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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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We dont have an offer. Lots of rumors but thats it. When if ever we see something could be a different story. Even if there are 2500 lost, that still leaves over 11,000 still a lot more then at southwest.
Kinda what I thought. Just more propaganda from the company.
You guys will always have way more numbers in mechs than SWA, as you alway have. Heck in comparison, even IF the 2500 layoff was true, that would almost be all the mechs at SWA by only leaving about 100 or so.

You would have to ask the Executive Negotiating Committee whoever that is. They are the ones crunching the revenue flow numbers and that is really all that matters to them!
Duly noted. Thx for the responses guys. Good luck with your nego's and AMP drive.
SWA has a TA. They start voting 3:00 PM ET on August 23, 2018, and will end at 10:00 AM ET on September 18, 2018. More like the company trying to get a yes votes.

Yes we do.
And yes the co. is trying extremely hard to get the yes votes.
They are trying so bad that they are taking some bullet points that the union said in their RS's and twisting them into complete lies and listing them as fact sheets and sent to every single mechanics email. Every single one of their fact check list listed was a lie. The company by doing this is getting more and more no votes by the simple fact that they are lying so much, so hard, to get the yes votes. It's pathetic and totally unprofessional of the company the way they are working their side of the table. All their puppets going around on the floor to drum up yes votes are actually turning yes's to fence sitters and even over to no votes with their propaganda crap. It's great, let them go, they are doing a great job.
Some of their puppets were using scare tactics saying it will be several years before they are able to be brought back to the table again and get another T/A and others said look how long it took for the pilots and F/A's to get another vote. Well the pilots and F/A's had a hell of a lot more open items after their first no votes compared to us. The main thing with ours, and the company has admitted to is economics period. Would take hardly any time to get economics cleared up if that is the only items. It will be totally up to the co. on how long THEY wish to drag this out as the mediator has said time and time again that these two groups can meet any time they wish to "WITHOUT" her as long as they bring her up to date on progress made. The union has, numerous times, reached out to meet with the company on several occasions, without the mediator there to progress the nego's faster and they have refused every single time. Yes, refused, not even trying to accomodate dates or even trying with effort, flat out refuses to.
All this is fact and the company is flat out lying to your faces when they claim they are willing to meet any time, any place without the mediator to get this deal done. We have all heard them say it, but it's all lies and propaganda to make the membership think they will. They won't, they refuse to and I have read the emails myself from both sides. Don't be fooled by the companies propaganda circus shows, the puppets are sent to the floors to do a job and get all the yes votes they can. Let's send them packing back to the table with a big NO vote. They want a yes (passing vote) then adjust the economics to what they should be and send it back out period.
We dont have an offer. Lots of rumors but thats it. When if ever we see something could be a different story. Even if there are 2500 lost, that still leaves over 11,000 still a lot more then at southwest.
Ask Swampy why AMFA in our road shows , that you guys in January of 2019, were going to surpass us in pay, if we vote our current offer in? I find that very interesting since you guys have no T/A to look at. Maybe AMFA is clairvoyant? It totally explains why you guys want to go with AMP. Good Luck in your card drive.
Didn’t one of the Locals say there were to be meetings the 22nd and 23rd? Was that with AA or just the Executive and Negotiating committee? So, should we expect an Association update today?
i look forward more to tim nelson's updates and how the clock is ticking...just 2 more weeks.

did i read here or on jetnet that someone is supposing that there is a rift at the top of management; in regards to a contract for fleet & m & r?

supposedly, parker and glass are more conciliatory and isom/johnsen are hawkish. is this more good cop/bad cop stuff?
Didn’t one of the Locals say there were to be meetings the 22nd and 23rd? Was that with AA or just the Executive and Negotiating committee? So, should we expect an Association update today?
Should be one soon
Should be one soon
Yep, it's now out. No good news.

Brothers and Sisters,

"The Association Executive leadership met with American Airlines management this week to push through the tough Fleet Service Scope issues and proposals we have exchanged. Your committee was initially pleased when the Company’s Chief Negotiator offered to include protection for all of the fleet work currently performed at the 40 fleet service stations".

"When the Association committee began to engage the offer, the Company negotiators abruptly reversed course, denied the offer they made and insisted that health care and wages be agreed to before they would agree to any further scope discussions".

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Yep, it's now out. No good news.

Brothers and Sisters,

"The Association Executive leadership met with American Airlines management this week to push through the tough Fleet Service Scope issues and proposals we have exchanged. Your committee was initially pleased when the Company’s Chief Negotiator offered to include protection for all of the fleet work currently performed at the 40 fleet service stations".

"When the Association committee began to engage the offer, the Company negotiators abruptly reversed course, denied the offer they made and insisted that health care and wages be agreed to before they would agree to any further scope discussions".

Maybe I was wrong....Maybe we are not being held hostage by the IAM minority and their medical after all.....Maybe we are being held hostage by fleet's scope!
Maybe I was wrong....Maybe we are not being held hostage by the IAM minority and their medical after all.....Maybe we are being held hostage by fleet's scope!
Believe what you want, I honestly have no clue now. AA states nothing happens until medical and wages are resolved. I didn't even know wages was a problem.
Believe what you want, I honestly have no clue now. AA states nothing happens until medical and wages are resolved. I didn't even know wages was a problem.

Did you think that the Association only asked for the measly 3% above that the Company offered?

They didn’t.
Each group gets up to the plate to take a swing at the ball.

Right now it’s Fleet holding the bat.
Weazz that's called true negotiations, there are counters, and counter offers, neither side gets everything they want. If can't come up with something you can sell to your members after say 5 or 6 years, unless they are going to gut your scope. You are not doing your job as a union. Good luck to you guys getting a contract.
Believe what you want, I honestly have no clue now. AA states nothing happens until medical and wages are resolved. I didn't even know wages was a problem.
I agree people can believe what they want. But what everyone has to realize is that scope and insurance are the two main issues. But scope by far is the biggest. What the company is obviously doing and saying is that they are not willing to move off their position on scope until the insurance, and a few other things are finalized.
It’s all cost out in negotiations. The company has a set dollar amount they want to achieve. If they give more than they want say in scope, then they have to stand firm on the other issues to meet their dollar amount. The war starts when both sides refuse to move off their set dollar amounts. The company has a set amount. They don’t care how we slice it up, they just don’t want us going over that amount. The key is to get the company to move off of that set amount.
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