Tim Nelson
a whole lotta bs. Working by the book is a job action, if it is done in concert for harm. A union has to be careful of even saying "Work Safe", if it is followed by a change in productivity.Working by the book is not a work action. Don’t know why people try to claim that it is. The problem with people not working by the book and taking shortcuts is because they want to get back to their card game, or the TV, or drinking coffee up in the terminal. Instead of actually doing the job the way the Company actually tells us and pays us to do it.
And I gave you the links to the CBS News reports and the letters from Politicians. Where do you think CBS got some of their information from in the first place.
FYI Airline Negotiations take a very long time today period. That’s it. People need to learn to accept that. We’re at officially 3 years and counting, SWA Mechanics are at 6 years and counting and it took UAL Mechanics over 5 years to get there deal.
And none of us would be counted as poor on any Government statistics that’s for sure.
And if people are struggling on what we make at TOS then they got some serious problems that aren’t going to be fixed because we get another couple of bucks an hour. Those people mostly dig their own holes.
Also, jcba do not take 5 years. Jcba talks usually take 1-2 years. We are already in exceptional territory.
The reason why is because the union took the money only.