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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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So yes W, for those guys Rome may be burning...for someone who preaches against IGM greed, you seem to be just fine with your future CC opportunities and and can't wait to give a big thumbs up to screw your TWU brothers just to get a contract. What was the word of the day yesterday...Credibility?

Excuse me? I respond stating unemotionally the facts and the situations on the issue and this is how you respond to me?

In Maintenance between the TWU and the IAM Seniority is very different. The Association who IS our representative agreed to a process that was meant to settle those differences as best as possible by utilizing the services of an “independent” Arbitrator to decide. And that’s what was done.

Fleet was/is different. We have and will maintain our Seniority as is currently in both separate agreements.

Had there been any possible issues that I could have foreseen on the horizon in our group I would have put in and become a CC 2 years ago. Because as you stated the other day, I do my research.
Where do you come up with this stuff W? I have never "assumed" any rumor about AA medical being gone to be true, I only know what AA asking for and have an opinion on it, period. Secondly, to be working beside a union brother who's medical is three times cheaper than mine under a brand new JCBA is quite frankly absurd. And to be honest, you giving it a thumbs up just to get a contract speaks volumes.

AA Medical gone? Notok the IAM does not have AA Medical.

I don’t consider it to be absurd at all. Who’s going to be working side by side with people who have better Medical costs? Only BOS is going to have dual representation otherwise all the Cities have an assigned Union already.

AA claims they’re Medical offering is superior to the one the IAM Members currently have? I’m sure the Company will then be more than generous to offer the IAM side the LAA Medical during the yearly signup period and they’ll switch over in droves.

Otherwise anyway I could honestly give a rats ass if they keep their Medical and I don’t get it offered to me. I’ve never really been the jealous type. They can also keep their IAMPF and their Catering too.

Yep, I meant LUS medical. Their pension I would expect an option, just like they would have one to get into our 401k. Catering is apples to oranges. That is jobs and I support keeping that 100%. And before you say it, yes I support LUS medical staying, but I also support LAA employees getting it as well. The Association put a seal around the IAM and TWU. We are working on a JCBA for that one sealed group, it should be the same insurance for all and quite honestly I'm shocked at the difficulty you are having seeing that. But let me say this again, I have absolutely no doubt that rumor has any merit whatsoever. But of course you and Cowboy will label me as someone who wants LUS to lose their medical just because of that comment.
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They're just trying to do what's best for their Members. We'd do the same exact thing.


and...if we go into section 6 and by 2020 a lus/iam member is now on laa insurance along with losing out on 2-2.5 years of higher wages/holiday/vc/sick days due to losing the 'good fight'....how was that the best for their members?

i believe they need to discuss amongst themselves and reach a point where, grudgingly, they will accept & demand more from aa in exchange for something the company has drawn it's red line on.

they have a better chance with a coin flip. at least that's 50-50.
Consider this. By December 2019, we will be more than $2 an hour behind UA. That means we'd be about $10K under, taking everything under consideration. The IAM guys will be $4K under even if they actually do pay $6K more in medical.

Those numbers will just rise as time passes. At what point does it become a financial decision or just an ideological decision to hold firm?

I'm all for them fighting and even defended the slow movement of the negotiations because of that fight but at some point that becomes counterproductive.

i've already considered it..

hopefully, you're correct that the 1/2 of the assoc. can't derail a TA to vote on and we'll get a sweetened offer to vote on. if you're incorrect, then it's on to section 6.
2 Twu locals trying to sue to undue the javits seniority agreement have retained lawyers to possibly undo negotiations and the ass. Great, all they need is one judge to allow them to go fwd (not win) and AA will turn around and put everything on ice until its settled a la equity fiasco. Nice job 567 and 514 Presidents who are up for re-election. A big f you to the commuters and those just holding on for a buyout. Posted on 567 facebook page for all to read.
This endeavor will have about the same probability of success as would the same disgruntled workers against the association suing the company. It would be the same as arguing that merging the two companies created the association in the first place. It's a complete farce!

I don’t consider it to be absurd at all. Who’s going to be working side by side with people who have better Medical costs? Only BOS is going to have dual representation otherwise all the Cities have an assigned Union already.

AA claims they’re Medical offering is superior to the one the IAM Members currently have? I’m sure the Company will then be more than generous to offer the IAM side the LAA Medical during the yearly signup period and they’ll switch over in droves.

Otherwise anyway I could honestly give a rats ass if they keep their Medical and I don’t get it offered to me. I’ve never really been the jealous type. They can also keep their IAMPF and their Catering too.
Now... now... Weez -- You just burst their little balloon. Don't you know that this is all about DIVIDING the TWU/IAM, and trashing the association? The end goal is give the company more leverage, not the other way around!

How could you possibly have the audacity to not assist in this?

By the way W, I am convinced 100% that SPIT is not 700. I'm sure I know who he is and he is no newbie. 700 has way more knowledge than SPIT could ever handle.
Good one, right in the balls
I’ve discovered in the last few years that the LUS IAM Members are way smarter than the TWU Members unfortunately. They aren’t exactly going to be stupid enough to fall for some pathetic slimy gimmick.

not only smarter, but to this point and maybe beyond, will benefit more from this merger.

They are not going to do that and only a mind with no honor or integrity would even think that way.

And the Association is set up again that neither side can be forced to accept something they don’t agree with so WHY waste the time accepting aomething for a vote, recommending no knowing absolutely that TWU side will pass it anyway?

that's all the money, right there.

NYer is of the opinion that 1/2 of the assoc. can't derail a vote for a TA and you hold the opposite view.

i was told early on, that we were joined at the hip with MTC and no contract for them, meant no contract for us..and vice versa.

we'll see what happens.
i've already considered it..

hopefully, you're correct that the 1/2 of the assoc. can't derail a TA to vote on and we'll get a sweetened offer to vote on. if you're incorrect, then it's on to section 6.
Some say here that it's in the Association rules that yes indeed, there has to be unanimous consent to put out something for a vote. But then I have also read here that the Executive Committee could bypass the NC and force a vote...I honestly don't know.

and...if we go into section 6 and by 2020 a lus/iam member is now on laa insurance along with losing out on 2-2.5 years of higher wages/holiday/vc/sick days due to losing the 'good fight'....how was that the best for their members?

i believe they need to discuss amongst themselves and reach a point where, grudgingly, they will accept & demand more from aa in exchange for something the company has drawn it's red line on.

they have a better chance with a coin flip. at least that's 50-50.

What's best for them going into the future may be different, but to this point they've just been trying to keep their advantages.

To this point it's been the medical but that can change as we move forward.
Good one, right in the balls
Definition of obsession
1: a persistent disturbing preoccupation with an often unreasonable idea or feeling; broadly : compelling motivation
  • an obsession with piedmont

2: something that causes an obsession

  • attempting to support a habitually failed candidate, even when the prospects of success are nonexistent. .

and...if we go into section 6 and by 2020 a lus/iam member is now on laa insurance along with losing out on 2-2.5 years of higher wages/holiday/vc/sick days due to losing the 'good fight'....how was that the best for their members?

i believe they need to discuss amongst themselves and reach a point where, grudgingly, they will accept & demand more from aa in exchange for something the company has drawn it's red line on.

they have a better chance with a coin flip. at least that's 50-50.

What's best for them going into the future may be different, but to this point they've just been trying to keep their advantages.

To this point it's been the medical but that can change as we move forward.
Some say here that it's in the Association rules that yes indeed, there has to be unanimous consent to put out something for a vote. But then I have also read here that the Executive Committee could bypass the NC and force a vote...I honestly don't know.

so, if that's the case...then tim is 3 steps ahead of all of us. like a chess grandmaster. tim kasparov.

if sito runs the super-duper committee and is willing to give up the insurance as tim says..then, i see everything falling into place.
Some say here that it's in the Association rules that yes indeed, there has to be unanimous consent to put out something for a vote. But then I have also read here that the Executive Committee could bypass the NC and force a vote...I honestly don't know.

If they go by the Association agreement, they'll need the majority of the NC and both Directors to agree on a TA vote.
theoretically, if it's about the lus insurance: the majority of the NC is all TWU and 1 iam benedict arnold, along with sito and garcia?

looks like section 6
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