Why do you insist on making up lies and posting crap?
1. After 9/11 some of us went to the White House to lobby for the ATSB program. And if you know the IAM has the William W. Wipinsinger Education and Technology Center, in the Leadership II class you have to make appointments before hand to lobby both your Senators from your state and your Congressman. We met with Carlos Bonilla, who was Bush's economic adviser, and I met with Congressman Mel Watt of the 10th District of North Carolina, met with Senator John Edwards and Jesse Helms aide as my assignment in Leadership II class, I have pics of me with Edwards at his office and Congressman Mel Watt. Also have pics with me with International President Buffenbarger and at the time Robert Roach was GVP of Transportation and have pics with him too.
2. The arbitration wasnt $500,000 it was $15 Million, it was an outsourcing arbitration that the company was doing every night for three years, the claim was wiped out in Bankruptcy part II.
3. I was on the IAM Mechanic and Related Negotiating Committee during the Second Chapter 11 Case.
4. I was paid by the company and the union reimbursed the company plus 10% so any employee on union business would maintain their deductions, ie medical, taxes, 401k, etc... I was given reimbursement for my hotel, and recieved per diem while out of town.
5. Never just sat in negotiations I was assigned to them, and the IAM legal department was never in negotiations with us, we had meetings with them at their offices and we used attorney Joe Guerrery in DCA to assist us when we wrote the whole comprehensive offer we gave to the company during bankruptcy part II. I was also assigned to Continental Airlines Flight Attendants negotiations in 2005 in IAH.
You are truly ignorant, you never worked for US nor a member of the IAM. I have held many positions at the Local Level, started as a Trustee, Local Lodge Editor, was Recording Secretary for a local of over 5,000 members at one time, Shop Steward, various committees at the Local Level, and a District Communicator, amongst other things. See we have Locals and Districts, the District negotiates and owns the CBA, not the International the International will assign one Grand Lodge Representative to sit in and assist and provide the actuaries and other assistance needed. I also played a vital leadership role when we were on strike in October of 1992 against US.
I have attended many of our classes at WWW, Leadership I, Leadership II, Advanced Leadership, Train the Trainer, Basic and Advanced Editors class and Basic and Advanced Web Design class, and the Arbitration Class.
I also was a trainer at work, when we got the Airbus narrow and widebody aircraft, I went around the US system and trained utility and management on servicing procedures as it applied to Aircraft Servicing and cleaning. I also made videos for training and rewrote the Aircraft Appearance Manual for Lav and Water Servicing for all Aircraft US flew.
I have had dealings with Stephen Wolf while he was CEO at US, he actually wrote me a letter calling me a name as I wrote an expose article about him, and articles were written about the incident and I have given workshops at our Communication Conferences about the Wolf incident, have had dealings with Rakesh Gangwal, and various VPs in Maintenance.
So why are you so concerned about me and why would you make up lies and misinformation?
I dont owe you any explanation, but if you want to lie about me, I will call you out everytime.
The IAM structure is totally different than the TWU.