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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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United management dishes out double time for all hours worked on Wednesday and today, in recognition to the difficulties of getting to work when it's -40 below. At, American, we got chilli. I posted on Jetnet for the company to consider being like United on this, but maybe the "lunchroom negotiating committee members" can go down the hallway and knock on the door and peep their head in talks and ask for some double time for ORD since United did it.


  • belowzero.webp
    56 KB · Views: 108
I was leading the organizing in CLT
Not exactly, you were attempting to muddy with waters with homemade ant-union publications like the 'A-Bin News' which was placed in cargo holds for distribution. Your efforts were to disrupt organizing direction in hopes of keeping USAir FS non-union...

Fast forward to today, and your motives are IDENTICAL... with exception of we are already represented...
"Team Members"
The Piedmont/US Air merger seniority intergration was done under and in accordance with the Allegheny/Mohawk Labor Protection Provisions.

And USAir gave the former Empire employees their full seniority as Piedmont didn’t upon the Piedmont/Empire Merger.

Piedmont ramp was non-union and US Air were IBT but at only BOS, BUF, PHL and PIT.

Wrong again. US Air were represented by the IBT everywhere. The PSA merger had the former PSA rampers as Teamsters. That merger was prior to the Piedmont merger.
There was an election, prior to the Piedmont/USAir seniority integration. The Teamsters were then certified to represent all USAir rampers after the election. But as I was leading the organizing in CLT, 700 was dumping lavs and telling everyone to vote no and then try for the IAM in a couple years. His devious plan worked and he caused us to lose the Teamsters.

Who can you believe anymore?
The Piedmont/US Air merger seniority intergration was done under and in accordance with the Allegheny/Mohawk Labor Protection Provisions.

And USAir gave the former Empire employees their full seniority as Piedmont didn’t upon the Piedmont/Empire Merger.

Piedmont ramp was non-union and US Air were IBT but at only BOS, BUF, PHL and PIT.


that's great, i also hope PSA people got to keep seniority, it's only fair.

i thought allegheny/mohunk/mohawk was a casino??
Wrong again. US Air were represented by the IBT everywhere. The PSA merger had the former PSA rampers as Teamsters. That merger was prior to the Piedmont merger.
There was an election, prior to the Piedmont/USAir seniority integration. The Teamsters were then certified to represent all USAir rampers after the election. But as I was leading the organizing in CLT, 700 was dumping lavs and telling everyone to vote no and then try for the IAM in a couple years. His devious plan worked and he caused us to lose the Teamsters.
You are not being honest.

I was working in Tampa Air Cargo at the time of the merger 8/5/89. I was Piedmont and on two gates next to us was USAir ramp and the were non-union. Only places US ramp was IBT was BOS, BUF, PHL and PIT.

Stop being dishonest.

After the merger there was a systemwide vote and the IBT lost.

They even gave us a letter with a quarter attached to call Uncle Ed (Colodny, US CEO) if we had any questions before the vote.

Rogallo all of this is verifiable.

Tim has zero credibility and is being dishonest.

We at the non-union stations even made more per hour than the four ibt represented stations. At the time of the vote I lived and worked in Tampa.


He isn’t credible and has admitted on these forms as such.

Where is the offer he said “fly” gave to him last year that he stated numerous times “two weeks”?

Ask CLTRAT or Piedmont about his lack of credibility and truthfulness.
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Not exactly, you were attempting to muddy with waters with homemade ant-union publications like the 'A-Bin News' which was placed in cargo holds for distribution. Your efforts were to disrupt organizing direction in hopes of keeping USAir FS non-union...

Fast forward to today, and your motives are IDENTICAL... with exception of we are already represented...
lol. The reality is that I led the entire Piedmont airlines Teamster campaign and traveled as a Teamster Business Agent trying to get our group organized. In 1989 I was successful in being a part of convincing the NMB of USAir management's interferrance and gaining a new election for the Teamsters.

But I guess nobody can stop you from your lies. Of course I had the complete address list as well but I thought you accused me of trying to sell that to the USWA? How did I get the address list? lol
lol. The reality is that I led the entire Piedmont airlines Teamster campaign and traveled as a Teamster Business Agent trying to get our group organized. In 1989 I was successful in being a part of convincing the NMB of USAir management's interferrance and gaining a new election for the Teamsters.

But I guess nobody can stop you from your lies. Of course I had the complete address list as well but I thought you accused me of trying to sell that to the USWA? How did I get the address list? lol

One thing that’s hilarious about you IAM guys. You’re always spitting out your resume all over the place.

Actually it’s a little weird.

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