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American, and twu Break Off Contract-Extension Talks

You can bet that history will repeat itself and this new phrase "non-traditional compensation will reappear in the final proposal that we will vote on in 2008. That is the only thing you can take to the bank!
Lets not forget a few of the other things the company will be looking for such as company picked crew chiefs.

The TWU ordered the Locals to have elected representatives of the members sit on panels with management in deciding which supervisors get hired and which get fired. The TWU is blatently becoming management. They arent even hiding it anymore.

Why would the company have the union sit on management panels that decide which supervisors stay on the job and which get fired? How does having our elected reps take part in the termination of employees that are not in our union serve our interests? Shouldnt these guys limit their duties to representing the members? These guys are supposed to fight for workers rights, not assess performance and take part in terminating people. Under Jim Little the TWU has taken a path towards company unionism the likes of which we have never seen before.

What does the union sitting on panels that fire supervisors have to do with crew chiefs? Well its clear that the companys new plan will put more responsibilty for the operation on crew chiefs and the company wants greater control over the process. Basically the company wants to create a level of management within the union and the TWU International is in full agreement with this. The company/union panels could not only be extended to the crew chief selection process but also a process of weeding out mechanics should there be a spinoff as rumored. The company and the union would make all the mechanics "reapply" for their jobs and the company/union panel could sort out those who are political opponents of the company union.
American Airlines faces battle to limit labor costs, among industry's highest



Of its three labor groups, American has enjoyed the friendliest relations with the Transport Workers Union, which represents more than 25,000 baggage handlers, mechanics and other ground workers. The union and company worked together to boost productivity at maintenance hangars.

Two weeks ago, the company offered the union unspecified pay raises in exchange for extending their contract into 2010. A deal would have freed American to focus on contentious negotiations with the other two unions.

But the talks broke off Wednesday. When negotiations resume in November, they will be more difficult, covering an entirely new contract instead of just a handful of issues.

Again, why is the pay raise offer "UNSPECIFIED"? Why is the TWU keeping secrets from the membership? At least one Local in the system should able to force revealing the details via membership meeting motion from the floor.
All union employees at AA need to take a 40% pay cut and not have passes to freeload on.
American Airlines faces battle to limit labor costs, among industry's highest

Again, why is the pay raise offer "UNSPECIFIED"? Why is the TWU keeping secrets from the membership? At least one Local in the system should able to force revealing the details via membership meeting motion from the floor.

Because they are working for the company.

Look at the difference between what we hear from the APA and the TWU.

The APA says "Enjoy your Blood money".

The TWU says "Arpey is underpaid".

The APA says "We will see you in court and on the picket lines".

The TWU says "the company offered 'Enhanced holidays, vacation and sick time'".

The TWU is an undemocratic union that is on the company's payroll. It is a company union and thats why they keep everything secret.
All union employees at AA need to take a 40% pay cut and not have passes to freeload on.

You sure try hard to instigate don't you? Gotta hand it to you. Same tired old arguments. You must be new around here, that would explain your feeble attempts to start a debate that has already been done. :down:
You sure try hard to instigate don't you? Gotta hand it to you. Same tired old arguments. You must be new around here, that would explain your feeble attempts to start a debate that has already been done. :down:

Nah - the WN people need to stay in their own area if they haven't anything of substance or value to contribute.

Probably another company shill - seems to be quite a few coming out of the woodwork of late, both here and at work.