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American Airlines Is Too Profitable for Its Own Good

Just keep posting the facts. It drives them crazy. :lol:

thanks, my friend. I will.

It is precisely because there is a little sanity left here that I don't just completely give up.

If the FACTS I post are wrong, then those who fight back should be able to show that they are wrong. With facts.

Not by throwing a temper tantrum because someone doesn't want to hear the truth or because admitting someone else is right means admitting that someone else (perhaps the "me") was wrong.
But US' profit margin on Transatlantic and Latin America is the highest in the industy of the legacy carriers.

And US just posted record profits, DL is the 2nd largest airline and US is the 5th, compare apples to apples, not oranges.

AA - 16.00 - 14.96 - 14.70 - 6.9%
DL - 14.02 - 12.39 - 13.79 - 11.2%
UA - 15.94 - 14.61 - 15.98 - 9.1%

US - 15.41 - 13.83 - 13.56 - 11.4%

AA - 17.55 - 15.57 - 16.61 - 12.6%
DL - 14.04 - 14.64 - 14.30 - (-4.1%)
UA - 16.45 - 15.39 - 16.07 - 6.8%

US - 19.21 - 16.84 - 15.08 - 14.1%
glad you can copy and paste from a.net where someone doesn't realize that US airlines - every one of them - get more revenue from their domestic systems than they do from int'l... yet int'l seems sexy so they don't include domestic numbers.

Would you like to post that US lost money on the TATL in the 1st quarter?

Would you also like to note that US' ability to generate profits are driven in large part because US' labor costs are below its network carrier peers?

No one has ever doubted that US is running a good airline right now, or shall I say that I haven't.

But it doesn't change that the merger is going to take away many of the keys that US has had to success - smaller, isolated hubs built around high levels of connecting traffic possible because of below average labor costs - and create a merger with an airline that still can't effectively compete in the key markets which it defined as essential to its own success. And is funding aggressive growth thru the labor cost cuts which it obtained from its own employees.

Nor does it take into account that DL has lower mainline non-fuel, non-special costs below AA and US and that DL has been very successful over the past five years in pulling revenue away from AA and US. And what DL is doing as a network peer is replicated by B6 and WN among the low fare carriers.

Strategically, AA and US' future is still at risk because they haven't solved the real issues which will determine their future.

how about you instead apologize for your OWN actions, Kev?

Wouldn't it be NOVEL - first time - for you to admit that you have pushed an agenda that the majority of DL employees don't want and that is why the DL forum has little activity?

Wouldn't be nice if you were a big enough man to admit you were wrong in your belief that DL employees had an interest in the labor unions that matter to you - but I'm not holding my breath.

You have tried to push a labor agenda and look for every opportunity to refuse to acknowledge that DL is running the company the way DL employees want. And both sides are benefitting; only the unions are left out of the picture.

Add in that the labor movement at other airlines has a track record that DL employees want absolutely nothing to do with - but you've never been willing to say that is why DL employees are'n't interested in what you and the rest of labor leaders are selling. There is a reason why DL employees have shut the door on increased union activity time after time in the largest employee groups at DL.

Grow a set and apologize for your own actions, misjudgments, and failure to create a decent climate on the board instead of the actions of someone else.

Admit that you have done nothing to foster the kind of environment that you say you want on this board and in fact you have fanned the flames of discord.

The AA forum can return to being just a sniping match between warring unions who want to claim they can do a better job of protecting the company from taking from employees or we can talk about the real business reasons why AA employees are now and will continue to see their status within the industry diminish.

I'm happy to sit back and watch the unions knock each other silly while companies that actually have their 2343 together take bigger pieces out of the hides of airline employees.

But I would far rather than people here understand that there are real business reasons that explain why AA employees are in the position and that the lives of AA employees won't improve until those issues are resolved.


All well and good except there *is* interest in organizing at DL. Even your former employer recognizes that both campaigns are viable concerns.

We're also on the AA board. Try not to smother this one too. Kthx.

P.S. Your attempt at projecting is duly noted.
could you be so kind as to quote your post with the apology highlighted? I can't seem to find it.

Any forum, any post will do. and sure, any site.

Let me help you, "you know WT and the rest of you here, I haven't done my part to foster a climate that is conducive as I have said I want. I have denigrated people who have been right while standing by and encouraging others who have thrown stones.

"Then I have apologized for the actions of others when I am the one who should have apologized for my own actions.

I appreciate your patience and support as we all grow together."

to which I would gladly reply.
"of course, Kev. thanks for being willing to hold yourself to the same standard that you hold others to."
Our illustrious self-proclaimed airline expert and #1 Delta Cheerleader was banned from Airliners.net
sure was... and everything I said was going to happen to AA has happened anyway.

Goes to show that killing the messenger doesn't kill the reality of the message.

AA's downfall has been happening for years... I spoke to it.. it made a lot of people mad to read it... but it happened anyway.... AA hasn't fixed the root problems that created the problems and have led to two rounds of cuts for AA employees...

yet I continue to hold out hope that some will get it, including those in the analyst community that have the power to tell AMR mgmt. that it is possible to see thru the rouge that AA is creating.
I have an idea, everytime WT mentions Delta in any thread other than the DL board, you take a shot.

We will all be wasted.
wouldn't matter much... you can't debate the facts that I bring up shot or no shot.

Go ahead... maybe the pain of the truth won't hurt as much even if you're wrong one way or another

It's a simple standard.. if what I say is wrong, debate it with facts.
Does your house have extra-wide doorways?
nope... standard size. They are all that is necessary in a home where we affirm those who have contributed but we don't blow smoke or play prentenses
WT, you might as well accept the fact that most people on this forum have their minds made up and do not wish to be confused by facts.
Hey Jimmy, I can speak for myself...has nothing to do with facts. Thank you sir!

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