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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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Kev, maybe YOU can post the 'final offer' for us to review... can your inside connections at Delta help?

Maybe that bank teller dude can find it... it has to laying around somewhere...

Josie you hit the old gals funny bone with this one. You even made Madge cough up her Pea Soup.

Kev, maybe YOU can post the 'final offer' for us to review... can your inside connections at Delta help?

Maybe that bank teller dude can find it... it has to laying around somewhere...

Can’t help you. Maybe your AGCs can come through?

If they answer, remind them that holding the line on LUS medical and the flight count LOA will be game changers for the entire industry for the foreseeable future.

Would probably even turn the tide at DL, and get us back in the IAM.

Thanks in advance.
Josie you hit the old gals funny bone with this one. You even made Madge cough up her Pea Soup.

Weez... I'll betcha redlegs has that final offer... or.. maybe them pilgrims...

No wait... I'll bet Ten Bears has it...

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I heard they gave to either Jimmy Hoffa, D.B. Cooper, or Amelia Earhart for safe keeping.
Things sure have gotten quiet on here since CB and P.Rez went into hiding after everyone found out about the proposal to boost AGC pay.
Very true but in their defense CB and Prez dont have much to add cause they arent in on negotiations even though they are negotiators.Not only that they are probably on a spending spree with their new found money
Very true but in their defense CB and Prez dont have much to add cause they arent in on negotiations even though they are negotiators.Not only that they are probably on a spending spree with their new found money

That vote isn’t over yet Al. If you belong to the LL in Jackson Heights you still have time to vote no to the changes? If you belong to the one in Ozone Park you’re SOOL since that meeting has passed.

Curious Al (I know I’ll regret asking you) I’m not attacking your opinion that you don’t think those Reps deserve the raise or even the money they make right now.

But I am curious if you think anyone out there is worth what they’re paid or a raise?

If not what do you think they should be making?
I heard they gave to either Jimmy Hoffa, D.B. Cooper, or Amelia Earhart for safe keeping.

I think I’ll sooner see the body of Osama Bin Laden before I see that Best, Final, Fantastic, Supercalafragalisticexpealodocious offer?
Very true but in their defense CB and Prez dont have much to add cause they arent in on negotiations even though they are negotiators.Not only that they are probably on a spending spree with their new found money
They were out campaigning this month for their big fat $150,000 gigs. Yes, it will be voted in since few will set their alarm for 4:30am to go vote. Toss in most other members who hate this union and want nothing to do with it and realize all elections are rigged, by constitution and bandits.

Whatever the case, these guys don't go in negotiations. They usually aren't even on the same floor. Not sure why they have to lie and tell everyone they are negotiating. The Local TWU Presidents are more honest and at least admit as much. Everything is second hand and conditioned what Sito wants to tell them. They really have no idea.
Things have sure gotten quiet in here since Perez... CB... and several others came onto these boards and decimated Tim's flimsy arguments with facts and credibility...

Tim claims we should accept some supposed 'final offer', while CB and others said it would undoubtedly weaken scope. I think I'll take their explanation on this, over that of Tim and his legions of proxy false profits!

Credibility is paramount, and I don't see it with the Nelsonians. Especially since they cannot post the details of this supposed final offer. Hell, they can't even articulate the exact language it is supposed to contain...
Hey, on the one hand, you say that no offer has been presented. On the other hand, you say that the company proposed 'when and where directed' on all scope. Which is it in your narrative? And I thought your dopes who put out a union update also said they were 'pleasantly surprised that the company offered all current scope." Not amazingly, they said that 3 days after I told everyone that the offer was coming down the pipe where the company would offer all current scope.

That said, for a moment, let's say that your narrative is true. How do you intend to get the company to change the 'when and where' directed?

Members wanna know

And, FWIW: the company proposal only put in 'when and where' directed on non scope items. Sorta like how LAA did the Alaska Airline flights in ORD, or how we do other airlines like Republic.
That vote isn’t over yet Al. If you belong to the LL in Jackson Heights you still have time to vote no to the changes? If you belong to the one in Ozone Park you’re SOOL since that meeting has passed.

Curious Al (I know I’ll regret asking you) I’m not attacking your opinion that you don’t think those Reps deserve the raise or even the money they make right now.

But I am curious if you think anyone out there is worth what they’re paid or a raise?

If not what do you think they should be making?

Sorry Al. I forgot to give you the address. I’m sure you’d never actually look it up.

Oh and the time is 12 Noon. Not 4:30 AM.

They were out campaigning this month for their big fat $150,000 gigs. Yes, it will be voted in since few will set their alarm for 4:30am to go vote. Toss in most other members who hate this union and want nothing to do with it and realize all elections are rigged, by constitution and bandits.

Tim your time to vote was on the 2nd at 3 PM. I hope you were outside with a Bullhorn and leafleting for your No vote to pass?

That vote isn’t over yet Al. If you belong to the LL in Jackson Heights you still have time to vote no to the changes? If you belong to the one in Ozone Park you’re SOOL since that meeting has passed.

Curious Al (I know I’ll regret asking you) I’m not attacking your opinion that you don’t think those Reps deserve the raise or even the money they make right now.

But I am curious if you think anyone out there is worth what they’re paid or a raise?

If not what do you think they should be making?
Well i could be sarcastic but truthfully low 100ks for the aggravation.They shouldnt get a raise until we have a joint.My opinion of course and i venture to say the majority's. I didnt even know of a vote.Usually it is in the back of a bar in LIC
Tim your time to vote was on the 2nd at 3 PM. I hope you were outside with a Bullhorn and leafleting for your No vote to pass?

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How many showed up?,They know this and take advantage if you could vote online you think a raise would pass. All voting is set in a way to favor their preferred outcome
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