These are some of the reasons that industrial union bosses will do every underhanded thing they can to stop AMFA from spreading.Our representation going from the teamsters to AMFA is as different as night and day. We actually see EXACTLY where all our dues monies are going, every single dime of it. Our treasurer gives a detailed, printed out, step by step itemized financial spread every meeting. And we can set an appointment with him to see it at any time. This is how open and transparent AMFA is. You cannot do this with the teamsters while they were here, NEVER!!! Love the fact we have the option to attend any and all nego's., re-call process to hold all local and National officers accountable to their actions, mechanics running the union, and the craft and class representation with out other groups riding coat tails. With AMFA we don't have to change unions any more, like you guys and US are trying to do now. We can remove the officers from their positions and make change from top to bottom rather than removing the entire union, and you CANNOT do this with any other union out there, period. With AMFA the MEMBERSHIP has control of their union, not the National. A fantastic concept that we will never leave. This is where UAL completely screwed up, they all freaked out and instead of removing the officers that were not performing to the members wishes, they removed the union and are now regretting how they have over reacted. We have had the teamsters for well over 25 years here at SWA. We now have had AMFA for about 10 years. AMFA has hands down accomplished way more than the teamsters did while they were here, way more. I can only hope you guys at AA get a chance to experience the way AMFA works at your airline, you guys will be saying the same as the majority say here, "we should have pulled this trigger years ago".
They do not want to be held accountable to their membership.
Airlines also do not want to deal directly with their mechanics and have been shown to collaborate with industrial unions to try to keep there pet unions in place and continue the back door dealing that is so easy with unions whose leaders cannot be held accountable.
We at SWA surprised the IBT with our card drive and sent our cards to the NMB before they knew it. We were fortunate to vote them out before they could pull any BS to try and stop us.
I never realized how far a company and industrial union bosses would go to maintain their grip on power and keep AMFA out.