Personally id like to see mtr get their own union
Have you read the latest update?
Association has been holding back or lies to the membership. We are not almost there to a JCBA. The association has too many ME TOO demands for all groups. The company can say or propose or agree to articles. It's the associations responsibility to give us the information. They sandbagged it or held back. Now we saw more information and its disturbing. Association is the one that lies to the membership not the company. Is anyone saying the association lies to the company? If so it's between them to hammer out a deal but as union paying members we have a right to information other than the weak crap they've been posting. I also found out from a union guy that there was no hush up order in mediation. That too is probably a lie but needs to be verified from better sources from the top. The top are the same ones who've lied to us all along on the updates as well as the vote we never had. Time for title 1 and 2 to get out.
Have you read the latest update?
Association has been holding back or lies to the membership. We are not almost there to a JCBA. The association has too many ME TOO demands for all groups. The company can say or propose or agree to articles. It's the associations responsibility to give us the information. They sandbagged it or held back. Now we saw more information and its disturbing. Association is the one that lies to the membership not the company. Is anyone saying the association lies to the company? If so it's between them to hammer out a deal but as union paying members we have a right to information other than the weak crap they've been posting. I also found out from a union guy that there was no hush up order in mediation. That too is probably a lie but needs to be verified from better sources from the top. The top are the same ones who've lied to us all along on the updates as well as the vote we never had. Time for title 1 and 2 to get out.
Ive read it. Must say not impressed. Must say...weve been..."ohh sooo close" now for how long? Ill just wait n see the new deal. If we get one
Ive read it. Must say not impressed. Must say...weve been..."ohh sooo close" now for how long? Ill just wait n see the new deal. If we get one
That's the problem, we just keep on waiting. The waiting is over under the control of the association. The membership needs to take action and action we are taking. The action we are taking is against the association by signing cards at a record pace. Enough is enough.
In the event the drive is successful, what is the plan for temporary Reps until elections take place? Specifically who would they be at the big 5 and TULE?
In the event the drive is successful, what is the plan for temporary Reps until elections take place? Specifically who would they be at the big 5 and TULE?
It's all spelled out in the AMFA constitution. I'm sure someone can elaborate a bit more than me. I've had these discussions in the past. I don't want to say for sure since the AMFA constitution may have changed since.
First things First!
Agree. I always hear guys talking about what about this or that.

Step 1 - Collect enough cards to file.

Step 2 - File with NMB for a representational election.

Step 3 - Vote AMFA as our representative.

So you see what step we are at and what step people are asking about? I know people want to know things about the process and AMFA. That's why it's all spelled out in the AMFA constitution which I know will pop up here soon as a link.

Reading is fundamental.
Reading is educational.

Lets get this done. 🙂
In the event the drive is successful, what is the plan for temporary Reps until elections take place? Specifically who would they be at the big 5 and TULE?

I skimmed through the constitution and so far this is all I'm seeing. If someone knows where it's at, feel free to speak up.

Section 6 – Application Approval
Upon approval of a charter by the NEC, the Local shall, within two months of receiving the charter, call for elec tion of all offcers as provided for in this Constitution.
Ive read it. Must say not impressed. Must say...weve been..."ohh sooo close" now for how long? Ill just wait n see the new deal. If we get one

I've got a bad feeling that any new deal will be worse off than the last offer. Just my .02 cents.
I've got a bad feeling that any new deal will be worse off than the last offer. Just my .02 cents.
The ASS leadership doesn't care, especially Sito, Samuelson, Garcia and boys and why should they. Even a few of the "next room negotiators" bring in a pretty penny. The biggest anti union scam I have seen in my 36 years of airline representation.
Ive read it. Must say not impressed. Must say...weve been..."ohh sooo close" now for how long? Ill just wait n see the new deal. If we get one
Not sure if you are in my FB group or not but we put out the REAL update.

Union BS: Put out an update saying that they were NOT going to update because negotiations were going deep into the weekend.
My FB Group: we told everyone last week that the company wasn't even there in negotiations and that the union was lying. Union pollyannas claimed the union confirmed negotiations were taking place with the company.

My FB Group put out last month that the company took the D3 off the table after the union suggested just D + 0. The union finally confirmed this in the update. The difference is that the union didn't properly inform that the reason why it is only D is because the union suggested to subsidize gaining 4 more stations. It was a cost neutral for the company so D3 was taken off the table so the union could add more members. (Fleet).

All IAM AGC's were in unity not to reveal that the company never attended or negotiated. One Local President from the TWU said that he would refuse to go back to his station and misinform the members of this. This forced the Association to "Fess Up" with its Bull SHIAT Lies about negotiating 'deep into the weekend'. In fact, the Associaiton, for the first time, refused to sign the official update "The executive negotiation team". Instead, i'm told it had Dave Lehive write it out. And to save face, they said they truly were negotiating but 'over the phone'. LMFAO.

At any rate, there is nothing left. It's lame duck. Negotiations have been over since late October. The union has refused to sign because it wants the company to take out language dealing with permanent injunction stuff. Company refuses because it doesn't want to go through any mindless botched slowdown again and also doesn't want the pilots to think it is soft.

Consider all of the above as hearsay but you can check out our FB group and the Blue Fairy at the bottom of the garden has been right 100% of the time and he/she is NOT a prophet. Believe me.
The ASS leadership doesn't care, especially Sito, Samuelson, Garcia and boys and why should they. Even a few of the "next room negotiators" bring in a pretty penny. The biggest anti union scam I have seen in my 36 years of airline representation.
the IAM guys just confirmed a salary increase on January 1st. They thought about withholding the salary increases until the members got a pay raise, but they decided to just go ahead and accept the raise.

The AMFA drive is going solid but like any campaign, it will take time. But imo it's going to be pretty quick. At least quicker than what that group did prior.
The ASS leadership doesn't care, especially Sito, Samuelson, Garcia and boys and why should they. Even a few of the "next room negotiators" bring in a pretty penny. The biggest anti union scam I have seen in my 36 years of airline representation.
When you have a fleet service clerk representing title 1 and 2 you know there is a problem for the membership. This is why we in title 1 and 2 need our own class and craft union representation. It's pretty obvious but unfortunately there are union members who are blind to this
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