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AMFA not filing

Just heard today from a VERY reliable source. The AMFA card drive fell short by over 5000 cards.

Not the 1000 as was originally claimed.

I always figured as much.
WeAAsles said:
Just heard today from a VERY reliable source. The AMFA card drive fell short by over 5000 cards.

Not the 1000 as was originally claimed.

Yea your right as is lost. We are stuck with the association. Slink back under the twu desk all is good.

I always figured as much.
WeAAsles said:
Just heard today from a VERY reliable source. The AMFA card drive fell short by over 5000 cards.

Not the 1000 as was originally claimed.

I always figured as much.
Reliable source?  Until the NMB did an investigation on eligible voters in the class and craft, and then all the disputes were addressed, the exact numbers would not be known.  Your reliable source has no way of knowing how many cards were collected.  Furthermore, it is doubtful your reliable source has conducted an investigation as to who is eligible, and who is not. 
AMFA isn't going away.
Once buyers remorse sets in with this weak association (and it will) people will realize their doubts about this association were spot on.
Even if that were true Its still thousands more than the alliance ever collected.
Vortilon said:
Reliable source?  Until the NMB did an investigation on eligible voters in the class and craft, and then all the disputes were addressed, the exact numbers would not be known.  Your reliable source has no way of knowing how many cards were collected.  Furthermore, it is doubtful your reliable source has conducted an investigation as to who is eligible, and who is not. 
AMFA isn't going away.
Once buyers remorse sets in with this weak association (and it will) people will realize their doubts about this association were spot on.
LMFAO. Keep sowing those seeds of malcontent , I mean discontent. Irrelevancy must really suc.
WeAAsles said:
Just heard today from a VERY reliable source. The AMFA card drive fell short by over 5000 cards.

Not the 1000 as was originally claimed.

I always figured as much.
Care to quote your source?
Yeah, I didn't think so.
WeAAsles said:
Just heard today from a VERY reliable source. The AMFA card drive fell short by over 5000 cards.

Not the 1000 as was originally claimed.

I always figured as much.
Either way, 1000 or 50,000. Your still a ramper, and the TWu is all yours for all time. AMFA is not going anywhere with this Company Union/Scab Association forced down our throats.
Not a very intelligent move I must say.
5,000 short? I would believe that. Less than 10 did write ins at the US IBT and IAM election. AMFA supporters are scarce there mainly because of the IAMNPF investment. Change unions and get cut off from further accrual in the fund. AMFA struggled to get 50% at AA even after the 2003 concessions.
Hackman said:
Either way, 1000 or 50,000. Your still a ramper, and the TWu is all yours for all time. AMFA is not going anywhere with this Company Union/Scab Association forced down our throats.
Not a very intelligent move I must say.
I used to be a ramper.... and I have supported you guys in your effort to get REAL representation. 
Would you say something that disrespectful to me?
I don't believe rampers are "stuck" with the TWU. I believe the TWU would like them to believe that. 
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
I used to be a ramper.... and I have supported you guys in your effort to get REAL representation. 
Would you say something that disrespectful to me?
I don't believe rampers are "stuck" with the TWU. I believe the TWU would like them to believe that. 
Just giving what he gives. He sticks his vitriolic ramper nose where is doesn't belong.
Rampers seem to love the TWu, good for them.
I don't tell Pilots or F/A's what to do, just common courtesy.
Hackman said:
Just giving what he gives. He sticks his vitriolic ramper nose where is doesn't belong.
Rampers seem to love the TWu, good for them.
I don't tell Pilots or F/A's what to do, just common courtesy.
I love the line in the song "C'mon Dave, give me a break" One break, what?

WeAAsles said:
Just heard today from a VERY reliable source. The AMFA card drive fell short by over 5000 cards.

Not the 1000 as was originally claimed.

I always figured as much.
Vortilon said:
Reliable source?  Until the NMB did an investigation on eligible voters in the class and craft, and then all the disputes were addressed, the exact numbers would not be known.  Your reliable source has no way of knowing how many cards were collected.  Furthermore, it is doubtful your reliable source has conducted an investigation as to who is eligible, and who is not. 
AMFA isn't going away.
Once buyers remorse sets in with this weak association (and it will) people will realize their doubts about this association were spot on.
Your source does not have a clue, if you had a source at all.  The poster that posted the 1000 shoet fall knows a heck of alot about who and who does not belong on the list. Therefore, the difference in the 2 numbers of 1000 and 5000 is more than likely the 4000 padded list the company and TWU/IAM was going to submit for verification. A typical movement by the company and industrial unions working together to keep AMFA out, and it has been proven and done in the past---FACT...
Byers remorse, good point, it is coming to the membership of the new AA.  Glad to hear AMFA is not going away as an option in the future. Carry on Vort, carry on the good word...
proAMT said:
Even if that were true Its still thousands more than the alliance ever collected.
Several thousands more...
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Care to quote your source?
Yeah, I didn't think so.
He doesn't have a source, that why he said "I have a source" He wanted to make it more realistic...
He is trolling to see how many cards we have signed and how many more we needed to file. It's no big secret we were short. So now he wants to get a better idea how many signed to see how much support amfa has and how much support the association has. We where short by 10,000 or 5,000 or 100. Why is it so important to know? The last battle was lost but the war rages on.
1AA said:
He is trolling to see how many cards we have signed and how many more we needed to file. It's no big secret we were short. So now he wants to get a better idea how many signed to see how much support amfa has and how much support the association has. We where short by 10,000 or 5,000 or 100. Why is it so important to know? The last battle was lost but the war rages on.
And the one before that, and the one before that!.....Can we get on with the next round already? ( JCBA ) for the good of all?
Including those whom never wanted a Union but are in one because of democracy?
mike33 said:
And the one before that, and the one before that!.....Can we get on with the next round already? ( JCBA ) for the good of all?
Including those whom never wanted a Union but are in one because of democracy?
Exactly what are you expecting in a jcba? All I hear is we want our money. What is the association going to give away in concessions to get our money? Haven't we gave enough? Sadly guys will overlook the language and head straight to the money.

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