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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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they dont tell them everything. Otherwise, whats the fuss?
Stop manufacturing cnn bs. Nobody suggested we need 20 people in the room. 2 Twu local presidents is sufficient.
You have zero experience in these matters. No, not everything is brought out.

Alex, Mike, Gary, and Andre tell the President’s in the TWU everything that is talked about in the Mediated talks.

I understand the extreme hatred and mistrust you have for the Representatives of your Union but our Union conducts itself in a different manner than what you feel goes on in the IAM.
With the twu/Iam votes can happen over night . They are not like AMFA where they do things for the members . If the ass sees it is the best interest for them they will make it pass and in there time frame. In the 03 keep out of bk the union had a deal in about 3 weeks there good at giving things away with no snap back. Then for the vote it was done by phone in.
The lack of the snap back clause was a shocker to me. Even the Pilots and F/A's got their snap back clauses, one with a time frame one with not, so was surprised the twu did not get one as well.
hopefully, we get Janus 2.0 that frees up our rights and finally allows progress. In the meantime, i may try to create some solidarity to en masse resign from this awful scam.
Only if hundreds of members resigned would there be any chance at progress.

Not in the mood for this today Tim.

But I will say that I doubt that the REAL powers that be want to mess with something that ultimately works very well for them which is the restrictions and handcuffs workers find themselves in under the RLA.
Another untruthful statement.
You still have not answered the question of why the NC were removed???
I want to hear it from you not your puppets.
Even some of your own members have asked the same of you and you defer or flat out refuse to answer, why is that???
Alex, Mike, Gary, and Andre tell the President’s in the TWU everything that is talked about in the Mediated talks.

I understand the extreme hatred and mistrust you have for the Representatives of your Union but our Union conducts itself in a different manner than what you feel goes on in the IAM.
has nothing to do with me. You dont know that they tell them everything. But whatever the case, is there something wrong with having 2 Local Prez in there?
Not in the mood for this today Tim.

But I will say that I doubt that the REAL powers that be want to mess with something that ultimately works very well for them which is the restrictions and handcuffs workers find themselves in under the RLA.
oh i think the scotus may disagree with you. They left some openings in Janus. Remember, the unions argued "leave it alone louie, if its not broke then dont fix it."
The scotus saw that things needed to change cuz workers were being forced.
Time will tell but im hopeful.
they dont tell them everything. Otherwise, whats the fuss?
Stop manufacturing cnn bs. Nobody suggested we need 20 people in the room. 2 Twu local presidents is sufficient.
You have zero experience in these matters. No, not everything is brought out.
You have NEVER negotiated a contract nor ever been on a negotiating committee at LUS.
But whatever the case, is there something wrong with having 2 Local Prez in there?

Absolutely not. And especially great optics for the Company and the Rank and File that there is no trust of those Negotiating for them that they are being truthful. That’s pretty much why people want observers.

Now you tell me how you decide which 2? 1 IAM 1 TWU? The Representatives for the biggest Locals? Tenure? The new guy?

Tim you do realize eventually people will grow mistrust for the 2 that are picked to be in that room just as well as you mistrust everyone right now.
oh i think the scotus may disagree with you. They left some openings in Janus. Remember, the unions argued "leave it alone louie, if its not broke then dont fix it."
The scotus saw that things needed to change cuz workers were being forced.
Time will tell but im hopeful.

Again not in the mood for this today. Please for once respect my wishes.
You still have not answered the question of why the NC were removed???
I want to hear it from you not your puppets.
Even some of your own members have asked the same of you and you defer or flat out refuse to answer, why is that???
1. You don’t work for AA.
2. You arent an TWU/IAM Member.
3. You work at WN.
4. You are an AMFA member.
5. The members at AA know what happened.
6. Information is in the updates available to the members.
7. Myself or anyone else doesn’t owe you an explanation and even if you were given one you would say it’s fake and you know more.

If I was you I’d worry about your own SEVEN years of negotiations. And hasn’t AMFA released the T/A results by actual numbers?

Thought you said AMFA is transparent and doesn’t hide things from the members.
The lack of the snap back clause was a shocker to me. Even the Pilots and F/A's got their snap back clauses, one with a time frame one with not, so was surprised the twu did not get one as well.
Um the pilots and FAs at AA didn’t get any snap backs.

The FAs had to go to arbitration to finish their JCBA and the pilots were about to also.
1. You don’t work for AA.
2. You arent an TWU/IAM Member.
3. You work at WN.
4. You are an AMFA member.
5. The members at AA know what happened.
6. Information is in the updates available to the members.
7. Myself or anyone else doesn’t owe you an explanation and even if you were given one you would say it’s fake and you know more.

If I was you I’d worry about your own SEVEN years of negotiations. And hasn’t AMFA released the T/A results by actual numbers?

Thought you said AMFA is transparent and doesn’t hide things from the members.
none of us are members. You are correct, dont owe a thing to us. As far as updates, the updates are useless. I correctly picked this week's update. i predict next week will be limited progress. Then "negotiations have stalled" then back to good update. Thats how its been for 4 years.
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