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American Airlines Seeks More Time (Merged Threads)

That's certainly one imaginative way of looking at it.

Another way might be for the 65,000 AA employees to look at the huge raises the US pilots and FAs are about to receive and realize that their concessions just last year are going to help fund those raises for the US employees long into the future, since US didn't produce anywhere near enough revenue to pay for those raises all on its own. There won't be any subsidies flowing from US employees to AA employees - it will likely be the other way around.

This is going to be interesting.
B) xUT
That's certainly one imaginative way of looking at it.

Another way might be for the 65,000 AA employees to look at the huge raises the US pilots and FAs are about to receive and realize that their concessions just last year are going to help fund those raises for the US employees long into the future, since US didn't produce anywhere near enough revenue to pay for those raises all on its own. There won't be any subsidies flowing from US employees to AA employees - it will likely be the other way around.

It's been addressed with pilots and f/a's with raises and bonuses ...... but not with the rest of us.
Some aircraft leases were rejected on the first day and since then, every lease on older aircraft has been renegotiated to lower the lease rates and to time the new expiration dates to the approximate delivery times of their replacement.

I didn't say anything of the kind. By the end of July, the bankruptcy judge will have ruled on AA's motions to reject its obligations to the retirees.
Oh really! ------ Then since you say "you said no such thing," I guess I'll say it! ------ If as a retiree, you have any medical issues, be sure and have them addressed before the end of july! ------- Again, only commen sence! But than again, as soon Obama care kicks in, that's when the fun begins!!!!------- for all of us!!!!
Q – Is the merger still on track for the 3rd quarter of this year?
A – In court filings, US Airways has set the merger for Oct. 14, 2013, with a backup date of Dec. 13, 2013; but even these dates could be extended by order of the Court.
Interesting perspective from Terry Maxon of the Dallas Morning News in his idle thoughts for Friday.

1. Note to the pseudo-polite: Standing in the doorway while holding the door open is not polite. It’s obstructive. (Amen.... and that sound you hear when you stand in the elevator door means sensors eliminate the need for someone to put their arm in the doorway.)
2. From the testimony from the CEOs Tuesday in Washington, it would appear that the American Airlines-US Airways merger will be the first such merger in history with no downsides whatsoever.
3. My first car, a three-year-old Chevrolet Corvair convertible bought in 1969, cost me three cows: $300 a cow, $900 for the car. I wonder how many cows a similar car would cost today?