After looking at this situation and the fact that we must wait until the NMB has made a decision. I think we should start a concerted heavy push for the AGW. Bob has pushed this before but, now it is plain to see why this is so important.
The best way to help the membership is to get rid of the TWU. That goes for all of us, not just M&R.Checking it Out said:Rusty, Is this an attempt to divert attention? The AGW has to many things wrong with their constitution! And is going down the tubes at USAir.
I believe now that you have so much free time why not volunteer for some committees and help the membership?
They dont even have the right to choose their own Local leaders, as demonstrated by what happened at Local 562, AFW and MCI.
Wasnt the President of MCI removed despite a petition from the majority of the membership supporting him?Nightwatch said:MCI chose their own leadership, you know otherwise? Is it that your local is so small that you feel the need to poke your nose in other local's business? You might someday realize your crying over your justful ousting was a good thing for all involved. You did not want the TWU, and neither did they want you, so what's the problem? Go buy a hotdog and a "Free dan" T-Shirt and let your worries free.
Where have I seen these words before??? They just seem familiar!!!Checking it Out said:Rusty, Is this an attempt to divert attention? The AGW has to many things wrong with their constitution! And is going down the tubes at USAir.
The president was removed due to his own actions and those same actions being against the TWU protocol. He was removed by the E-Board. A petition is useless when a man is guilty, you should know this first hand.Bob Owens said:Wasnt the President of MCI removed despite a petition from the majority of the membership supporting him?
No comment on the Internationals claim that Local officers owe their alligience to the International instead of the members? Is that why you resort to personal attacks from behind your alias?
No comment on the Internationals claim that Local officers owe their alligience to the International instead of the members?Nightwatch said:The president was removed due to his own actions and those same actions being against the TWU protocol. He was removed by the E-Board. A petition is useless when a man is guilty, you should know this first hand.
Is that why you resort to personal attacks from behind your alias?
I did not post a personal attack ref you, I posted the truth. I see why you think of it as an attack, the truth hurts.
It is funny that you bring up personal attacks Bob, I can understand you wanting to make your point without someone launching pointless personal attacks against you that makes complete sense to me, have you read any of Dave Stewarts post's lately the KING of personal attacks, at least Dave is an egual oppertunity attacker he will attack the guys on his side ( if they have an opinion of their own ) and the guys on the other side, forget about wether a guy spent ALOT of their own money and time on the AMFA drive or that he got a hell of ALOT of people to fill out cards if he has an opinion that is different than Dave's you should crucify his ass, that is Dave's motto, and of course there is the Dave Stewart let's destroy the local plan by voting for the worst officers out there, like Randy Mcdonald and all female stock clerks in order to totally screw over the A&P Mechanics so they will possibly sign a card in the next drive, that is a real smart move :unsure: , of course that could very easily backfire in more ways than one, like the #1 A&P Mechanics will not be represented while these officers are in power. #2 A&P Mechanics just might blame AMFA if they get screwed while these sabotage voted in canidates are in power and therefor not sign a card. #3 If AMFA were to win an Election the TWU supporters probably would do the exact same thing to AMFA and sabotage vote all bad officers into power.Bob Owens said:Wasnt the President of MCI removed despite a petition from the majority of the membership supporting him?
No comment on the Internationals claim that Local officers owe their alligience to the International instead of the members? Is that why you resort to personal attacks from behind your alias?
twuer, if the situation was at AMFA I believe the members would remove the person. NOT National. But then why would someone who is elected want to remove another elected official? I bet President Bush would like nothing better than to have John Kerry removed from office. But in democracy that is not how things work. That is why the twu is NOT democratic.twuer said:This issue comes up from time to time,why Bob and Chuck were removed. But, I have never heard a response as to what the amfa supporter thinks Delle would do if this situation were at amfa. Do you honestly believe that Delle would allow one of his amfa officers (who took the oath of office to amfa no less) to trash him over and over and over and trash his union and push for the TWU????????? HELL NO!!!!! Your argument is worthless on this one. Dual unionism is dual unionism regardless of who the person is supported by. The same with behavior unbecoming an officer. You guys want to break the rules but cry when the punishment is given.
Speaking of punishment. . .heard anything about who will be "punished" for obtaining and using that confidential list???? I hear the investigation is heating up!!! I'm sure when the punishment comes down for that one you will again be whining about it and crying foul as well!!! Is that all you guys can do????
I totally agree with you Ken, Chuck and Bob got the shaft and I do not think they deserved it, I know Chuck and when he was an Officer he was not an AMFA Organizer he was a TWU Officer that was trying to help his membership, he bacame an AMFA Organizer when he was wrongfully removed from Office and thought that he could no longer help from within the TWU.Ken MacTiernan said:twuer, if the situation was at AMFA I believe the members would remove the person. NOT National. But then why would someone who is elected want to remove another elected official? I bet President Bush would like nothing better than to have John Kerry removed from office. But in democracy that is not how things work. That is why the twu is NOT democratic.
Bob Owens repeatedly spoke with the twu international about problems in our craft and was removed from office. It was not "trash" that Bob brought forward. It was the truth in the twu's short comings. Bob took the oath to protect the membership. He did that. WHY would sonny and little not listen to Bob?
Why is there even an AGW? Because Rampers want democracy too. Why are there no twu.iam.ibt drives at the airlines AMFA represents? Because the members there want democracy. At the last Tulsa debate that the twu refused to attend, although they sent a coffin to stand in for them, Dell told the audience that an ant-AMFA supporter tried to state that AMFA was bad because two AMFA presidents were recalled from office. And how did that make Dell feel. (I'm not sure if both presidents in question were from the same airline or not.) Dell replied that it made him feel good that AMFA is working because democracy worked. These two presidents were RECALLED by their respective membership and the new presidents are doing their job representing their members.
The reverse takes place at AA. Bob and Chuck are examples of the twu's socialistic ways. There was no dual unionism here. That was a pretense on the twu's part. Chuck was the ONLY President that was man enough to tell little and gang he would not sign a letter not in his hand writing. He offered to write one in his own words but was turned down. As far as I am concerned Chuck Schalk is the only President that is willing to stand up for his beliefs and fight for his membership.
Our profession needs more men like Bob & Chuck. They are not afraid to state their name and beliefs and fight for not only their membership but OUR entire craft!