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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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Association Association Association rah rah rah...you just can’t make this crap up. “Oh no, there is no disagreements among the two unions, all is going well”. LMAO

This is an issue being brought up solely by the President’s of Local 514 and 567 against a decision agreed to by the Association. So essentially they are threatening litigation against the Association (Leaders) decision makers themselves.

Personally I believe Danker and Reeves are currently under tremendous pressure from their Memberships and I don’t envy them.
By the way, where is Peterson in all this...making a “I’m putting you on notice Doug video” ? Gary, Rome is burning and you are nowhere to be found. At least you have the two local presidents trying to take care of their members. The minority continue to slap the majority around.
Also W, I personally think you know the insurance rumor is fake, but you did give Spit an orgasm...lmao
Gary's underwear videos ended up just being Barbie Tantrums with insanely wild predictions. He has decided to stand down on the lawsuits after he got his intl gig.
This is an issue being brought up solely by the President’s of Local 514 and 567 against a decision agreed to by the Association. So essentially they are threatening litigation against the Association (Leaders) decision makers themselves.

Personally I believe Danker and Reeves are currently under tremendous pressure from their Memberships and I don’t envy them.
I say good for Danker and Reeves to “bypass” the Association and look out for its members. CB will tell you that is his first obligation. So I applaud both of them.
Cowboy, nobody wants to play your childish games...nobody. Well, you got one response, so just keep it on that side of the field. Did you enjoy Thin Lizzy?
I like that whole “album”. Lol.
By the way, where is Peterson in all this...making a “I’m putting you on notice Doug video” ? Gary, Rome is burning and you are nowhere to be found. At least you have the two local presidents trying to take care of their members. The minority continue to slap the majority around.
Also W, I personally think you know the insurance rumor is fake, but you did give Spit an orgasm...lmao

From the little I understand on that Seniority issue it’s a matter of those already in the positions will keep their current Seniority but those moving forward wanting into the CC Position will go to the bottom of the list. That again sounds to me like a compromise between the two languages and TWU Members keep what is already there’s?

Rome isn’t burning. You’re making a Mountain out of a possible molehill now. And this letter again only just came out. Please stop expecting an instantaneous response. Until litigation is actually filed I highly doubt there will be any response anyway?

I don’t know if that rumor is fake? Seems pretty credible to me. Why would you assume any rumor that the IAM Medical is gone would be true but any rumor that it survives would be false?

Actually to solve the issue I can see that rumor being very much true?
From the little I understand on that Seniority issue it’s a matter of those already in the positions will keep their current Seniority but those moving forward wanting into the CC Position will go to the bottom of the list. That again sounds to me like a compromise between the two languages and TWU Members keep what is already there’s?

Rome isn’t burning. You’re making a Mountain out of a possible molehill now. And this letter again only just came out. Please stop expecting an instantaneous response. Until litigation is actually filed I highly doubt there will be any response anyway?

I don’t know if that rumor is fake? Seems pretty credible to me. Why would you assume any rumor that the IAM Medical is gone would be true but any rumor that it survives would be false?

Actually to solve the issue I can see that rumor being very much true?
From what I understand the CC seniority issue is only on the MTC and Related side. I’m guessing that’s why it’s not endorsed by fleet presidents?
I say good for Danker and Reeves to “bypass” the Association and look out for its members. CB will tell you that is his first obligation. So I applaud both of them.

NYer will say it’s his first obligation to represent his members as well. Any and all Presidents and AGC’s are supposed to do that.

You see there’s the conundrum. The issue was again mutually agreed to by the TWU and IAM to be put in the hands of the independent Arbitrator to be decided and decided it was.

We were the last major Airlines and Unions to go through the merger processes. All these headaches and hiccups were laid out before us and have been gone through before. The Association naively was put together to “try” to avoid the unavoidable.

Without an Association former IAM Members would have been filing DFR suits all over the place if the TWU leaders had attempted to brush them and their issues aside.
Rumor has it now that that last offer will have IAM Members continuing on with their current Medical plan percentages and TWU will remain at the 21% cost for at least the life of the new JCBA.

they're doing this now, so, it's not impossible logistically. yet, at what cost to laa members? losing lavs? $1/hr. TOS?

didn't the aa side already compromise on seniority to form the assoc. with the iam? they'll compromise on this too?

i don't see it, either we're all on laa insurance or maybe some compromise on the total cost per member?
By the way, where is Peterson in all this...making a “I’m putting you on notice Doug video” ? Gary, Rome is burning and you are nowhere to be found. At least you have the two local presidents trying to take care of their members. The minority continue to slap the majority around.
Also W, I personally think you know the insurance rumor is fake, but you did give Spit an orgasm...lmao

Depending on your interpretation, it seems the TWU made a decision that was different than the Javits recommendation. That decision turns out to create a different process than what is currently being done and those guys don't believe it should happen.

Merging two CBA's and two different cultures isn't an easy task, despite how others want to discount that fact.

Unfortunately, this entire process started off on the wrong foot and, in many ways, because of a lack of information it remains that way.
From the little I understand on that Seniority issue it’s a matter of those already in the positions will keep their current Seniority but those moving forward wanting into the CC Position will go to the bottom of the list. That again sounds to me like a compromise between the two languages and TWU Members keep what is already there’s?

Rome isn’t burning. You’re making a Mountain out of a possible molehill now. And this letter again only just came out. Please stop expecting an instantaneous response. Until litigation is actually filed I highly doubt there will be any response anyway?

I don’t know if that rumor is fake? Seems pretty credible to me. Why would you assume any rumor that the IAM Medical is gone would be true but any rumor that it survives would be false?

Actually to solve the issue I can see that rumor being very much true?
I remember bringing this up a while ago. If the medical is not a priority to TWU members ( due to the fact they are currently paying the higher cost) Then it could possibly get settled in that manner. I just can’t imagine the TWU members in all actuality being OK with it.
If that settles that issue that’s great. I believe Wage will work out for us to stay at TOS throughout the agreement, retirement will be good ( whether it’s 401k, pension, or Combo) Now let’s just save catering, open a dozen or so cities and get Deicing in the rest of the TWU cities.
From what I understand the CC seniority issue is only on the MTC and Related side. I’m guessing that’s why it’s not endorsed by fleet presidents?

The issue is only in their House. Thankfully when I become a CC in the future in Fleet I will keep all of my Seniority.

But I can see why more Senior TWU Members who have been waiting till they can gain better shifts and days off before jumping in would be pretty pissed off.

I certainly would have been.
they're doing this now, so, it's not impossible logistically. yet, at what cost to laa members? losing lavs? $1/hr. TOS?

didn't the aa side already compromise on seniority to form the assoc. with the iam? they'll compromise on this too?

i don't see it, either we're all on laa insurance or maybe some compromise on the total cost per member?

The rumor isn't true. If there is movement from the airline it will be in Scope, not the medical.
I remember bringing this up a while ago. If the medical is not a priority to TWU members ( due to the fact they are currently paying the higher cost) Then it could possibly get settled in that manner. I just can’t imagine the TWU members in all actuality being OK with it.
If that settles that issue that’s great. I believe Wage will work out for us to stay at TOS throughout the agreement, retirement will be good ( whether it’s 401k, pension, or Combo) Now let’s just save catering, open a dozen or so cities and get Deicing in the rest of the TWU cities.

I’ve said that “I” would be ok with it. Would you have some freaking out about it? Sure. But those are also the ones who worry about what everyone else has more than they worry about what they have.

My thought on it would be snap snap snap, let’s go and get this done. Time is wasting and time is money. Keep your Medical, thumbs up to you.

And maybe it could be sold that TWU side got something else (jobs) as a makeup for the Medical on the IAM side?
The rumor isn't true. If there is movement from the airline it will be in Scope, not the medical.

The only people who could inform you unequivocally that the rumor isn’t true would be one of the Company Negotiators? I hope you’re not saying that the Company (Jim Weel) is providing you information outside the official Negotiations?
I remember bringing this up a while ago. If the medical is not a priority to TWU members ( due to the fact they are currently paying the higher cost)

That's not the reason.

Most would love to have a less expensive medical choice. Many on the TWU have been on the receiving end of trying to keep the medical plans we had, as the other unions fought for theirs, but we ALL ended up with the current plans.

They feel its inevitable the IAM will end up in the the same plans and you can fight for it but at a certain point there needs to be movement.

If we go to Section 6, there is only Scope and Medical by which to make that movement.
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