National Director’s Monthly Update for April 2021
AMFA is a firm believer in keeping transparency with our union members and we respect employee choice in selecting a one craft-one union. To that extent, we are confident the American Airlines (AA) Mechanics and Related (M&R) will soon be granted their rightful opportunity to choose their own representation. On April 22, 2021, AMFA responded to the American Airlines’ Response, dated April 2, 2021, and the TWU/IAM Association’s Response, dated April 2, 2021, to Challenges and Objections to the Proposed Eligibility List of AA. AMFA opposes the proposed inclusion of the overwhelming number of individuals (2,000) sought to be incorrectly added to the AA Eligibility List. Indeed, this continued effort by the TWU/IAM is another example of how desperate they are to keep AA M&R from voicing their will. AMFA’s filing had an abundance of exhibits containing the substantive evidence needed to disprove the TWU/IAM’s numerous frivolous requests.
Here are several objections AMFA reiterates and reasserts:
- All of the 135 Flight Simulator Engineers should be excluded;
- The 397 individuals who have irrevocably resigned from AA VEOP agreements should be excluded;
- AA asserts that “not all 471 of the employees furloughed from AFW and TAESL identified by the TWU/IAM Association in its Challenges and Objections actually retain recall rights;”
- Exclusion from the AA List of all of the 293 or 294 Fleet Service Employees sought added by the TWU/IAM, who are not at all performing M&R work and therefore cannot satisfy any preponderance determination;
- The 233 individuals, or however many the Investigator determines there are, who have elected a VEOP and have irrevocably resigned from American and who are not eligible to be rehired, reemployed or reinstated by American, and who agree to be permanently separated from employment with the Company;
- Additionally, on a moral and ethical question, the TWU/IAM actually has the temerity to argue for including as eligible voters who are deceased because some of the deceased individuals died after the cutoff date. Of course, the TWU/IAM reveals its true purpose in trying to prevent the NMB election for the M&R Employees or it would not be making such a blatantly absurd argument. Regrettably, AMFA requests that the thirteen (13) deceased individuals be removed from the list.
AMFA also addressed “IAM Poison Pill” in our initial Position Statement and Continuing Interference of the RLA’s Laboratory Conditions, dated November 30, 2020, where AMFA raised the issue regarding the new M&R Employees Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) language adopted and later ratified in March 2020 in Article 29 – Benefits, Section K. which per se violates the Carrier’s legal obligation of neutrality in expressly stating the following:
K. In the event the TWU/IAM Association or the IAM should lose representation rights for a specific employee group through a representation election conducted by the National Mediation Board (“NMB”), the Company shall immediately have the right to eliminate, alter, modify, or merge with an existing plan, the Legacy US Airways Medical Plan provided under this Agreement for the specific employee group whose representation has changed.
AMFA reiterates that this CBA provision was intended to impede AMFA both in its efforts to collect authorization cards but also to adversely affect AMFA’s chances in an NMB election with certain employees who stand to lose certain health benefits should the TWU/IAM Association lose its representation rights to AMFA for the M&R at American Airlines.
AMFA has requested that either the Investigator or the NMB direct American Airlines to take corrective action to undo and remedy its prior and continuing interference with the "laboratory conditions" required under the RLA in violation of Section 2 Third, Section 2 Fourth, and Section 2 Ninth of the RLA, or alternatively, that the Carrier take corrective action on its own initiative to undo and remedy its prior and continuing interference with the "laboratory conditions" required under the RLA by affirmatively stating in writing to the NMB that it now intends to remain neutral in this representation dispute and therefore will not enforce any language in the CBA in Article 29 – Benefits, Section K, to the detriment or loss of benefits of any employee in this craft or class resulting from any change in representation in this NMB case. For further updates and information, please visit
AMFA at American Airlines page of the AMFA National website.
As the only craft-specific labor group in the U.S., AMFA strives to ensure the technician’s voice is heard at the highest levels of government and industry. We accomplish this by participating in the advisory committees of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Department of Transportation (DOT) and Transportation Security Agency (TSA), where stakeholders gather to discuss and advise regulators on the most important issues facing aviation. Please monitor the
Legislative Updates page of the AMFA National website for more details.
Reminder: the FAA Hotline reporting system may be utilized to report concerns of aviation safety: We must realize our grave responsibility as FAA certified airman to exercise our judgement on the airworthiness of aircraft and equipment. We, therefore, pledge unyielding adherence to these precepts for the advancement of public safety of aviation and for the dignity for our craft.
As always, I ask you to please be safe while being vigilant and to stay engaged with your union and officers. Please monitor your respective carrier page of the AMFA National website for further airline specific details:
Alaska Airlines Updates,
Horizon Air Updates,
Southwest Airlines Updates. Additionally, I encourage you for more carrier specific updates and further information regarding AMFA and the airline industry, please visit the AMFA National Website at Our most determined efforts will only succeed with your support and participation – please stay engaged and informed.
Bret Oestreich
National Director