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TWU plans Media Blitz

The General Public likely has no sympathy for a group that whimpers and complains using newspaper advertisements.

Since when has organized labor been reduced to such pathetic and weak leadership direction?
Little could care less about us but if he is terrified about the Convention. If the AA-ATD system is against him, and he fails to deliver the restitution of dues checkoff to Local 100 before October of 2009 he could be removed.

Doesn't it take the entire "union" to boot his furry ass out, bus drivers and all? Are they as willing to put him on the street as we are?

To an outsider it just looks like a whine, totally unconvincing and completely unthreatening. They would ask themselves "what risk did the workers take" sure, maybe, they helped bring in more revenue, but it really doesnt eleborate on the tremendous sacrifices we made, which dwarfed the additional revenue. Perhaps thats why the ad never even mentions the massive paycuts we took.

You actually expected facts in a union paid/company approved ad? I've been chuckling ever since the announcement was made.

In keeping with Little's typical hypocrisy the ad makes clear that the TWU has no intentions of keeping its word to its members of "getting it all back" like Little promised when he signed it all away.

No great surprise there, either.
quote name='The Goose' date='Aug 29 2008, 11:59 AM' post='636656']
Doesn't it take the entire "union" to boot his furry ass out, bus drivers and all? i]

No just a majority of the delegates. Take Local 100 and the AA-ATD system and you have around half the TWU.

Are they as willing to put him on the street as we are?
They were when he was part of Sonny Halls team.
No just a majority of the delegates. Take Local 100 and the AA-ATD system and you have around half the TWU.

They were when he was part of Sonny Halls team.

Local 100 has been caged. It remains to be seen if Toussaint will once again take on the militant posture he had when he came into office. There are steep divisions within Local 100 and the biggest issue they have to deal with is that as a result oif the Transit strike a Judge suspended Check-off. Unlike the AA-TWU agreement there is no provision to terminate members for non-payment of dues at the MTA.

Little is dangling Check-off in front of Local 100 and at present Local 100 is playing ball with Little. They dont have the same experiences with Little that we have and somehow dont realize that Little is worse than Hall, they dont know that basically when the man speaks-he lies. Even if he could Little will never get Local 100 back on check-off but he will swear up and down that he is trying as hard as he can. Toussaints best bet to get Local 100 back on Check-off would be to oust Little from his position in 2009.

Toussant tried for the top spot in 2001. Outside of his own and Local 236(?) of Philadelphia he had little support. The Line stations voted for the rest of Toussaints ticket but not for Toussaint because of a deal made between the line Locals. Videtich led the anti-Toussaint crusade and he has been well compensated for it. Everyone from 514, with the exception of one delegate voted for the entire Hall slate.

The AA/TWU system was the second largest group of delegates at the Convention. Local 100 was the largest. If Little gets a lot of opposition from the AA system other Locals would abandon him. Little has stacked the International with AA lackeys-people who have zero following among the membership from where they were drawn. This has left him vulnerable.

Tulsa would be the Key. If Tulsa were to oppose the current International leadership the rest of the AA system would follow. Tulsa's resources and the Internet would leave the smaller locals with no choice but to join the opposition. Unlike the troublesome Burchette the current leader from Tulsa has been said to be a stand up guy with deep moral convictions. The International has never had to bail him out of legal problems. They have nothing on him. If he were to start meeting with Local 100 they could easily plan a "new Direction" for the TWU.

Burchette was once removed from the ATD for screwing then 567's President fiance. In addition Burchette spent time in jail for on more than one occasion beating his wife.

Steve Luis definately has more moral conviction than Burchette, but he is still playing the SECRET NEGOTIATIONS line for the International so the jury is still out on the "standup guy" part.

I think a standup guy would reject the secret negotiations and at least share submitted proposals with the membership.

Burchette was once removed from the ATD for screwing then 567's President fiance. In addition Burchette spent time in jail for on more than one occasion beating his wife.

Steve Luis definately has more moral conviction than Burchette, but he is still playing the SECRET NEGOTIATIONS line for the International so the jury is still out on the "standup guy" part.

I think a standup guy would reject the secret negotiations and at least share submitted proposals with the membership.

Agreed, but he definately deserves more trust than Burchette ever did.

I dont think Burchette was removed because he was intimate with someones girlfriend, (who was the sister of a woman who was dating a senior exec at AMR) I think it had do with the girl being an insurance salesperson and Burchette was reportedly trying to get her the LTD account-which was Sonnys Halls baby.