AMFA Informational Meeting in PHX

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May 2, 2012
On Wednesday August 6 from 6am to 8pm, The AMFA Team will be in Phoenix to answer questions from mechanics and related about AMFA. Meeting will be held in upstairs conference room in T4 near B21 & B23. (Conference room is next to the British Airways Club) signs will be posted.

Free donuts & coffee at 6am
Free Pizza at 10:30am & 6:30pm
Soda & water available

We welcome both AA & US Airways outstation mechanics to attend. This is our time to band together and form our own class and craft union.
Hopefully there will be other meetings throughout the USAir and AA system.
CLT, PHL,Tulsa,STL, and where ever else we need to get the support and info out to the guys.
1AA said:
Hopefully there will be other meetings throughout the USAir and AA system.
CLT, PHL,Tulsa,STL, and where ever else we need to get the support and info out to the guys.
Denver needs help. I beleive if they had someone to talk to in person, that would go along way in getting cards signed there
Good to hear.  Hope all the fence sitters attend and get their own information for themselves.  And yes 1AA this needs to spread thru the system as much as possible.  If some cannot attend the meeting feel free to email AMFA National with all your questions, they will take the time with you...
1AA said:
Hopefully there will be other meetings throughout the USAir and AA system.
CLT, PHL,Tulsa,STL, and where ever else we need to get the support and info out to the guys.
It's a shame that at this point the mechanics at both US & AA are not chomping at the bit to get cards signed.
The TWU has failed us here at AA, and for the USAir guys they need only to ask themselves what has the IAM done for them?
Does it matter at this point what happened in the past, the future is within our grasp and we can form a strong new AMFA with new influx of leaders elected by us not appointed by the Intl's.
I hope that the Organizers give them all the information and be truthful, since transparency, integrity, accountability, is what we have been saying the TWU/IAM is NOT.
We can't hold T. Buffenburger or Lombardo accountable nor can we remove them, But we can Vote out Louie Key or Aaron Hanson the leaders of AMFA if they fail to do the job we want done.
We can attend negotiations, so that NO back door deals are made.
We can as well get back Locals, that the TWU took away.
AMFA at AA 2014
Gee, it seems the NON-US Mechanics are telling US mechanics what to do.
Funny, AA you dont work for US, so why are you telling  US Mechanics what to do?
And why hasnt ONE PMUS A&P posted on this thread?
You wont get many cards from PMUS.
FYI, since you arent an IAM member, R Thomas Buffenbarger and his team was just re-elected, and yes there was an opposition slate.
700UW said:
Gee, it seems the NON-US Mechanics are telling US mechanics what to do.
Funny, AA you dont work for US, so why are you telling  US Mechanics what to do?
And why hasnt ONE PMUS A&P posted on this thread?
You wont get many cards from PMUS.
FYI, since you arent an IAM member, R Thomas Buffenbarger and his team was just re-elected, and yes there was an opposition slate.
Iam not an USAir mechanic you are correct, I am not telling them what to do I have asked them to think about signing cards since the NMB is going to consider us a one transportation group. With the lates ruling of the F/A and gate agents filings.
We have gotten cards not sure what the numbers are as of late but a few months ago I was told we had 500+ cards.
The mechanics on the floor did not cast any ballots for him did they? At AMFA that can be done. He "R. T Buffenberger" can't be removed from office with a petitian from the members on the floor can he?
You are NOT an Airline employee any more, nor are you an IAM memeber are YOU?
AMFA at AA 2014
Yes every IAM member had the opportunity to vote for the IP and the Executive Council, don't let the facts get in your way.
But he can't be REMOVED can he?

700- you now sound like WT about the IAM at DL, saying they won't get many cards signed. What do you think most of those who were pushing the IBT are going to do? They're just happy with the IAM now? I don't think so...
Like i said before. Amfa is going to be very disappointed. No doubt you need the US guys more than ever but they aren't listening. Will be interesting to see how many actually show up for card signing or just coffee and donuts. Whats that saying? " If they won't come to you , you have to go to them ". Good Luck !
700UW said:
Still no US mechanics posting here.
Sometimes people btch and moan about their circumstance but don't go fwd because there is a comfort zone we all have. It hasn't gone beyond that comfort zone yet to react!
mike33 said:
Like i said before. Amfa is going to be very disappointed. No doubt you need the US guys more than ever but they aren't listening. Will be interesting to see how many actually show up for card signing or just coffee and donuts. Whats that saying? " If they won't come to you , you have to go to them ". Good Luck !
Like I've asked you before, when was the last time you talked to a mechanic in SAN about AMFA, or are you just going off of the notion that they're all happy?
700UW said:
Still no US mechanics posting here.
Actually, the OP is a US mechanic. The US guys don't post a whole lot on here anyway, I'm sure some will come around in the next few days. I don't know if any of them are in PHX, so not sure if they'd comment or not. I know some people in PHX, I'm going to ask them if they're going to the meeting.
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