how about you instead apologize for your OWN actions, Kev?
Wouldn't it be NOVEL - first time - for you to admit that you have pushed an agenda that the majority of DL employees don't want and that is why the DL forum has little activity?
Wouldn't be nice if you were a big enough man to admit you were wrong in your belief that DL employees had an interest in the labor unions that matter to you - but I'm not holding my breath.
You have tried to push a labor agenda and look for every opportunity to refuse to acknowledge that DL is running the company the way DL employees want. And both sides are benefitting; only the unions are left out of the picture.
Add in that the labor movement at other airlines has a track record that DL employees want absolutely nothing to do with - but you've never been willing to say that is why DL employees are'n't interested in what you and the rest of labor leaders are selling. There is a reason why DL employees have shut the door on increased union activity time after time in the largest employee groups at DL.
Grow a set and apologize for your own actions, misjudgments, and failure to create a decent climate on the board instead of the actions of someone else.
Admit that you have done nothing to foster the kind of environment that you say you want on this board and in fact you have fanned the flames of discord.
The AA forum can return to being just a sniping match between warring unions who want to claim they can do a better job of protecting the company from taking from employees or we can talk about the real business reasons why AA employees are now and will continue to see their status within the industry diminish.
I'm happy to sit back and watch the unions knock each other silly while companies that actually have their 2343 together take bigger pieces out of the hides of airline employees.
But I would far rather than people here understand that there are real business reasons that explain why AA employees are in the position and that the lives of AA employees won't improve until those issues are resolved.