The bottom line Weez is that this isn't a game of Capturing all that we want by using the Queen and moving to any black square. This is Tic Tac Toe NO WAY OUT because of the TWU's dues grab pissing all of our leverage away. The offer will NOT be improved upon, but could be lessoned if the economy softens in the future.
The company is going to continue saying no to Mr Peterson about the GSE jobs. So please tell us what options does Mr Peterson have? There is zero chance at self help. Any slowdown is unlikely since most are dialed out and don't care about this miserable union. But, for a moment, let's entertain that Peterson pulls off some masterful slowdown. All that will happen is that the company will send the union the tab and that will shut down the TWU and IAM. Game over!
I know the proper course that could get an improvement and settle things in 10 minutes. I know the answers and win/win. But the guys in there now aren't listening and blew off a very subtle but decent suggestion by Uncle Jerry I was told. Fact is, they probably didn't even hear it. At any rate, it is what it is. If these baboons are still Dicking around 6 months from now in Tic Tac Toe Land then I think it may be time for me to just raid and secure a new union on the property to bring out the offer and vote immediately so the present situation can be properly assessed.
The only good thing about dragging things out is that it benefits Kev. There is a monster risk that Delta pulls the plug on the ramp once AA settles and gets locked in. So, the IAM's yearly card campaign will come to a halt over there.