Well the fact is no matter what Union we have if the majority are as pro-company as they are in Tulsa we are screwed. Yes we have our company men too, but out here they are the minority. Did the TWU force Tulsa to elect Gary Yingst or John Hewitt? Did the TWU force 74% of Tulsa to approve this deal and pretty much every concessionary deal that was put before them over the last 30 years? (But only if the line took the same cuts) Yes leadership makes a difference but Tulsa chose the leaders they did. I said NO to the International and the Concessions they pushed, the leaders from Tulsa didn't and your peers picked them and chose to follow their lead. Weren't there other candidates through the years that were more militant than those guys, but the membership in Tulsa rejected them? Hewitt was Don's partner, together they had their secret meetings in Tulsa, then along with Title II prevented the line or AFW from even getting a chance to negotiate. They pulled the 767 out of AFW to save heads in Tulsa and get them to pass the deal, AFW had near a perfect record with the 767 and now Tulsa is so far behind that the company has outsourced several of them. So now in addition to the heads lost in AFW Tulsa is going to lose that work and the heads that go with it anyway. Is the TWU responsible for their poor performance? Like you said about blame there is plenty to go around and everybody's hands are dirty. How do we know that should we get AMFA they wont elect the same people with the same mindset? I know when the TWU took over MCI the guys at MCI just ripped the IAM sticker off the door and the same pro-concessionary guys were put in place. A change in Unions did not result in a change of mindset in MCI. I don't argue the fact that this Union has failed us, they have, and I don't support what its done to our profession, but as long as the majority of our class and craft as defined by the NMB say this is the Union we have then I will continue to try and make it do what we need it to do instead of everything the company and the pro-company members in places like Tulsa wants it to do. You have the luxury of sitting on your high ideals of what you feel a Union should be, fine, go for it, but we have to deal with the reality of what it is and find a way to make it something that can get us contracts so we can make it from paycheck to paycheck.
While the Convention had some dissapointments (they pretty much shut Local 591 and 567 out while putting 514 on every committee and made them the face of mechanics at AA) there has been some movement towards changing the way the TWU does things in the four weeks since Lombardo and Samuelson took over, Little, Gordon, Connelly, Gillespie and Gless are gone, we hear more are going, Don Videtich remains and that's very problematic for me, but I have been told that he will have nothing to do with M&R, ironically its the Tulsa Leadership that wants to keep Videtich.
Lombardo I don't really know well, but his track record is good, several years ago I asked Little to remove Videtich and put Lombardo in charge of our negotiations based on the fact that he has pulled the trigger before and it was clear that Don had no intentions on pressuring the company to get us at least industry standard, and Samuelson has been a good leader who for the first time in memory has united Local 100. When the MTA said agree to give backs or they would cut heads he said "No givebacks", they cut heads, which was painful and the Local did what they could for those who were laid off, but within a year they were all back to work, and no givebacks. (Their Health benefits today are better than what we had 30 years ago)) Even though most of the concessions in our book have Gless' name on them we know that Videtich was the man behind the content. If this new leadership feels that sending him back to work under what he crafted is too severe then what does that say about the deal? The Videtich situation could be a make or break for me but for now I will continue to push for changes in this Union. That's what my peers elected me to do. That's who I answer to, who do you answer to?