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AMFA not filing

1AA said:
Exactly what are you expecting in a jcba? All I hear is we want our money. What is the association going to give away in concessions to get our money? Haven't we gave enough? Sadly guys will overlook the language and head straight to the money.
I've been here 41 yrs...i don't overlook anything except biting off my nose to save my face.....
mike33 said:
And the one before that, and the one before that!.....Can we get on with the next round already? ( JCBA ) for the good of all?
Including those whom never wanted a Union but are in one because of democracy?
Sorry mike, while I'm not familiar with the IAM, it is a mistake in my opinion to use the word democracy in the same sentence
with the TWU. I will agree with you though, what's done is done and it's time to get the best possible contract. My hope is that all those things that were lost through both airline BK's can be restored and more...
mike33 said:
And the one before that, and the one before that!.....Can we get on with the next round already? ( JCBA ) for the good of all?
Including those whom never wanted a Union but are in one because of democracy?
You're barking up the wrong tree with most of these guys Mike. Even if they get the greatest contract that they have ever had they'll still come on here and swear at the moon in dissatisfaction.

It's just what it is and they can't accept that they're the minority. But I really hope in the future that the Associations "earns" there support and maybe even admiration? 
mike33 said:
I've been here 41 yrs...i don't overlook anything except biting off my nose to save my face.....
41?  Holy cow! when did you hire on?  At 12?  Just kidding there Mike.  Haven't seen someone post a 40 something years yet.  Of course there is still the #1 man with how many years and at what age?
swamt said:
41?  Holy cow! when did you hire on?  At 12?  Just kidding there Mike.  Haven't seen someone post a 40 something years yet.  Of course there is still the #1 man with how many years and at what age?

So my guess is that you're never going to apologize to 700UW and admit that he was 100% correct about the NMB after you slammed him for months that he was wrong?

That's poor sportsmanship.
swamt said:
41?  Holy cow! when did you hire on?  At 12?  Just kidding there Mike.  Haven't seen someone post a 40 something years yet.  Of course there is still the #1 man with how many years and at what age?
You clearly never worked at NW. 🙂
WeAAsles said:
LMFAO. Keep sowing those seeds of malcontent , I mean discontent. Irrelevancy must really suc.
As Hackman pointed out, most FSCs are content with the TWU, and you're no exception.   The TWU has treated AMTs as irrelevant, and it sucks; for that reason, there will always be a drive to oust them.  Not to mention, a movement at the NMB to narrow our class and craft to FAA licensed AMTs only - as it should be. 
Why should AMTs accept sub par representation? 
How would you feel if your pay was almost $6.00ph less than your peers at Delta?
Vortilon said:
As Hackman pointed out, most FSCs are content with the TWU, and you're no exception.   The TWU has treated AMTs as irrelevant, and it sucks; for that reason, there will always be a drive to oust them.  Not to mention, a movement at the NMB to narrow our class and craft to FAA licensed AMTs only - as it should be. 
Why should AMTs accept sub par representation? 
How would you feel if your pay was almost $6.00ph less than your peers at Delta?
By percentage I'm probably paid below DL the same as you are. It's coming but you're far too impatient and want to stone wall everything to get there.

Go write some more letters. Oh wait no that was Seeham. Or Petersen. Or ?????
Maybe AMFA not filing is a mixed blessing. AMFA doesn't seem overly organized or competent.

I know that's not popular. But let's look at facts.
Mishandled the NWA strategy right after 9/11 and strike
Outsmarted by twu and IBT a few years ago
Now no organizing effort when they new a NMB decision was coming. They didn't plan ahead.

I'm just disappointed, another lost opportunity where AMFA didn't make the effort. The grass roots guys made a tramendious effort, but they are mechs we work with everyday we know their point of view.
bigjets said:
Maybe AMFA not filing is a mixed blessing. AMFA doesn't seem overly organized or competent.

I know that's not popular. But let's look at facts.
Mishandled the NWA strategy right after 9/11 and strike
Outsmarted by twu and IBT a few years ago
Now no organizing effort when they new a NMB decision was coming. They didn't plan ahead.

I'm just disappointed, another lost opportunity where AMFA didn't make the effort. The grass roots guys made a tramendious effort, but they are mechs we work with everyday we know their point of view.
Just curious, are you for a mechanics union. either independent or AMFA? If so what did you do to participate?
WeAAsles said:
So my guess is that you're never going to apologize to 700UW and admit that he was 100% correct about the NMB after you slammed him for months that he was wrong?

That's poor sportsmanship.
apologize for what?  There are so many things I have proven wrong about him I need more info pls...
swamt said:
apologize for what?  There are so many things I have proven wrong about him I need more info pls...

I think it was that you and him were having multiple disagreements in regards to opinions on how the NMB would rule and you were perhaps a little mean spirited in your conversations and adamancy on defending your position on the matter? Everything you attested to of your opinion on the subject was wrong where I believe he was 100% correct.

I just think it would again be poor sport of you to not issue the man an apology and admittance that he was precisely correct whereas you were not. Wouldn't you say that it's the right thing to do?
WeAAsles said:
I think it was that you and him were having multiple disagreements in regards to opinions on how the NMB would rule and you were perhaps a little mean spirited in your conversations and adamancy on defending your position on the matter? Everything you attested to of your opinion on the subject was wrong where I believe he was 100% correct.

I just think it would again be poor sport of you to not issue the man an apology and admittance that he was precisely correct whereas you were not. Wouldn't you say that it's the right thing to do?
It won't ever happen WeAAsles... and if it does, i will apologize to him for thinking such..........
swamt said:
apologize for what?  There are so many things I have proven wrong about him I need more info pls...
Apologize to a know-it-all former IAm stock clerk who continuously sticks his 2 cents in where it doesn't belong? Not. Cue the Fonz.....Correctamundo.  However if you remember SWA, he knows somebody who knows somebody who works at in airline....and....he was in negotiations with the IAm at Useless Air when they got waxed.  Educated by the finest Industrial Union at Placid Harbor IAm College for Airline Wannabee's. 
"Don't let the facts get in the way"
"All you do is call people names when you can't debate facts"
"I helped the IAm with the Teamster raid"
"I am not paid by the IAm" 
"World Traveler is such a liar"
"I know somebody who knows somebody who knows somebody who knows somebody who knows somebody.....at an airline".

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