when do the unions ever admit there mistakes?
Seldom, but by that measure a whole lot more so than airline industry management.
and boneheads like you believe that unions are blameless.
I'm sorry, do you know me? Can you produce any statements/posts by me claiming "
unions are blameless"??? I was involved in 3 AMFA organizing campaigns at UAL precisely BECAUSE I thought the IAM (my former union) was to blame, for a great many things.
You should refrain from trying to put words in my mouth, you'll look less like a moron.
like it or not but management stooges won this match, just like they did at usair, united, delta, mesaba. when is the last time a union won?
So because 4 legacy carriers go bankrupt you view that as a victory? Let me guess, you're one of those brain trusts who want to lay that at the feet of labor too?
unions keep playing the same game "we cant be replaced" and lose over and over again yet your too stupid to see it
What you seem too stupid to see is the possibility of the same situation at NWA repeating itself elsewhere in the industry is slim to none. NWA(to their credit or infamy)took advantage of a unique situation caused by 9-11. NWA last mechanic contract went to a PEB. WHY? UAL mechanics in their last contract prior to bankruptcy went to a PEB. WHY? The answer is because of a mechanic SHORTAGE! Following 9-11 thousands of mechanics were laid off from the legacy carriers as they parked portions of their fleets and downsized. There were still thousands of mechanics on an unanticipated layoff when AMFA at NWA started into contract negotiations and NWA used that to their advantage.
The next major AMT contract coming up is SWA in 2008, the rest play out roughly over the next 4 years(08'-12'). Minus another terrorist attack/SARS type incident there won't be thousands of mechanics on the street looking for a job to come back to. The media was quite thorough in its coverage of the airline industries massacre. Other than a token amount of aviation enthusiasts, there won't be enough mechanics to cover the growing need for maintenance, as those technically inclined will take their services elsewhere.
fat cat union bosses like feminie spoke big when taking nw mechanics over a cliff. then they hid in the shadows for the past year. they should have been out for the strikers and putting pressure on mgmt. instead they hide like coward suckasses.
they are no better than the suckass scabs who replaced the strikers.
While I'm not quite sure how public it was made, Dell was hospitalized for a large portion of the strike. I will agree that AMFA National as a body should've had a larger presence. Other than that, I must disagree with you.
the ua and aa people who took over this forums suck too. you want to tell the nw people what to do but have no skin in the game to lose
When ever I hear comments like this one I have to laugh. As if NWA employees, or any other airline employees actually sit back and go..."
hmmmm, what should I do? How should I vote? I know! I'll go to the USAviation.com message boards and see what they say to do."
THIS IS A MESSAGE BOARD! Its exact purpose is the types of discussions you see here everyday.(well almost all are)