AMFA not filing

Hackman said:
Apologize to a know-it-all former IAm stock clerk who continuously sticks his 2 cents in where it doesn't belong? Not. Cue the Fonz.....Correctamundo.  However if you remember SWA, he knows somebody who knows somebody who works at in airline....and....he was in negotiations with the IAm at Useless Air when they got waxed.  Educated by the finest Industrial Union at Placid Harbor IAm College for Airline Wannabee's. 
"Don't let the facts get in the way"
"All you do is call people names when you can't debate facts"
"I helped the IAm with the Teamster raid"
"I am not paid by the IAm" 
"World Traveler is such a liar"
"I know somebody who knows somebody who knows somebody who knows somebody who knows an airline".
Ok I have to admit. Even for someone who probably has severe anger issues such as yourself ( You really should get yourself looked at) That was funny.

You left out "What part of a Message board do you not understand"

Yes 700 does have a few catchphrase's. But that doesn't mean he's not correct with what he says a huge majority of the time. Even though some of you guys hate that the "Stock Clerk" knows more than you.

Or that swamt was way off the mark wrong and 700UW was spot on correct. "That's the fact Jack" At the very least the man should own up to his huge mistake, don't you think?
swamt said:
I would admit if the NMB does in fact handle it.  But if they do then there will more options available than what took you 2-3 weeks to admit finally to the board, which is a "write-in" or "speak-in" option.  700 where have you been, I have been saying for a long-long time that IF the NMB runs this election there will be more options on the ballot.  IF the association runs it (like you want and were pro  Just for grins I will call one more time this week to see what they say now. moting) then there very well could only be those 2 choices that you were claiming in the very beginning which was association or no union.  And BTW, when I called the NMB myself, 2 different times they told me they would have nothing to do with this alliance or association vote. And yes 700, I will admit I was wrong if the NMB conducts this election, however, I was going by what the NMB told me personally, you on the other hand was going by what your buddy of 20 years told you and the IAM.  I never trust any union 100% on just what they say, I will look into it, do my own homework, and get the truth of everything.  Dealing with the lying and crooked teamsters for years has made me double check my union, no matter what union it is, to this day I verify everything I am told, I don't just take it as I am told...
swamt said:
They are keeping the numbers under control.  AIM has mentioned some numbers in other threads but they were all ball park.  I do know the numbers on both sides.  A little more work with a little more time is only in every ones favor.  I am thinking there will be a vote, I don't think the NMB would allow this association go thru (which is the argument between me and 700 currently) but the end question will be who will the vote be for?  TWU/IAM run off with the possibility of AMFA either being on the ballot, (hopefully) or being a write-in option.   Or will the NMB allow this alliance to move forward with a vote for the alliance or against in which should trigger the run-off if voted against.  I do not think your only choices will be union or non-union as previously suggested and ran by 700 and the alliance.  As long as the NMB is conducting this vote, you guys will AT LEAST have a write-in option (some times refered to as "other") if not have AMFA on the ballot as well.   I do not believe the NMB will allow this alliance just to float on thru without a membership vote in it, since they have not had a say-so in it so far.  The "other" alliance folks are talking about out here had a membership vote for the two to join as an alliance, therefore the NMB allowed it to go thru w/o a second vote.  There has been no vote from the members wht-so-ever so far in this alliance trying to be slid thru the NMB.  But, I have seen some shady crap done by the NMB in the past and this is what bothers me.  Only time will tell, but it seems to be taking alot longer than it should be SOMETHING is up, what that is we don't know, yet...
swamt said:
TSH, you are not understanding my posts.  The 2nd vote I am talking about is the very vote under this forum of votes for or against the alliance.  There are 2 people that voted on the poll to accept the alliance, I was simply asking who was the 2nd vote for the alliance was.  I already know who it was, as does everyone else out here, just wanting HIM to post he did (or rather would) vote for the alliance and why, but he IS to much of a coward to do so.  
The NMB will allow any union to file for any election. However, they have no jurisdiction over an internal union issue to vote for a combination of any 2 unions, it's in fact an internal issue.  Can you see what I am asking for now???
swamt said:
And let the delay continue.  Going on 14 weeks and still no ruling yet.  Just keep the cards updated a little longer. The longer this delay takes the more cards AMFA collects.  At this point it looks as if the NMB does call for an election it may very well be over the holidays.  I do smell an election coming, maybe it is planned to go over the holidays to try and get a better turn out for this alliance.  Sure hope you guys can do it this time,  AMFA @ AA in 2015...
Like I stated on 22 Jul 2014:
700UW said:
The alliance must file within 30 days from last Friday, I believe everyone will hear something this week.
Also people might be surprised by how the NMB will rule.
Lots of high level discussions have been going on.
ThirdSeatHero said:
Here is a link to the NMB website. The representation manual is the 6th bullet point down.
Refer to section 19 on mergers its fairly straight forward.
Again, I sincerely doubt the NMB will expose themselves to legal/political fallout that would ensue if they tried to certify the IAM/TWU alliance without a vote.
So what legal and political fallout has occurred?
swamt said:
This very well could be 700 trying to spin some shite at the last moment. However, I really hope this sparks and lights the fire under the asses of all the mechanics at both AA and US. Get involved, get informed, get all you can before this vote (if you have one) comes to a head.  I am very cautious about what I am reading, however, AMFA supporters need to get your as$es in gear and get the cards signed within the next couple of weeks.  There is a plan in the works to avoid another AMFA filing.  Remember the TWU and IAM will do anything--ANYTHING--to keep the dues coming in as well as keep AMFA out.  There is something in the works.  700 is lying, they are preparing in full speed, why else would he have posted that something is coming up that will surprise people.  I am truely hoping that it will go in my favor of thoughts, but I am not certain of such.  GET INVOLVED PEOPLE!
Spin what?
I told you what could happen and it did, you called me a liar for months, where is my apology?
700UW said:
Oh I know the name, very well, he is a friend of mine and anyone at US is free to contact him, they know who he is.
I'm scared of nothing, but it seems you are, I woner why a SWA employee is so concerned what happens with US and AA.
Yep you have the best pay, but you dont have the best scope at WN.
And you will see that the NMB will be holding the vote or recognizing the Alliance, I hope you are ready to eat your words.
Just as TSH has explained to you many times.

swamt said:
I know this already--who is going to conduct this said alliance vote.  I have been told in writing by the NMB and posted all to see and read that it is out of the NMB jurisdiction, and it's an internal union issue...
Lets see this in writing, as you were wrong once again.
700UW said:
So what legal and political fallout has occurred?

Oh I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if a certain someone does try to present a Legal challenge to waste even more of their memberships funds? But here's something that should be of interest to the readers here if they do.
"As we have noted before, Railway Clerks makes clear that judicial review of NMB decisions is to be extraordinarily limited:  “so long as the Board is acting with the purpose of find[ing] the fact as to who is the employees' representative, the courts are deprived of jurisdiction to review Board decisions.”

- See more at:

AFFIRMED in part, DISMISSED in part.
BEEZER, Circuit Judge.

swamt said:
700 will continue to support the iam no matter what they are really out to get.  Rather it's for, or against the membership.  I have proven this since the onset of the merger announcement as well as what will happen in the up coming vote for this alliance and/or rather AMFA is involved or not.  Really hope all the mechanics of AA AND US get a clue very soon.  I know where your heart is Bob, and I understand it 100%.  Just wish the TWU and IAM was in the same mode.  The future of all the mechanics at AA and US is on full allert, get it done now or be done for the rest of your careers and stuck with what you guys have been getting for the past 3 decades of representation, PERIOD, end of story.  It is time for both groups to get unified and come together and get on the same page.  This will in fact be the last chance to bring in AMFA, I promise you all...  
You proved nothing and the exact opposite of what you "proved" is what happened.
Guess you are too busy eating crow to admit to the board you were wrong and apologize to me for calling me a liar and saying the NMB wont be involved.
ALL you folks who seem to have a real problem apologizing (or at least admitting you were wrong) and stuffing the crow have zero credibility. Loudmouths scream scream scream and then hide when they are wrong. Grown men admit they are wrong, take their lumps and move on. All of us have acted like children here once or twice, but a true adult will admit there mistake.
While this not in defense of 700 (he still won't admit he was wrong in the FCFS situation), just owning up goes a long way.
ALL you folks who seem to have a real problem apologizing (or at least admitting you were wrong) and stuffing the crow have zero credibility. Loudmouths scream scream scream and then hide when they are wrong. Grown men admit they are wrong, take their lumps and move on. All of us have acted like children here once or twice, but a true adult will admit there mistake.
While this not in defense of 700 (he still won't admit he was wrong in the FCFS situation), just owning up goes a long way.
The only case that was heard was the AFA.
The IAM Ramp still has an arbitration case pending on the issue as does the CWA.
The IAM Ramp CBA contains different language than the AFA.
One case out of three has been heard, the IAM case nor has the CWA case been heard yet.
WeAAsles said:
I think it was that you and him were having multiple disagreements in regards to opinions on how the NMB would rule and you were perhaps a little mean spirited in your conversations and adamancy on defending your position on the matter? Everything you attested to of your opinion on the subject was wrong where I believe he was 100% correct.

I just think it would again be poor sport of you to not issue the man an apology and admittance that he was precisely correct whereas you were not. Wouldn't you say that it's the right thing to do?
He is not 100% correct.  Where is the vote?  He said there will be a vote.  I have said there will not be a vote.  So far I am 100% correct not him.  However, we are still waiting for the NMB's official ruling on rather there will be a vote or not, so for now no one is 100% correct about the NMB's decision.  No apology is required from anyone...
swamt said:
He is not 100% correct.  Where is the vote?  He said there will be a vote.  I have said there will not be a vote.  So far I am 100% correct not him.  However, we are still waiting for the NMB's official ruling on rather there will be a vote or not, so for now no one is 100% correct about the NMB's decision.  No apology is required from anyone...
700UW said:
Oh I know the name, very well, he is a friend of mine and anyone at US is free to contact him, they know who he is.
I'm scared of nothing, but it seems you are, I woner why a SWA employee is so concerned what happens with US and AA.
Yep you have the best pay, but you dont have the best scope at WN.
And you will see that the NMB will be holding the vote or recognizing the Alliance, I hope you are ready to eat your words.
Just as TSH has explained to you many times.
Guess you cant read Jul 26 2014.
And two days before that:
700UW said:
The alliance must file within 30 days from last Friday, I believe everyone will hear something this week.
Also people might be surprised by how the NMB will rule.
Lots of high level discussions have been going on.
And you stated that the NMB will have nothing to do with this and its an internal matter.

Yet the NMB certified the Alliance, like I stated back in July of 2014.
swamt said:
He is not 100% correct.  Where is the vote?  He said there will be a vote.  I have said there will not be a vote.  So far I am 100% correct not him.  However, we are still waiting for the NMB's official ruling on rather there will be a vote or not, so for now no one is 100% correct about the NMB's decision.  No apology is required from anyone...

Alright let me try posting this again to see if you can understand it?
127 5/19/15 R-7422
R-7424 American Airlines/US Airways TWU/IAM Several FUI-Determination of Certification

"TWU’s certification in NMB Case No. R-1477and IAM’s certification in NMB Case No. R-7100 are extinguished. Accordingly, NMB Case Nos. R-7422, R-7423, and R-7424 are closed."

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