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More teamster lies...

The only reason the ibt and ua are negotiating is because UA agreed to it, and its to get a single CBA, there arent separate negotiations going on for CO and UA, they are seeking a joint CBA.

As it has been told to us here by many IAM supporters as well as its in your contract as well. As I understand it, THE IAM Members have life time recall rights.

That means every one who is in the Mechanics and related class and craft per the NMB has a right to vote. So unless the IBT gets almost 80% of the total employees on the floor NOW they will need to find the furloughed employees that have recall to USAir to sign a card.

The IAm and USAir will also inflate the numbers and add as many people to that as allowed and the IBT will have to prove that they are not eligible. Hard to prove with out access to USAir system lists.

Parker has beat the IAM so why would he want the IBT there?

IAM can't get AA since there is a no raid clause with the AFL-CIO
any cards signed will not be any good until we are one company.
That won't be until the forth quarter of this yr.

The IBT as well just gave away the Taxi/Tow to the IAM at UAL.
check on that. IBT screwed AMT's by that deal, less amts required
at stations due to that.
Cards are good for one year from date of signing.
Cards are good for one year from date of signing.

Again you state the obvious, but unless AA and USAir are considered
one company which will happen in 4th qtr as I said AFL-CIO has NO RAID clause.

AA will have either switched to AMFA or IBT by then so there won't be a chance in Hell we would switch to the IAM.

AMFA at AA in 2013

As it has been told to us here by many IAM supporters as well as its in your contract as well. As I understand it, THE IAM Members have life time recall rights.

That means every one who is in the Mechanics and related class and craft per the NMB has a right to vote. So unless the IBT gets almost 80% of the total employees on the floor NOW they will need to find the furloughed employees that have recall to USAir to sign a card.

The IAm and USAir will also inflate the numbers and add as many people to that as allowed and the IBT will have to prove that they are not eligible. Hard to prove with out access to USAir system lists.

Parker has beat the IAM so why would he want the IBT there?
This is a fact and why the IBT missed last time at the merger with AWA and US air.They even had a dead guy on the list. This is why they went DOOR TO DOOR to get who was or was not eligible and get cards And the LISTLAST TIME WAS OUT DATE BAD.

Parker and the boys did not wan't the IBT last merger due to language in the IBT contract on out-sourcing.

I will get back with you on the tow thing I don't work for UAL and don't have a answer why?

Got to go to work this commute is a real bummer AS YOU CANT GET THERE FROM HERE you have to got to CLT. but as they say WELCOME TO THE AIRLINES...

Have a good one my AMT Brother
yes in the teamster letter they talked about afma outs sourcing work on the interiors in lax as low tech work i.e. tray table armrest caps etc... and the membership never voted on this. At sw how much maint is out sourced?

The membership at UAL never voted on what?

The next time a teamster pusher trys to float this LIE, ask for proof! If they're are claiming there was an agreement, wheres the proof? Is there a LOA or an MOU that allowed blended work in LAX?

Provide it then, where is this agreement?
This is a fact and why the IBT missed last time at the merger with AWA and US air. They even had a dead guy on the list. This is why they went DOOR TO DOOR to get who was or was not eligible and get cards And the LIST LAST TIME WAS OUT DATE BAD.

Parker and the boys did not wan't the IBT last merger due to language in the IBT contract on out-sourcing.

I will get back with you on the tow thing I don't work for UAL and don't have a answer why?

Got to go to work this commute is a real bummer AS YOU CANT GET THERE FROM HERE you have to got to CLT. but as they say WELCOME TO THE AIRLINES...

Have a good one my AMT Brother

Exactly this is what I mean about the union in house and the company. They will put as many names on the eligibility list so NO Vote will happen.

The IAM does not want to loose dues paying memebers and mgmt at USAir does not want to have a change in representation either.

They swapped 100% sick time pay and 2 holidays for amt taxi/tow jobs. That is what the IBT did, once you have a job to give it up or back which reduces amt positions NOT GOOD...Did the membership agree to that or was that just done by negotiation team?

Money is a big thing so some may not even read the T/A before they vote. To be in negotiations for so long any raise is wanted by most.
But IBT now wants to go back at UAL and negotiate a joint contract. This will insure a yes vote, just to get a pay increase. Should of done it this time not make this a transitional contract.

2. UAL's contract was a amendable in 2013 and CAL is amendable now 12/31/12 and as the UAL guys went IBT they are in negotiations before the amendable date of the UAL's contract.(Really No LIE)

UAL went teamsters in April of 2008.

We were still working under a bankruptcy CBA that wasn't amendable until Jan 1 2010. We had a clause in our contract which allowed for openers no more than 270 days prior to that date. See Article:XXVII Effective Date and Duration Page:121


The ibt promised to open the CBA early during there organizing campaign at UAL


The ibt DID NOT OPEN the UAL CBA early

Here is the teamster announcement.


As you can see, the ibt began negotiations in April of 2009 - per the contractual 270 day window - they DID NOT force the contract open early as they claimed.

They LIED.
Mechanics for ChangeUAL Mechanics Class and Craft

Teamsters Broken Promises

The Teamsters will open the contract if we are elected under

Section 6 as the new UAL mechanics representative union.At UAL two years ago the Teamsters promised to open the contract. IBT Airline Division leaders stated:

“As the new bargaining agent we can open your contract if the UAL membership decides to.”

In June 2008 the Teamsters conducted a poll and UAL mechanics voted to open the contract. The IBT Union

leadership then chose to ignore the will of UAL mechanics. Here’s a quote from an IBT appointed rep in SEA.

“The Teamsters wisely ignored the will of the UAL membership and refused to open the contract”

The Teamsters betrayed the trust of the UAL mechanics. This pattern of IBT union betrayals has a long history.

The Teamsters could not open the contract without the agreement of the company. The Teamsters organizers

and their leadership lied to the UAL membership to get them to vote for the Teamsters. Once the Teamsters

became the bargaining agent they conducted a survey of UAL mechanics to open the contract. The UAL

mechanics voted to open the contract and the IBT refused to open the agreement as they had promised.

Two years after certification the Teamsters have failed to negotiate a new contract.

The Teamsters failed to enforce a key contractual right, in our contract the “NMB Mediation clause” on

page 208 of the UAL Mechanic Contract

. The Teamsters negotiations are more than a year behind the

negotiations of the IAM, ALPA and other unions on the property. The Teamster Airline Division promised they

would open the contract and they lied. Teamsters organizers promised to open the contract and negotiate better

benefits and they failed.

Attached is the campaign promise – The UAL mechanic survey – and the ugly truth

we now find ourselves tied to with the Teamsters as our representative.

It is time to establish our own District and Locals. The Teamsters do not represent the

UAL mechanics; the last two years of IBT representation prove that beyond a doubt.

Do not allow the Teamsters to make any more mistakes concerning your future and your

contractTeamsters Collective Bargaining Agreement Survey for the Mechanics at United


Exit this survey >>

1. Default Section

1. DO WE BARGAIN? The Teamsters can legally open Section 6 bargaining to improve job security,

wages, work rules, and benefits. If we do not open bargaining, the current agreement will remain in

effect until its amendable date and, if we are certified as your bargaining agent, be enforced by the

Teamsters. If we do open bargaining, the current agreement remains in place until we have

negotiated an improved agreement and you have ratified the new agreement. All Teamster

agreements must be voted on and ratified by the members. Whether the Teamsters open

bargaining depends on your answer to the following question. Select only one response to

question below.

Should the Teamsters open Section 6 bargaining?


In order to focus its bargaining effort, your Negotiating Committee needs to know what issues have

the most importance for United Airlines (UAL) mechanics and related employees. Further priorities

may be added at the end of the survey.

Please rank the following issues from 1 (your highest priority) to 6 (your lowest priority). Note:

There should be only one mark in each column and row.

What are your highest priorities for upcoming negotiations?

1 2 3 4 5 6

Job security

Wage increases

Health benefits

Retirement benefits

Pd. time off (vac/etc)

3. Your PBGC retirement: As a part of bankruptcy negotiations, your retirement and other

contractual items were severely reduced. Below, please choose your one top priority on how your

Committee should allocate its money as it relates to your future retirement and other contract


I request that the Teamsters do open Section 6 bargaining on my behalf.

I request that the Teamsters do not open bargaining on my behalf.

Allocate money for a new pension plan by reducing the amount of wage increase requests.

Increase wages rather than allocate contributions for a new pension plan.
Why do you prefer an industrial union over a craft union? What is wrong with the AMFA structure? Why do you not identify yourself?
At US AIRWAYS AMFA is not running a campaign. I don't have any thing bad to say about AMFA or it's structure. But from were I stand with the IAM and the poor job they have done in regard to pay,benefits and job protection I feel we need to kick them out now as they have had more than enough time and failed the members.

Now as far as who and were I work. I don't want to get on the IAM hit list or as in the past on the BUM RUSH LIST.

As far as UAL and yes you can say the IBT lied 5 years ago about the contract they failed to open up early as I see it.( You cant force a company to open a contract) I misunderstood what contract you all were talking about as I don't work for UAL or CAL. But on the other hand as it is today UAL is on TOP for PAY out of the BIG BOY AIRLINES second only to #5 SWA who got most of there largest pay increases thanks to the IBT and are the top dogs in pay of all the airlines and no one want's to count UPS as a airline but them AMT's make good money thanks to the IBT.

The way I look at it if UAL/CAL don't think the IBT is doing it's job kick them to the curb because THE UNION WORKS FOR YOU. YOU DON'T WORK FOR THE UNION. That's what the IAM is forgetting, Who works for who.

Good luck with AA and I hope the best for AMFA because the TWU has to go, as for me am covering my own a$$ at US the IAM has to go. Have a good one my AMT brother.
In one sentence the hopes and dreams of the Teamsters supporters and the lies of organizing team at UAL went into the sewer. " United officials said the airline looks forward to dealing with the Teamsters, but that "the contract remains in place through December 2009."
At US AIRWAYS AMFA is not running a campaign. I don't have any thing bad to say about AMFA or it's structure. But from were I stand with the IAM and the poor job they have done in regard to pay,benefits and job protection I feel we need to kick them out now as they have had more than enough time and failed the members.

Now as far as who and were I work. I don't want to get on the IAM hit list or as in the past on the BUM RUSH LIST.

As far as UAL and yes you can say the IBT lied 5 years ago about the contract they failed to open up early as I see it.( You cant force a company to open a contract) I misunderstood what contract you all were talking about as I don't work for UAL or CAL. But on the other hand as it is today UAL is on TOP for PAY out of the BIG BOY AIRLINES second only to #5 SWA who got most of there largest pay increases thanks to the IBT and are the top dogs in pay of all the airlines and no one want's to count UPS as a airline but them AMT's make good money thanks to the IBT.

The way I look at it if UAL/CAL don't think the IBT is doing it's job kick them to the curb because THE UNION WORKS FOR YOU. YOU DON'T WORK FOR THE UNION. That's what the IAM is forgetting, Who works for who.

Good luck with AA and I hope the best for AMFA because the TWU has to go, as for me am covering my own a$$ at US the IAM has to go. Have a good one my AMT brother.
Alaskan Airlines is second in pay and benefits in the passenger airline business.