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Amfa Doubletalk!

So why not have us work for minimum wage so we can have 100% employment?
Hell, we can even undercut the Mexican work force under the TWU and their concessionary philosophy.

Whatya say, TWU SUPPORTERS? How about minimum wage so we can have 100% employment and people can fly for $9.99 anywhere AA flies?
Strake said:
Check this link out, its kind of thought provoking. How many mechanics jobs were lost forever at NW and United? Who is the association representing those mechanics? This is what happens with poor management and lousy representation.
At least here at AA we have the strong leadership of the TWU and the backing of the AFL/CIO helping to save our jobs.


There are two other points (possibly more) here, one of them fits this thread to a tee. The poster said:

In general they just don't seem to get it: That you are laid off and have zero chance of a recall, which was my case with TWA,so there is a measure of truth there.

More specific "Zero chance of a recall"

The Kasher decision basically reads, that anyone that was laid off from TWA prior to the merger no longer has recall rights. Once the AMFA drive spooled up the twu in their desperation filed a grievance (albeit late which makes it null and void anyway because it can be proven that knowledge of the situation was comprehended at the time) to give them recall rights (which by the way, if won, would dump down native laid-off AA employees but, will never happen anyway) in order to add people as part of the plot to stop a membership election vote.

The other point is, the poster said:

It was a matter of advertising the skills as a mechanic that are transferable to other industries.

This is very true and gives you some leverage at the bargaining table as apposed to unskilled labor. Here is where one of the points of the real argument of Industrial Unionism and Trade Unionism should be. Although it may not be totally the strongest point, nevertheless this is where it is. Industrial (catch all) VS. Trade (Craft and Class).
Geez Decsion 2004, did you miss the point or what???? Or are you just grasping at straws again? Please, give the readers here some credit. You know who you remind me of Decsion 2004? Ned Beaty, you're a spittin image of him. You sound like him too. SQEEELL, SQUEEEEL And Rusty, what matters to me the most is results. Like Ive said before amfa's history speaks for itself. The TWU preserves jobs and the amfa doesnt. We can sit here and nit-pick the leadership, or whatever of the amfa, the TWU, The company, nothing is going to change the fact that big boys lie, they cheat, and they steal, I don't trust any of em. The plain and simple truth here is the TWU saves jobs and that boys club you call the amfa doesn't.
Strake said:
Geez Decsion 2004, did you miss the point or what???? Or are you just grasping at straws again? Please, give the readers here some credit. You know who you remind me of Decsion 2004? Ned Beaty, you're a spittin image of him. You sound like him too. SQEEELL, SQUEEEEL And Rusty, what matters to me the most is results. Like Ive said before amfa's history speaks for itself. The TWU preserves jobs and the amfa doesnt. We can sit here and nit-pick the leadership, or whatever of the amfa, the TWU, The company, nothing is going to change the fact that big boys lie, they cheat, and they steal, I don't trust any of em. The plain and simple truth here is the TWU saves jobs and that boys club you call the amfa doesn't.
Where does AMFA fall into this posting from the link you provided?

Well, that did not work out. Sorry about the blank posts.

Anyway, what I wanted to say is this: I am glad that I do not work for the airlines anymore. I got the layoff a year and a half ago from TWA. Now that American Airlines is messing up the works for TWA, I will never see that job again. I am very much pleased with the new job that I found as a Mechanical Tech working on light rail cars. With the airline industry in such turmoil, I have no desire to return to work for the airlines. I have taken my skills to a whole new industry. That is the airline''s loss, not mine.

Looks to me like the man has been screwed by industrial unionism/concessions/ and the gAyFL-CIO.

If the TWU preserved so many jobs, then why is the NMB eligibility list over 3,000 workers higher than the current combined seniority list?
Strake said:
Rusty, what matters to me the most is results. Like Ive said before amfa's history speaks for itself. The TWU preserves jobs and the amfa doesnt. We can sit here and nit-pick the leadership, or whatever of the amfa, the TWU, The company, nothing is going to change the fact that big boys lie, they cheat, and they steal, I don't trust any of em. The plain and simple truth here is the TWU saves jobs and that boys club you call the amfa doesn't.
Strake I see you have bought into the lies, deceptions, and half truths of the afl-cio twu. Here is a couple of screen captures from the 2003-2009 afl-cio IAM negotiated contract at United Airlines and Letter of agreement with their scorched Earth policy.

2003-2009 UAL/afl-cio IAM negotiated agreement .
Don't confuse the man with the TRUTH.

He will need EAP Assistance if you show him too much TRUTH.
Strake said:
Decision 2004, you mean like the TRUTH you will find here?

You need to stay over on the 'Nuts website, they are your kind of people. Lying malcontented morons that are still crying 6 years later because they can't get past the 300 card mark for the iam. Maybe you can go up to MSP and start a twu card drive strike? Let me know so I can come up and watch as you get shown the door.

BTW, the twu saves jobs eh? How about telling that to the thousands we have on the street son? One of which is a good friend of mine that got laid off as a full mechanic. With our wonderful twu agreement, aa tried to recall him as an osm. He told them to pack sand, he could not afford the paycut, he makes more money at his old job.

Let us know when you want to start a twu card drive.... at any airline.

I bet you amfadites would love to for people like me to stay away from your little nest you have here. Dream on. www.amfanuts.com has a great bulletin board! Here, check this out.

Name: Standing in Aw
Email: IAM Cares! AMFA SUCKS!
Employer: Red Rudder
Station: Everywhere
Date: Wednesday June 16, 2004
Time: 01:02:20 AM

The IAM doesn't look so bad now huh, you AMFAholics. Thanks to Waffle Boy Mathews, which side are you on today, or should I say this second waffle Boy? The good news is, only a few more years and the idiots who voted this company union in will be off the seniority list and then IAM here we come, hopefully it won't be to late. I hope you TWU members at American Airlines are watching what the crack team of professionals have done to this Profession. In less than 5 years they have destroyed what a real Union has built up over 53 years. Is this why it took so long for the answer to come out Jeffy, you were tying to think how you could put a Spin Doctor answer on this. I don't think it worked, there are to many people who can read between the lines. AMFA SUCKS!

I couldn't of said it better. 😀 I don't know if the TWU would be interested in starting a card drive up there (MSP) or not. I don't think the TWU would want to step on the IAM's toes.

Oh, I feel for your friend, just be glad the amfa wasn't representing us. You would telling us about your friends instead of just a friend. Since you seem to know a lot about NWA, could you let us know how many mechanics were employed with NWA before amfa and how many remain now? I think I read somewhere that NWA lost about %65 of there mechanics after amfa got on the property. You can correct me if I'm wrong. If that happened at AA we would lose like 12,129 people out or our 18,661! Thats a lot of affected familys! You probably have the seniority to make it through the layoffs dont you? But hey! gotta protect the profession (putting thousands of skilled, licensed AMTs on the street) at any cost! And for what? Like the raise in pay you might get would drastically change your frigging lifestyle. I'm surprised an amfa puke like yourself even cares about your "friend". But you did say "good" friend. I guess its screw everyone else. I say screw amfa. Just wondering, is your friend working in the aviation industry?

click here :up:
Strake said
The TWU preserves jobs and the amfa doesnt.

Try telling that to all the twu members that had their jobs negotiated away in the contract concessions when they (twu) let the company move back the seniority date for job protection clauses.
Thrustfuljet said:
Strake said

Try telling that to all the twu members that had their jobs negotiated away in the contract concessions when they (twu) let the company move back the seniority date for job protection clauses.
I guess he has not looked at the SEniority List lately. If he did he would have noticed that we have lost over 2000 mechanics since the "job saving" concessions were put in place.

On top of that AA still spends more on outsourcing than ANY other airline.
Strake said:
I couldn't of said it better. 😀 I don't know if the TWU would be interested in starting a card drive up there (MSP) or not. I don't think the TWU would want to step on the IAM's toes.

Oh yea, like ex-IAM workers would want the TWU. Good luck.

If you noticed, he said "I don't know if the TWU would be interested in starting a card drive up there (MSP) or not."

Not that the members would start a drive for the TWU but the TWU would. Thats the difference, AMFA drives are started by workers at the airlines while the TWU uses paid organizers. The TWU spent $2 million trying to organize Delta, they failed miserbly. It seems that Delta and AA have operations in a lot of the same places and all the Delta workers had to do was talk to a TWU represented worker to realize that the TWU was not the way to go.

I guess he has not looked at the SEniority List lately. If he did he would have noticed that we have lost over 200 mechanics

200 verses THOUSANDS at NW? Are you high???
Hey look who is finally got back form NMB.... 🙂


YOU LOST!!!!!!!!!! YOU LOST THE RULING FOR A VOTE @ AA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
get it you LOST!!!!!!!
now DAAAAAAAVE go console DONNNNNIE 'cause you were a LOSER w/TWU waaaaaay back when you wanted to be somebody....LOSER!!!! so then you go runnin off to AFW to TRY again guess what? LOSER !!!!!!
so you can tell donnnnie how it feels to be a LOSER
this guy strake i like him..... he sorta gets to ya SCABS huh????
i like what 'del says toO " we lost before & we'll loose again."
as I have said time/time again
This is not the IAM! check it OUT SCABS this is the TWU/AFL/CIO UNION!!!!!!!!
now tell me SCABS what part of UNION you don't understand?
when is it going get thru to you SCABS that the TWU is not running AA?
the TWU did not get AA in this position. They did it to themselves.
Just like amfa (puke) does it to themselves. do you really believe that the people
at AA can not see what has happened to the airlines you have gotten into?
do you think that all of us are like you???? PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
give us some credit here. NW tearing down hangars/UA giving up retirement benefits without even a vote/HA outsourcing more work/AL doing the same
Oh,Oh, speaking of NW they are talking of building a hotel there. does that mean amfa(puke) is going to TRY to organize them? Oh,Oh, that's right you just do mechs.
huh? not fleet service, not FA's, not anyone who wants to work @ an airline.
better check with NMB before hand they are the ONES who decide who can vote
TWU/AFL/CIO =JOBS=SCABFREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how GOOD it feels to be SCABFREE....O, yeah "....no peace" how DUMB was that statement. what a LOSER.
DAAAAAAAAVE you are gonna havta control him better...speak to the hand 🙂
i got an idea send "buckhead" (i like it, good one strake) to educate him.
back to the bacis..........SCABFREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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