Posted by IAM AGC Mark Baskett...
Briefing for 8-26-18
NEGOTIATIONS: Well as most of you have probably read by now from the Association update, this past week as usual, did not go well.
This past week was almost completely focused on scope for fleet service.
You have seen me state before on what we are trying to accomplish on scope. Our first goal is to secure all of our work in our 40 stations that we are performing today.
Then in a separate group of stations, we are trying to bring back up to 16 stations that we were once in. In these stations, we would not necessarily be guaranteed all the work. Probably just the core work.
Keep this in mind, we have only 40 stations today because of both unions going through their respective bankruptcies with the company. On the IAM side, we were down more than this until our merger with America West years ago, brought back the number we have today.
The company is telling us in negotiations, that not only do they not want to consider any of these new stations, but that we are being unreasonable
expecting all the work being performed today in our current stations. Again, they only want to guarantee " core " work in these 40 stations. Loading and unloading of aircraft.
I hope everyone understands this. They still want to take from our group, from what we have today in our current two contracts. This is the crazy mentality we are dealing with at the negotiating table. If our group wasn't living it today, I would say its not possible.
I'm saying it again. The company believes we are being unreasonable by asking for work that we are performing today in our current cities.
Seriously!!! Scope that is taken from a TWU bankrupt contract, and a IAM contract thats just one section 6 negotiation since bankruptcy. They want everyone out there to believe, that as the worlds largest carrier this is just not doable. The worlds largest carrier that Parker has stated will never lose money again.
We are currently performing all this work today, but yet they say we are being unreasonable to expect to keep this work for our members.
I don't think there is one person out there that would be reading this, that would think we are being unreasonable, except for the company negotiators.
We have to wake up and realize that this company wants the ability over a period of time in this contract to make much of our work just disappear.
Work that if we allow them to take, we will never get back. Some may disagree with this, and think we could get it back, so Ill ask you when? When would we get it back? When the company is profitable?? Oh yea, the company is profitable. In fact its been through record profits in the last few years.
Obviously this company now negotiates with the mentality that a group must give up work every time you negotiate a contract. We have to say enough is enough. We have to demand at the very least, to protect what we have today. If we fail to do this, what will they come after next time, after they have attritioned the fleet service work down to just the core work by the end of this contract. I guess the only thing left then would be to only offer core work in the hubs.
In my opinion, no matter how long this takes, we must protect all work we perform today. This in no way is asking for too much. In fact, we should be growing our work in these best of times just like our proposal suggest.
Brothers and sisters, we are in a fight, its time everyone realizes this. This is a fight to protect what you own. You don't play nice in a fight. You don't pretend the person you are fighting is your best friend. You fight!! And you fight for as long as it takes.
This company is proving what fleet service means to them. They are proving what each and everyone of you mean to them. They by their actions, they show what you mean to them. Sure, they will have an employee appreciation day sometime again I'm sure, and many of our members will feel loved again. But we better wake up. We better see the writing on the wall, and we better fight!!
We must all come together no matter what union we are from. And we must fight the company together to win. Don't let the naysayers out there tell you its too late to come together. Don't let them tell you there is no need to fight, and that it won't matter. I cant tell you when or how long we must fight. But I can tell you that the only way I am 100% confident that we would lose, is if we choose not to fight.
I'm asking all the brothers and sisters out there to have some pride, and stand up for what is simply fair and reasonable for our work group. Everyone stay determined, and yes, maybe get a little mad. We will get this done, and get a contract our members deserve.