twuer said:
Since I am so foreign to the concept (as you say) please enlighten me as to how AMFA does this. You AMFA boys have already told me that the members can vote out the leaders and vote on contracts. What else????????????????????? What else will the memebers be able to do? Will the members have a voice to be able to fight in Washington?? Will the members be able to close the division beteween the mechanics?? Will the members be able to stop outsourcing heavy maintenance?? Will the members be able to ensure that jobs are saved and not lost?? You claim that AMFA will save all but do you really believe that, and more importantly, can you prove it?? You talk the talk now walk the walk brother! Lives are at stake!
Did the TWU do ANY of that?
TWUer there is a concept that along with Democracy, must also be foreign to you. That concept is Unionism. Unionism is an ideology that professes that when workers collectively act as one that they can resist the demands of those who would deprive them of what is fair. Unionism preaches that if those who would defraud us will not be reasonable that we would deprive them of our labor if neccesary. Unions rely on the fact that despite all their power and money that employers still need labor.
Now lets look to see if what you and the other TWU supporters spout out here can be reconciled with those ideals.
You say that we had to give up more than all the other carriers because the company was threatening to take away even more if we did not submit.
Sorry but companys have always used such threats. Unionists have always responded that if you try to take away what is ours that we would deprive you of our labor and shut you down. Its a position that takes guts, but the alternative is to fall into a perpetual downward cycle, similat to what we have experienced with the TWU for over 20 years.
You say that you saved jobs.
Thats like saying that WalMart is good for workers because they create jobs. Thats like saying that we should lower the minimum wage to create more jobs. The concept of lowering wages to create or save jobs has always been a concept that unionists dispute. This concept comes directly from those that oppose unionism.
The fact is that the TWU agreement included job cutting provisions. They rolled back the system protection date to 1998 and eliminated vacation time. There is no way that these could be considered moves to save jobs because they are in fact moves that facilitate the elimination of jobs.
You say that the TWU will get these things back. But the fact is that most of the Industry Leading Concessions that were lost over the last twenty years were never recovered. It is unlikely that they ever will either because in order to do so the TWU has to argue that they screwed up and they never should have been lost in the first place. The TWU to this day feels that their concessionary pattern of bargaining is a good idea because it has increased membership for the TWU. And increased membership is of a higher priority for this union than increased standards of living. They justify it by saying that concessions creates or saves jobs. A position that unionism has opposed for over 100 years. The TWU uses the same arguements that businesses use because they have become a business themselves.