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Amfa Allows Outsourcing To Continue

Wrong again CIO, the outsourcing standard was set by the Teamsters and the IAM. I saw this first hand at Braniff 2/Dalfort. It was one of the reasons Southwest went AMFA. CIO ,how do we know when your lying? Your mouth is moving. CIO, our medical plan doesn't cover cetain plastic surgeries. Your lying so much your nose is gonna be dragging on the floor. How are you gonna afford surgery to fix your nose?
you just foiled sonny halls grand scheme, he's been telling these guys for years that it was a different body appendage that would grow if they lied :shock: :shock:
Bob, why don't you guys start being pro-amt, and make suggestions?

The suggestion is that we become pro-amt and rid ourselves of the Fleet Service union known as TWU.
Buck are you aware there are more Mechanic and Related employed at AA than Fleet Service? So how can you make such a statement? You are definitely out for yourself, Looks like another me attitude and screw everyone else.

To amfa pro-amt means layoffs.
The TWU is still a Fleet Service union.
Buck said:
The TWU is still a Fleet Service union.

You are off on this one.

The TWU is a company union.

Fleet service has suffered as much as maint under the TWU.Not only did they take the paycuts but they also got hit even harder on the layoffs. Fleet Service used to out number us but since the TWU believes that there is no threat of losing Fleet Service they got whacked even harder than we did. They have a tough job. I dont want to trade places.

I dont think that they counted on the AGW.

The fact is that it suits the TWUs purpose for us to be at each others throats, it keeps us from going after theirs.

The fact is we need to get in a mechanics union and other ground workers need to form a union that can work for them. The TWU does not work for any of us.
Bob, why don't you guys start being pro-amt, and make suggestions? As an ex-TWU union officer are you saying that you wasted the member's time and money and accomplished ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

Why don't you try to figure out where we would be without the union? [/quote]
Bob, why don't you guys start being pro-amt, and make suggestions?

Been there, done that. The TWU is not interested in change, they only want to make the members think that they are willing to change. Besides the goal is all the mechanics in one union, the TWU will never try to achieve that.

As an ex-TWU union officer are you saying that you wasted the member's time and money and accomplished ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

Not at all. I learned a lot. I also learned enough to know that if we stay with the TWU that our future will be much the same as our past. I learned that they have no intentions on uniting airline workers. Even people from the AFL-CIO agreed that the only way to unite all the airline workers in the AFL-CIO is to to leave unions like the TWU, IAM and IBT and regroup on the outside and then rejoin the AFL-CIO.

The average TWU member makes around $15/hr. How much of a priority will this union place on members making $30/hr? Clearly this is not the union for us. They cant do anything for us, we are already making double of what the average member makes.

Why don't you try to figure out where we would be without the union?

By 'the union" do you mean 'this' union, the TWU? Well if we were in any other union, and the TWU/ATD did not exist we would more than likely be making a lot more money, have better benifits and workrules. The TWU has been the leader in concessions for over 20 years. That has been a known fact all over the system for years. The Teamsters blasted the TWU because of the TWUs "inept leadership" after the Pan Am debacle. The TWUs concessions have been leading working conditions and wages down in this industry. not up. They are a scab union. They give healthy companies a cost advantage over other carriers, often driving those carriers out of business. Do we need a union?- YES-desperately! We need a union to save us from the TWU!
Ok Bob, I agree with you it is not the people of Fleet Service who are my enemy, it is those who claim to be unionists only to tow the company line. That would be the TWU.

And as for these line president issue, I have a question.

If a locals president resigns and his or her slot cannot be filled by a local member what happens?
Buck said:
If a locals president resigns and his or her slot cannot be filled by a local member what happens?
Your question brings up an interesting dilemma.

The line locals have collected cards from 86% of those eligible in Title 1, the eligibility list is larger than the active member list because laid off members are included. So the percentage of active members from the line locals who have filled out cards is over 86%. Now according to the TWU ALL those members are dual. Therefore they should all be put in bad standing and can not hold office. I dont think that I was ever even asked if I filled out an AMFA card. I wondered why they didnt ask that question during my trial. Clearly an overt act like this would be more of an act of dual unionism than saying something bad about the leadership of the TWU.

So if the International were informed that many members, including elected officers, had filled out cards for another union but they only chose to take action against some individuals they would be acting in a discriminatory manner. If they focused only on political opponents and removed their ability to run for office then they may have acted in an illegal manner. By law the TWU has to be fair in their dealings with members. They cant charge some but not others if they have the same information. They cant just put some in bad standing, or strip away their rights and others not, if they have done the same thing. However no judge would stand by and let any union declare that over 86% of the members are in "bad standing" and inelligible to take part in the union where dues are compulsory.

Its an interesting question.
Thanks for the answer. Just as I thought, dual unionism becomes an issue. The TWU is guilty here in TUL everyday. Just wearing a shirt is reason enough to have charges brought, but of course we know how the Kangaroo Courts work......
Bob you claim that amfa has cards from 86% of the line Mechanics, since amfa has inflated the numbers I doubt the number is that high. It is nice to live in dream world once in a while.
Checking it Out said:
Bob you claim that amfa has cards from 86% of the line Mechanics, since amfa has inflated the numbers I doubt the number is that high. It is nice to live in dream world once in a while.
If you really believe what you say, then why the offer to debate? Why the fear by TWU International to show up at the Brady?

Your actions don't match up with your words. 😛h34r:
CIO, will you jump the fence into management when AMFA becomes our bargaining agent???
Hey Rusty, maybe he IS management. He seems to have uncanny insight as to what will occur when AMFA replaces the toy TWU. And maybe the CompAAny really does want AMFA on the property dispite their interference suggesting the contrary. A ruse perhaps. Just think, they could save millions, NO!! BILLIONS if AMFA were to get in. Tokyo CIOs, your a sly one.
I have to agree Birdman, they are conjoined at well: and I think it will require a chainsaw to define the line once again but, once the mess is cleaned up, we can again defend our union against only the companies greed.

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