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AMFA Organizing Drive to Replace Association

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Couldn't agree more. Here's a suggestion just off the top of my head. The organizers could speak with the new hires one on one, instead of asking them to sign a card with the worrisome of the asso. finding out and intimidation setting in on them, maybe this is where the AMFA National could be of some help and ask all new hires worried about someone coming down on them to download a card from the National site, fill it out, and send it back into National to keep confidential, and then National could forward those signed and sent to them, to the Organizing Cmte at a time deemed to do so to be counted towards total.
I agree with your thoughts on this issue. Since AA is bringing in, what, 400 I think was mentioned, then there must be something put in place to have new hires confidentially fill out cards and send in, not just handing one over to one of the organizers.
On one of the past drives, I can't recall which one I had cards signed by union shop stewards and I held onto them until the end to see if we needed those cards to file. Unfortunately that was a drive that never reached the goal even with the few cards I was holding onto.
If you are successful at changing of the guard n if there no deal how will the talks affect fleet n others if any at all?
not sure on that one. but consensus among the other work groups is that maintenance is holding everything up. if that is the case is should help every one.
I have worked at AA now for 36 years, and the same problem arises when we enter into negotiations every time!

The company considers us part of the "ground worker" group because we belong to same Union as the rest of the "ground worker" group.

American Airlines compares overall cost of AA "ground workers" compared to the competitions "ground workers" and offers a monetary valued pie to the negotiating table. It is then a "Union" decision how that monetary pie is split up amongst the "ground workers".

This negotiations has clearly showed the problem the Mechanic and Related class endures by being in the catch all ground worker group.
If the Mechanic and Related had separated from the industrial union's (TWU - IAM) we would already have a JCBA in place and we would be comparing the contract terms to the UAL agreement. The Association compounded this problem because there are only TWO members of the Association per the Constitution and the AA Rep is a Fleet Service Clerk from Miami that demands any thing the AMT's get his Fleet Service get also. Example - 7 weeks vacation

American Airlines Mechanic and Related is the only M&R group in the whole industry still in the same Union with Fleet Service.

If you understand this and refuse to sign a card, then you have no privilege to complain. The Railway Labor Act gives us the Federal Legal right to have the Union of our choice. The TWU-IAM and the Association denied you the choice by refusing to let you VOTE

After years of this each of you should understand the problem, Understand the Solution, and ACT on the SOLUTION for a change.
Only way to escape the "ground worker" group and obtain the Dignity and Respect we all deserve is sign enough cards to overcome the corruption at the NMB level.

SIGN THE CARDS or forever accept less than you deserve
twu letter.webp

this should be the best tool we have to counteract the argument that we are close.
not sure on that one. but consensus among the other work groups is that maintenance is holding everything up. if that is the case is should help every one.
Thx bro. I dont know if MTR is holding everything up or not. I dont know n i wont speculate. Appreciate the info. Good luck to all the MTR in your quest
The Contract is important to get completed as we are losing monetary gains, but we need to sign these cards to fix the problem contract or not!!
Just sign the cards and lets get an NMB Ballot
Thx bro. I dont know if MTR is holding everything up or not. I dont know n i wont speculate. Appreciate the info. Good luck to all the MTR in your quest
Nobody knows anything. The days of blind trust are over. They either produce a contract or get replaced. Its that simple. People are pissed off and beyond frustrated.
Nobody knows anything. The days of blind trust are over. They either produce a contract or get replaced. Its that simple. People are pissed off and beyond frustrated.

It might be that a contract will be produced and they will be replaced.
To all of our brothers and sisters in M&R. The time has come for all of us to take a good look in the mirror and ask ourselves, "what are we doing in this mess?" We have a bunch of great people that are behind this AMFA drive, that like you, feel we need to finally have the say we've been denied for far too long.

The association has asked for our patience, trust, & support while they get this contract done. We've done that. We can not any longer. We are doing a disservice to ourselves, our families, and our profession. We can do better, and we will.

There are various reasons why we do not have a JCBA yet. The organizers of this movement are teaming up because we know all hope and faith is now lost. The negotiation committee comprised of the TWU & IAM does not have our best interests in mind. It's politics, and politics do not belong at the table.

AMFA is the union that has total transparency. AMFA is the union where the membership controls the power. AMFA is the union that allows members to observe negotiations. AMFA is the union where the constitution has allowances for officers to be recalled by the membership. AMFA is the only union that does not try to organize outside of maintenance and related. AMFA is the answer we are looking for. AMFA NOW!!!!

Signing an AMFA card is not a vote for AMFA. All you are doing is telling the NMB (National Mediation Board) that you want your voice heard. The voice that has been denied for far too long. A voice we were told we would have. Once we get the 50% plus 1 card needed of both the TWU & IAM, and the NMB certifies the cards; then OUR voice will be heard. You will be mailed a ballot; the ballot will have the incumbent (Association), petitioning union (AMFA), and a write-in for your union of choosing, or no union. You then have control of your representation.

We the organizers want to be crystal clear; we need & want ALL groups within M&R to thrive. This effort to rid ourselves of the corrupt association is gonna take effort from everyone within. I encourage all of you to get involved, this will be your union. Ask questions on the web site and educate yourselves with the facts. Don't just ask your peers, because they might not have the correct answers. We don't want you swayed with misrepresentations or lies.

So, sign a card; get a friend to sign a card. Let's all go get the union that will best serve us.

In true solidarity,

The AMFA organizing committee
January 2020 the AA pilots (APA) CBA will become amenable. They will start negotiations on their second post BK CBA. We are still on the BK agreement. Try to put that into some kind of logical sense. Do we need anymore reasons or excuses NOT to sign a card?
January 2020 the AA pilots (APA) CBA will become amenable. They will start negotiations on their second post BK CBA. We are still on the BK agreement. Try to put that into some kind of logical sense. Do we need anymore reasons or excuses NOT to sign a card?

What most do not know, and should be passed on - is that the negotiations sessions set for dates in December are for appearances only! Reconfirmed from past posting, the company and Association are both scared to death of some sort of job action if the membership actually knew the real status of the negotiations. The IAM side is digging their heels in on preserving their medical & pension. The company position is there is no way the IAM keeps their medical plan. The TWU is digging their heels in on retaining future title II positions. We know that is futile. It also doesn't help that the company negotiators hate Gary Peterson, and refer to his second - Gary Shiable as a "potted plant". Guestimates on an AIP, are projected to be in the April to May range - not sure how they came up with that. Keep this in mind this holiday season as you are expected to go above and beyond for less than your peers at every other Airline.
here is some solid advice.

1. do your job that you are paid to do..
2. sign a card from the current drive going on..
3. don't hate the person next to you for not signing a card..thank them instead...
4. make sure all your immediate friends are on board with signing a card...
5. have a Happy Thanksgiving....
For anyone performing aircraft maintenance work and in the craft/class that would be represented by the AMFA should look at this and realize what your profession brings to the economy and then ask yourself if you want a professional organization representing your interests.
AMFA NOW for all major carriers!
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